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59 Chevy Passenger Car Wiring Diagram by Chevrolet (59_WDP)
$7.95 |
59 Chevy Wiring Diagram by Chevrolet Truck (59_WDT)
$8.95 |
59 El Camino Sales Brochure by Chevy in color by Chevrolet for ElCamino (59_ECSB)
$12.95 |
Corvette: American Legend Fuel Injection History series No 4 by Noland Adams (57_VetteLeg_4)
$39.95 |
55-59 Chevrolet by the numbers How to identify and verify all V-8 drivetrain parts for small and W-blocks on all passenger cars, including: Series 150 210 Bel Air Impala El Camino Corvette 240 pages by A. Colvin (57_GC59)
$54.95 |
52-59 shop service Repair Manual for American Domestic passenger Cars by Motors (55_Motors_Svc)
$49.95 |
59-66 Auto Repair Manual Shop Service by Motors 29th Edition covering all American cars from 1959-1966 (63_Mtr_5966)
$39.95 |
52-59 Flat Rate & parts manual 31st Edition, For American Cars & Trucks by Motor (56_Mtr_Lab5259)
$24.95 |
59-66 Flat Rate & Parts Manual, 38th Edition, for American Cars & Trucks by Motor (62_Mtr_Lab5966)
$24.95 |
53-61 Shop Service Auto Repair Manual for American cars by Motors (61_Mtr_5361_24)
$39.95 |
55-63 Shop Service Auto Repair Manual for American cars by Motors 1,324 pages (63_Mtr_5563)
$39.95 |
59-67 Shop Service Auto Repair Manual for American cars by Motors (63_Mtr_5967)
$39.95 |
56-64 National Service Data Manual for Buick Cadillac Chevrolet Chrysler De Soto Dodge Ford Hudson Lincoln Mercury Metropolitan Nash Oldsmobile Packard Plymouth Pontiac Rambler Studebaker & Willys (64_NationalSvcD)
$99.95 |
Manual for Chevrolet Owners by Popular Mechanics (copyright 1952) (53_Chv_PopMan - Not a shop manual)
$17.95 |
53-62 Corvette Wiring Diagram (57_WDCV)
$19.95 |
53-62 Complete Restoration & Technical Guide, Vol.1 by Noland Adams; 432 pg. how-to book for 53-62 Chevrolet Corvette HARDCOVER revised updated edition (58_100942AE)
$199.95 |
53-62 Complete Restoration & Technical Guide, Vol.1 by Noland Adams; 422 pg. how-to book for 53-62 Chevrolet Corvette HARDCOVER 1st edition (58_Noland_E1)
$249.95 |
54-63 Auto Repair Manual for American cars by Chiltons (59_Chilt_5463)
$34.95 |
50-59 Chevy's by Olsen; 160 pg book of history & archival photographs (55_123459AP)
$34.95 |
Chevrolet Bowties of the Fifties 248 hardbound pages many high quality B&W photos all car models by James Moloney (55_bowties)
$39.95 |
50-59 Cars of the Fabulous Fifties: A decade of High Style and Good Times by James M. Flammang and Consumer Guide illustrated (55_FabulousFift)
$29.95 |
Great American Automobiles of the 50's by Langworth & Poole & the editors of Consumer Guide (55_Great_Am)
$49.95 |
Fifities American Cars by Mike Mueller General history with color pictures 96 pages pub by MBI 1994 (94_AmericanCars)
$24.95 |
55-64 Chiltons Flat Rate & Parts Manual. For American Cars (60_Chlt_Lab5564)
$39.95 |
The Motor Repair Manual A Practical Handbook for Owner-drivers and amateur mechanics 10th edition first publ. 1952 (57_MotorRep10th)
$39.95 |
Classic Pickups of the 1950's History book about the golden age of the American pickup truck. by Mike Mueller 96 pages (55_128953AP)
$14.95 |
52-62 Flat Rate & Parts Manual for American Cars by Chiltons (56_Chlt_Lab5262)
$24.95 |
53-64 Chevrolet Book of Numbers includes Engine, Serial, Model, Transmission & Axle Numbers Vol.#2 (63_Chevy_Num_2)
$54.95 |
The Corvair Decade by Tony Fiore Corvair history and pictures pub by Corvair Society of America 144 pgs (80_CorvairDecad)
$29.95 |
Corvair Technical Guide by Larry Claypool & Clay Wispell for the Corvair Society of America Tips & technical advice for restoration & maintenance 300 pages 1986 (86_CorvairTech)
$99.95 |
59-70 Chevrolet parts interchange manual Camaro Chevelle Chevy II, Nova Full Size Impala Caprice Bel Air Biscayne 256 pgs by Paul Herd (645_121473AP)
$59.95 |
46-59 Encyclopedia of American Cars by James H Moloney and Geo H Dammann (52_AmericanCars)
$34.95 |
53-67 Corevtte Specifications Guide by J Amgwert 168 page Shop Service Repair Manual (60_CorvSpecGD)
$99.95 |
50-65 GM Interchange parts manual for all General Motors car models 230 pages Chevrolet Pontiac Oldsmobile Buick Cadillac (575_100955C)
$59.95 |
46-64 Passenger Car Parts & Illustration Manual by Chevrolet (55_Chev_Car_Prt)
$129.95 |
55-74 Chevrolet shop service Repair Manual by Glenn's Belair Camaro Caprice Impala Chevelle Nova Chevy 11 El Camino Nova MOnte Carlo (60_Glenns_SVC)
$39.95 |
Ragtops: Classic American Convertibles of the fifties and sixties by Thierry Emptas & Francois Lemeunier (65_Ragtops)
$39.95 |
101 GM Muscle Car Performance Projects covers Camaro Chevelle GTO Cutlass Skylark Tempest Impala Monte Carlo El Camino and many others (60_137465AP)
$39.95 |
Muscle Cars Illustrated History Book by John McGovren 125 pages (65_MuscleCarsJM)
$24.95 |
40-61 FIX YOUR CHEVROLET Owner's and Mechanics complete Handbook of Repair & Maintenance by B. Toboldt (V8 & V6) (50_FIXYOURCHEVY)
$19.95 |
53-75 Chevrolet Book of Numbers includes Engine, Serial, Model, Transmission & Axle Numbers Vol.#1 (64_ChevyBookNum)
$54.95 |
1959-1982 Chevrolet El Camino sprint Caballero Photofacts by Donald Wood. Model by Model photo history (72_DonaldWoodPh)
$29.95 |
RV Recreational Vehicle Motorhome maintenance shop service repair manual for Motor home camper trailer 200 pages by Clymer (68_X930)
$29.95 |
Corvette! America's Only, numbered Limited edtion 1st printing, hardcover 143 pages (60_5_Limited_Ed)
$29.95 |
UNSAFE AT ANY SPEED The Designed-In Dangers of the American Automobile by Ralph Nader 270 pages (62_UnsafeAnySpe)
$16.95 |
Muscle Cars Thunder & Greased Lightning by M Benson hard cover history with numerous color photographs (63_MuscleBen)
$19.95 |
Muscle Cars American Thunder by S Statham 144 page hard cover history with numerous photographs (65_MusCarAmer)
$19.95 |
53-78 America's Star-Spangled Sports Car-the Complete History, by Karl Ludvigsen; 324 pg. history of Corvettes thru 1978 publ. by Automobile Quarterly (78_Spangled)
$29.95 |
45-70 My Dad Had One of Those Classic American Cars by Nicky Wright general history with 200 pictures 150 pgs pub by Crescent Books 1992 (92_DadHadOne)
$24.95 |
53-79 Corvette America's Only True Sports Car by The Editors of Consumer Guide 96 illustrated pages; hard cover (66_Am_OnlyTrue)
$19.95 |