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83 Fisher body manual for A, X, J, T, F, & G bodies by Buick, Oldsmobile, Pontiac, 7 Chevrolet 1983 models (83_A_G_Fisher)
$19.95 |
83 Shop Service Repair Manual by Buick for LeSabre, Electra, Riviera, Regal, Turbo, Century, and other Buick Models (83_BK_Svc)
$129.95 |
83 Dealer Sales Album by Buick covering all 1983 models including Skyhawk Skylark Century Regal Le Sabre LeSabre Electra Riviera & Station Wagons product information with color & trim options (83_Buick_Album)
$299.95 |
83 Fisher Body car Service Manual, B-C-D-E-G-K Styles by Cadillac Buick Oldsmobile Pontiac Chevrolet 1983 models (83_FshBodSrv)
$29.95 |
83 Skylark Owners manual by Buick (83Owners_Manual - Not a shop manual)
$19.95 |
83 Riviera owners manual by Buick (83_25512269 - Not a shop manual)
$39.95 |
83 Electra Owners manual by Buick (83_ElectraOwn - Not a shop manual)
$21.95 |
83 LeSabre Owners manual by Buick (83_LeSabreOwn - Not a shop manual)
$17.95 |
83 Regal Owners Manual by Buick (83_OM - Not a shop manual)
$21.95 |
83 Century owners manual by Buick (83_owners - Not a shop manual)
$21.95 |
1983 Skyhawk Owners Manual by Buick (83_Skyhawk_OM - Not a shop manual)
$24.95 |
83 Buick T Types Sales Brochure 12 pages (83_BuickTTyp_CC)
$12.95 |
83 Buick T Types Motor Trend Magazine Road Test reprint Article sales brochure originally from August 1982 featuring the Century Regal Riviera Skyhawk and Skylark 6 pages (83_BuickTTyp_Mg)
$7.95 |
83 Buick Range Sales Brochure (83_Buick_CC)
$12.95 |
83 Buick Range Sales Brochure (83_Buick_CCS)
$9.95 |
83-84 Motor's Vacuum and Wiring Diagram manual American Motors, Chrysler, and Ford. (83_MotorEVM)
$34.95 |
82-84 Wirring Diagram for Passenger Cars by Chiltons (83_Chilt_Wire)
$36.95 |
85-93 Electra & Park Ave & Ultra parts and illustration catalog Manual by Buick (89_C_parts)
$49.95 |
82-85 Riviera Convertible Top shop service repair manual Supplement by Buick (82_BK_Conv_Sup)
$26.95 |
86 Wirring Diagram for Passenger Cars by Chiltons, Professional Mechanics Edition (86_Chilt_Wire)
$59.95 |
82-92 GM J-Car Repair and tune-up guide by Chiltons, covers Skyhawk, Cimarron, Cavalier, Firenza and Pontiac 2000 (87_7059)
$8.95 |
125 125C Automatic Transmission Principles of operation & troubleshooting: by Hydramatic & General Motors (82_AT125C_POC)
$19.95 |
1984 HOT ROD ANNUAL includes Exciting Buildups: Street Machines, Kit Cars, Street Rods, Race Cars & Off Roaders (84_HotRodAnnual)
$29.95 |
125 Automatic Transaxle Service Training Principles of Operation for THM125 Hydramatic Transmission (80_125)
$19.95 |
78-83 Wirring Diagram for Import Passenger Cars & Light Trucks, covers most popular models, by Chiltons (80_Chilt_ImpWir)
$39.95 |
80-85 Citation, Skylark, Phoenix, Omega; Chilton's Manual for Chevrolet, Pontiac, Buick, & Oldsmobile (825_7049U)
$21.95 |
80-85 Skylark Large Format Manual for Buick by Chilton's (82B_28460)
$29.95 |
80-85 shop service repair manual Chevrolet Citation Buick Skylark Pontiac Phoenix Oldsmobile Omega by Haynes (82_38020_Ch)
$12.95 |
80-85 GM X-Body Shop Service Repair Manual by Chiltons (all U.S. & Canadian models of Skylark, Citation, Omega, Phoenix) (82_7049)
$13.95 |
80-85 X-Cars Shop Manual Skylark, Citation, Omega, Phoenix Service Manual by Clymer (82_A276)
$14.95 |
65-75 Power Pac Buick Performance & Restoration Tips: 196 pages. by S. L. Dove for all Gran Sport, Skylark and GSX Buicks (845_6791)
$129.95 |
82-87 GM A Cars Shop Service Repair Manual by Clymer - Covers the Buick Century , Chevrolet Celebrity , Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera and Pontiac 6000 (845_A259)
$24.95 |
81-86 Tune-up Specs for all Domestic & Imported Cars, by AC-Delco (84_TuneupSpec)
$14.95 |
85 Wirring Diagram for Passenger cars by Chiltons Proffesional Mechanics Edition (85_Chilt_Wire)
$59.95 |
82-90 Parts Manual by Buick covering 82-87 Regal Century including turbo & Grand National 82-85 Riviera 82-85 Skylark 82-90 Electra Estate Wagon and more.. (845_8081)
$169.95 |
Varajet II Service Manual by General Motors for model Carburetor Model #E2SE (81_VarajetSvc)
$24.95 |
80-86 Chilton's Vacuum Diagrams Manual for Import Cars & Light Trucks (83_7822)
$34.95 |
83 Mitchell Electrical Service & Repair Manual for Imported cars & Trucks Supplement. Manuals for the Automotive Professional. (83_Mitc_ImpElec)
$25.95 |
GNX Buick Special edition padded hardcover full history all models with many color photos by Martyn Schorr (85_GNX_82_88)
$199.95 |
77-83 Chilton's Labor Guide & Parts Manual for Domestic Cars (professional edition) (80_Chlt_Lab7783)
$34.95 |
76-83 Chilton's Auto Repair Manual for Domestic Cars (79_Chilt_7683)
$19.95 |
77-84 Chilton's Domestic Car Repair Manual (80_Chilt_7784)
$24.95 |
77-84 Parts & Time Guide. Professional Service Trade Edition by Motor (80_Mtr_Lab7784)
$24.95 |
78-85 Fuel Injection manual by haynes (82_10215)
$34.95 |
78-85 Chilton's Domestic & Canadiian Auto Repair Manual (82_Chilt_7885)
$19.95 |
79-86 Chilton's Domestic Car Repair Manual for U.S. and Canadian Models (83_Chilt_7986)
$24.95 |
80-87 Shop Service Repair Manual by Chiltons (84_Chilt_8087)
$39.95 |
77-84 Service Bay Handbook for Mechanics by Chilton for Import & Domestic vehicles (84_SvcBay_Hbk)
$11.95 |
82-89 Chiltons Auto Repair Manual covering US and Canadian models (85_7834)
$44.95 |
83-90 Chilton's Domestic Car Repair Manual for U.S. and Canadian models (86_Chilt_8390)
$19.95 |