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Veteran Motor Pocketbook by A Bird 256 page hard cover 6"x4" history covering early motorcars prior to 1920 with chapters for each manufacturer (30_VeteranPocke)
$19.95 |
Ettore Bugatti Biography of his early years 143 pgs by Maggi & Nicolini (19788875590420)
$32.95 |
00-45 the History & Development of Light Cars by C Caunter 120 page history covering the Alfa Romeo Austin Bugatti Citroen Ford & more (22_LightCars)
$49.95 |
Gaston Grummer the art of Carrosserie by Friry 736 two vol set with 1,023 photos (33_Grummer)
$294.95 |
Sports Cars Album by J W Freeman 142 page history with surveys on such makes as Bentley Aston Martin Jaguar Healey MG Bugatti Mercedes Benz Porsche Alfa Romeo Lancia Fiat Maserati and many more (26_SportAlbum)
$39.95 |
Bugatti A Racing History By David Venables (28_134933AE)
$129.95 |
BUGATTI History Book by HG Conway 455 hardbound pages with many B&W photos & illustrations (28_BugattiConwa)
$39.95 |
The Bugatti Story By W Boddy (Bugatti_Story)
$39.95 |
Bugatti History Book by Ronald Barker with Introduction by Hugh Conway 156 pages with illustrations (Ballantine's Illustrated History of the Car marque book No1) (23_BugattiBarke)
$29.95 |
The Schlumpf Automobile Collection by Halwart Schrader 180 pages with lots of illustrations in German, French & English (30_SchlumpfColl)
$29.95 |
Bugatti the Designer inventions ideas thoughts & follies of Ettore including cars boats trains planes horses & carriages 360 pages by B. Eaglesfield (46_BUGTD)
$44.95 |
Jacques Saoutchik Maitre Carrossier 3 volume book set by Larsen & Erickson (50_SAOTCHIK)
$3,999.95 |
The Bugatti Book - compiled by Barry Eaglesfield and CWP Hampton - 376pp 250 illustrations on the historical, racing, and technical developments of these iconic cars (56_BugattiBook)
$64.95 |
The Motorists Weekend Book - Edited by Michael Frostick and Anthony Harding - over 300 pages of articles on motoring and related subjects (60_MotoristWeek)
$19.95 |
The Motor Car An Illustrated History by Anthony Blond 255 hardbound pages (31_Motor_Car)
$29.95 |
The Straight Eight Engine 8 Powering Premium Automobiles by K Ray 404 pages (40_Straight_8)
$94.95 |
French Curves Delahaye Delage Talbot Lago Mulling Automotive Museum Vol #2 by Adatto Figoni Hinds & Furman (40_French_Curv)
$179.95 |
00-71 Sports Cars of the World by B. Kovacik incl articles on Ferrari Porsche Bugatti Alfa Bentley Stutz Duesenberg Morgan Scarab Lotus Maserati Isotta Fraschini & more 320 pgs by Petersen (35_SportCarWrld)
$19.95 |
The World of Automobiles vol 3 An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Motor Car covering models BR thru CH including British Leyland BRM Racing Bugatti Buick Cadillac Chaparral Chenard & Walcker Chevrolet Chevron & more (40_WOA_V03)
$29.95 |
Bugatti - Thoroughbreds from Molsheim - by Pierre Dumont - The entire Bugatti history (75_BugattiMolsh)
$69.95 |
66 Harrahs Automobile Collection (66_HarrahAutoCo)
$9.95 |
The Classic Twin Cam Engine: 275 pages hardcover by G. Borgeson (60_30883)
$229.95 |
1890-1969 A History of Sports Cars by GN Georgano Hardcover 320 pgs (30_SportsCarHis)
$19.95 |
The Encyclopedia of the World's Classic Cars A technical directory of the most magnificent cars from 1900 to late 1970's by Graham Robson 248 pages Hadbound color photos (30_EncyClasCars)
$69.95 |
Sleeping Beauties by Hesselmann & Schrader about a forgotten collection of classic cars in France that included Bugatti and more.. 160 pages in both English & German text (50_37794)
$59.95 |
The Bugatti Story by L'Ebe Bugatti (30_BugattiStory)
$39.95 |
Restoring Motorcycles - Two Stroke Engines by Roy Bacon (89_RestMotorc4B)
$89.95 |
Dream Cars History Book by Richard Nichols 190 hardbound pages (45_DreamCars)
$24.95 |
Bugatti Carlo Rembrandt Ettore Jean An investigation into the talents and works of the entire Bugatti Family Catalogues an exhibition of the work of the Bugatti family by Amanda Dunsmore 108 pgs 161 illustrations (59781864703382)
$79.95 |
Ettore Bugatti - Portrait of a Man of Genius - a biography by W F Bradley (59_EttoreBugatt)
$84.95 |
Granite & Marble Directory of Resting Places of Motor Racing Greats by Eddie (65_Spridget)
$74.95 |
Classic Cars by Roger Hicks; Illustrated history of great marques including Porsche, Ferrari, Cadillac & Rolls Royce (94_Marques)
$29.95 |
Volume 06, Issue 1 of Automobile Quarterly featuring; Bugatti 8 articles Chrysler the early years Jaguar XK120 and 427 Cobra compared (B20_AQVol06Iss1)
$19.95 |
Volume 10, Issue 3 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Bugatti, Burma Shave, Connaught and for the majority of the issue a major section on Studebaker (B20_AQVol10Iss3)
$19.95 |
Volume 17, Issue 4 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Ford Falcon Sprint, Bugatti, Lincoln, 1/43 models & others (B20_AQVol17Iss4)
$14.95 |
Volume 19, Issue 4 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Bugatti, Porsche 917-30, Post-war Chevy 6 & others (B20_AQVol19Iss4)
$6.95 |
Volume 21, Issue 3 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Buick GS-X, '59 Impala, Austin 7, Scarab, Bugatti 57 & others (B20_AQVol21Iss3)
$14.95 |
Volume 24, Issue 4 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Bugatti Royale Healey Mercury Cougar & others. (B20_AQVol24Iss4)
$49.95 |
Volume 34, Issue 2 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Bugatti EB 110, Delage D8 & others (B20_AQVol34Iss2)
$29.95 |
Volume 34, Issue 3 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Lancia Aurelia, German Concept Cars; Bugatti Royale; others (B20_AQVol34Iss3)
$29.95 |
Volume 37 Issue 3 of Automobile Quarterly featuring 1969 Mustang Boss 429 Racing Maxwells Corsica Family Ferraris Chrysler's Engineers Marquette the Schlumpf Collection and much more (B20_AQVol37Iss3)
$24.95 |
the Spirit of Competition F. Simeone Museum M. Furman (B019950065D2033)
$184.95 |
Great Car Collections of the World by E Eves & D Burger large format illustrated history of great cars and marques from museum collections around the world (30_CarColl)
$14.95 |
Art of the Poster: Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance 130 page large color hardbound book about Pebble Beach Councours and Race posters over the many years through 2003 by R. Devlin (80_Posters)
$69.95 |
Great Marques: Bugatti History Book Covers the history of the Company ; the cars ; the personalities ; and the competition successes.Well illustrated in colour. 80 Hardbound Pages by Conway (52_BugattiMarqu)
$29.95 |
Volume 43 Issue 3 of Automotive Quarterly Featuring White Buick Gangloff Bugatti and more... (B20_AQVol43Iss3)
$29.95 |
Great Cars of the World Firsts in Automotive Engineering & Design by J Pressnell hardcover 216 pages (60_GreatCarsWor)
$29.95 |
Million Dollar Classics The Worlds Most Expensive Cars by M Derrick & S Clay hardcover 192 pages (40_MilDolClass)
$39.95 |
The Encyclopedia of Classic Cars over 1000 of the world's finest automobiles from 1891 to 2003 edited by D. Lillywhite 544 pages Hardbound color photos (47_EncyClasCars)
$69.95 |
The Bugatti 100P Record Plane created by Ettore Bugatti & Louis de Monge large heavy 3.5lb hardcover by J. Horst (90_BugattiPlane)
$389.95 |