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Dennis Kirban Interviews Bill Campbell, Co-founder of Hurst-Campbell Inc. and Hurst Performance Products Inc., on DVD (77_7041)
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Dumpy Book of Motors & Road Transport by H Sampson 317 page cataloging all makes & models of cars & trucks as of 1956 (30_DumpyHist)
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Zoom The Global Race to Fuel the Car of the Future by Iain Carson and Vijay V Vaitheeswaran (B07_ZOOM)
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Todays Sports and Competition Cars by Tom McCahill (59_TodaysSportC)
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30-90 Encyclopedia of American Cars by Auto Editors of Consumer Guide hardcover 816 pgs (60_EncyclAmCars)
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The official book of the Antique Automobile Club of America by Robert C Litchy - A 60 year history of dedication the automobile (65_AntiqueAuto)
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Dudley Noble - Milestones in a Motoring Life - the History of the growth of the motor trade into the motor industry (69_DudleyNoble)
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Birth of a Giant the Men & Incidents That Gave America the Motorcar by R Crabb 467 page hard cover history detailing ise of American auto industry incl: Dodge Leland Ford Oldsmobile Buick Nash Chevrolet Nash Chrysler & more (20_BOAG_Crabb)
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Antique Car Wrecks From Old Cars Weekly "Wreck of the Week" Photo Album edited by J Gunnell 222 pages (31_Wrecks)
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00-64 Autobiography by Red Book Blue Book published by National Market Reports buying guide (30_NationalRed)
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1001 Muscle Car Facts by Steve Magnante (75_1001_Muscle)
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Volume 40 Issue 2 of Automobile Quarterly featuring 1953 Buick Skylark Dodge Power Wagon Rolls Royce Phantom I and more (B20_AQVol40Iss2)
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Early American Car Advertisments by Q David Bowers (40_EarlyAdverti)
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Great Maques of America by Jonathan Wood (50_MarquAmerica)
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Man and Motor - the 20th Century Love Affair - edited by Derek Jewell - A compilation of articles and pictures about how deep the passion runs between man and the machine that defined the 20th century - published 1967 (67_ManMotorLove)
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Station Wagons by Byron Olsen & Dan Lyons 128 pgs Color pictures of American wagons from 20-87 pub by MBI 2000 (B00_StationWago)
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Buick, When Better Automobiles Are Built...Buick Will Build Them. Dated 1972. 52 pages. With 100+ photos and drawings. Takes an indepth look at Buick through their dealer sales brochures and ads. (50_BuickAds)
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How to Maintain & Enjoy Your Collector Car by J Malks 160 pgs (25_CollectorCar)
$19.95 |
The American Automobile; A Brief History; John Rae. Covers successful and defunct companies. 265 pg (30_RAE_30)
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The Seventy Years of Buick 1903-73 History Book by George Dammann (35_70YearsBuick)
$79.95 |
The Antique Automobile by St John Nixon (50_AntiqueAutom)
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Great American Automobiles - A Dramatic Account of their Achievements in Competition by John Bentley (57_GreatAmAuto)
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11-83 American Supercar Development of the Detroit High Performance Car by R. Huntington 176 pages (47_AmSupercar)
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The World of Automobiles vol 3 An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Motor Car covering models BR thru CH including British Leyland BRM Racing Bugatti Buick Cadillac Chaparral Chenard & Walcker Chevrolet Chevron & more (40_WOA_V03)
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Wonderful World of the Automobile by Ken W Purdy (63_WonderfulWor)
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The Motorists Miscellany - by Anthony Harding (64_MotoristMisc)
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1895-1970 Car of the Year - A 75 year Parade of American Automobiles that made news - by Henry B Lent (35_CarofYear)
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Power in Motion the Automotive Design Career of Bill Mitchell (40_BillMitch)
$74.95 |
The Worlds Automobiles 1880-1958 - A record of 78 years of car building by G R Doyle (25_WorldsAuto)
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11-89 Pace Cars of the Indy 500 by Riggs approx 250 pages year by year pictorial history in hardcover (50_Pace_Cars)
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68 Harrahs Automobile Collection (68_HarrahAutoCo)
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69 Harrahs Automobile Collection (69_HarrahAutoCo)
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How to Modify your Retro or Classic Car for High Performance by Daniel Stapleton (50_196256AE)
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The Car - It's History - How it Works - The Great Marques - with consultant editor Maurice Smith - with over 360 illustrations (80_TheCarGreatM)
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The Buick A Complete History by Dunham & Gustin published by Automotive Quarterly 441 hardcover pages with many color photos 1905-1987 (45_AQ_BuickHist)
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Age of the Automobile by G Bishop 192 page hard cover history (50_AutoAge)
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view cover of Ultimate Auto Album 504 pages by Tad Burness starting in 1900 thru 1985
Ultimate Auto Album 504 pages by Tad Burness starting in 1900 thru 1985 (40_139576)
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The American Automobile Industry by John B Rae (85_AmAutoIndust)
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Harrahs Automobile Collection Special Edition (77_HarrahAutoCo)
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Classic American Cars by Quentin Willson 192 pages color illust. hardbound (45_ClassAmerica)
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Automobiles of America - Milestones Pioneers Roll Call and Highlights - Wayne State University Press (60_AutoOfAmeric)
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75 years of Excellence, Hard cover book celebrating 75 years of General Motors (75_yr_history)
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Motoring History by LTC Rolt - from the early Steam Vehicles of the 19th Century to the streamlined vehicles of today - published 1964 (64_MotorHistory)
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Classic Cars of the World by Quentin Willson 416 page hard cover with plentiful color photographs (45_ClassWolrd)
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Worlds Greatest Classic Cars Complete Histories with Unique Cutaway Drawings 241 page hard cover history published by Grange Books (50_ClassicGrang)
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Art of the American Automobile The Greatest Stylists and Their Work by Nick Georgano 268 hardbound pages (60_ArtAmericanA)
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1869 1967 the Smithsonian Collection of Automobiles & Motorcycles 164 page history detailing the early years of motoring through the Smithsonian's extensive collection of gas powered vehicles (18_Smithsonian)
$19.95 |
Station Wagon A Tribute to America's Workaholic on Wheels by Ron Kowalke 254 pgs (49_StationWagon)
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Great Cars of the 20th Century by Brown & Langworth & the editors of Consumer Guide 420 pages large format hardcover (50_Great_Cars)
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Motoring Costume by Andrew Lane about the driving costumes of the early 1900s (87_MotoringCost)
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