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1900-42 Maryland Automobile History by Rector R Seal (21_MarylandAuto)
$49.95 |
1900-54 American Automobile Album 224 page hard cover History (25_AmAutoAL)
$19.95 |
Audels Truck and Tractor Guide for Mechanics and Drivers of Gas & Diesel Motors by Frank D Graham 1300 small format pages published 1951 (51_AudelTruckTr)
$34.95 |
Combustion on Wheels - An informal history of the Automobile Age by David L Cohn (20_CombustionWh)
$19.95 |
Rodders Journal Number 34 Fall 2006 Magazine with articles on 1950 Chey Lowrider Ford Roadster Supercharged Chrysler Hemmi Willys & more (B06_RodderJourn)
$19.95 |
A History of the Monte Carlo Rally by Michael Frostick (63_HistMonteCar)
$39.95 |
Races that Shook the World by Rodney Walkerley (69_RacesShookWo)
$32.95 |
How to Maintain & Enjoy Your Collector Car by J Malks 160 pgs (25_CollectorCar)
$19.95 |
Motoring - A Pictoral History of the first 150 Years by L T C Rolt (74_MotoringRolt)
$14.95 |
Motor Car Lovers Companion edited by Richard Hough - with articles written by Aldous Huxley, Jacques Ickx, Henry Miller, Lord Montagu, Laurence Pomeroy, Osbert Sitwell and more (65_MotorCarLove)
$12.95 |
Automotive Electronics by Rudolf Graf and George Whalen (50_AutoElectron)
$14.95 |
Daytona USA by Willam Neely - The Official history of Daytona and Ormond Beach Racing from 1902 to todays NASCAR Super Speedways - published 1980 (50_DaytonaUSA)
$29.95 |
75 Years of Chevrolet by G Dammann Hardcover 536 pages (50_111479AP)
$89.95 |
Volume 44 Issue 1 of Automotive Quarterly including Corvette Allard J2 and more... (B20_AQVol44Iss1)
$29.95 |
Classic Cars by Piero Casucci - Rand McNally Color Illustrated Guides (78_ClassicCarsG)
$9.95 |
Age of the Automobile by G Bishop 192 page hard cover history (50_AutoAge)
$14.95 |
Geo Storm 4 Speed Transaxle Shop Service Repair Manual by Geo GM Service Technology Group published 1989 (89_17002021)
$39.95 |
All Color World of Cars by Phil Drackett - Charts the history and development of the car (79_ColorWorldCa)
$19.95 |
A Technical History of the Motor Car by Newcomb and Spurr (89_TechnicalHis)
$99.95 |
Auto Service and Repair - A Book on the basics of Auto Repair applicable to all vehicles by Martin W Stockel (70_SotckelAutoS)
$9.95 |
1896-1986 Standard Catalog of American Light Duty Trucks pickups panels vans all models, J Gunnell editor (45_0873412389)
$34.95 |
Automobiles of America - Milestones Pioneers Roll Call and Highlights - Wayne State University Press (60_AutoOfAmeric)
$14.95 |
75 years of Excellence, Hard cover book celebrating 75 years of General Motors (75_yr_history)
$24.95 |
01-92 American Volunteer Fire Trucks by Wood & Sorensen 336 pgs 550+ photographs incl American LaFrance Pierce Pirsch Seagrave Ward & more (45_FireTrucks)
$29.95 |
Practical Auto Detailing at Home by Rourke M OBrien and John B Thomas (70_PracticalAut)
$8.95 |
American Work Trucks Pictorial History of Commercial Trucks 1900-1994 edited by J Gunnell 304 pgs (47_WorkTrucks)
$19.95 |
Classic Cars of the World by Quentin Willson 416 page hard cover with plentiful color photographs (45_ClassWolrd)
$9.95 |
Pickups - The Phenomenal Mainstay of Americas Automobile Industry by Terry Jackson - covering Ford Chevrolet Dodge and more. Hardcover in 192 pages (75_PickupMainst)
$39.95 |
Inside Track - A Photo Documentary of NASCAR Stock Car Racing by Benny Parsons with photos by George Bennett - The photo ducumentation of a year of NASCAR racing and following several drivers and their teams (96_InsideTrack)
$14.95 |
Station Wagon A Tribute to America's Workaholic on Wheels by Ron Kowalke 254 pgs (49_StationWagon)
$19.95 |
Speed Secrets - Professional Race Driving Techniques by Ross Bentley (90_SpeedSecrets)
$19.95 |
Great American Convertibles 143 page over-sized hard cover history with numerous photographs pub by Publications International (99_GreAmCon)
$29.95 |
Convertible Top Restoration & Installation by F Mattson 176 pgs with step by step instructions & 400 color photos & charts (69_SA438)
$32.95 |
The Automobile - The First Century - An international history of the car and car racing with over 700 illustrations - by David Burgess-Wise , William Boddy and Brian Laban (83_AutoCentury)
$29.95 |
Volume 20, Issue 1 of Automobile Quarterly featuring GP cars of the '50's, Harley Earl, Figoni At Falaschi, Desoto, '82 GM F-bodies. (B20_AQVol20Iss1)
$7.95 |
Volume 32, Issue 3 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Sunoco Camaro Zagato Automatic Transmissions Cisitalia Canadian Chrysler & others. (B20_AQVol32Iss3)
$39.95 |
Hershey Worlds Greatest Antique Car Event by R Taylor and J Constantine 160 page hard cover with many color photos detailing the many charms of one of America's premier antique car shows (97_Hershey)
$34.95 |
Volume 44 Issue 3 of Automotive Quarterly including SSR Lear Alfa Romeo RLTF Siata Etceterini Austin Corvette Pic-Pic & more (B20_AQVol44Iss3)
$29.95 |
Hot Rod Horsepower Handbook Big Block Chevy by D. Freiburger 160 page restoration guide (50_HotRodFreib)
$24.95 |
Pickups - Classic American Trucks by Harry Moses and William Bennett Seitz - A Photographic and textual history of the classic American pickups (50_PickupGreatA)
$14.95 |
Professional Cars - Ambulances Hearses and Flower Cars by Gregg D Merksamer with 500+ photos in over 300 pages (53_Z_139575A)
$29.95 |
Cruisin the original Woodward Avenue 128 pages by Anthony Ambrogio & Sharon Luckerman (60_woodward)
$18.95 |
The Miller Dynasty - A Technical History of the Work of Harry A. Miller, his Associates, and his Successors by Mark L Dees (81_MillerDynast)
$279.95 |
The Pictoral History of the Car by Peter Roberts (78_CarPicHist)
$14.95 |
Chevy Parts locator guide for full sized Chevy's listing all vendors of parts & services for Chevrolet's of all vintages (53_C130395D)
$28.95 |
Special Leather Bound Edition of The Art and Colour of General Motors Published at the GM 100th Anniversary in colorfeaturing the color photography Michael Furman & lively, entertaining essays by America's most distinguished classic car historians (50_ArtColGmLTHR)
$149.95 |
Volume 46 Issue 3 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Pualin Pourtout Packard Corvette Beetle and more.... (B20_AQVol46Iss4)
$29.95 |
Hot to Swap GM Chevrolet LS Series Engines into Almost Anything swaps by Jefferson Bryant 144 pages (B00_SA156)
$34.95 |
How To Build Max Performance Chevy Small Blocks on a Budget by David Vizard (B00_SA57)
$32.95 |
How To Build Altered Wheelbase Cars by Steve Magnante (B10_SA189_P)
$29.95 |