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20-80 Chevy Spotter's Guide by T. Burness with almost 1200 illustrations of Chevrolet cars spanning 6 decades (50_ChevySpotter)
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The Motorists Weekend Book - Edited by Michael Frostick and Anthony Harding - over 300 pages of articles on motoring and related subjects (60_MotoristWeek)
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The Vintage Motor Car by Cecil Clutton and John Stanford (60_VintageMotor)
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The official book of the Antique Automobile Club of America by Robert C Litchy - A 60 year history of dedication the automobile (65_AntiqueAuto)
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view cover of How to Restore your Chevrolet Pickup truck by Tom Brownell 224 pgs. 320 color photos 1928-1991 dissasembly & cleaning engine & electrics body & box chassis & paint body & trim
How to Restore your Chevrolet Pickup truck by Tom Brownell 224 pgs. 320 color photos 1928-1991 dissasembly & cleaning engine & electrics body & box chassis & paint body & trim (52_137250)
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Mag Wheels and Racing Stripes by David J Abodaher - Traces the development of the Stock Bodied Drag cars drom their beginning in 1910 with the Austo Daimler and Vauxhall to the 1973 Mustangs an Jaguars (73_MagWheelsRac)
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22-86 Service Bay Handbook for Mechanics Import & Domestic by Chilton 100th Anniversary Edition (86_SvcBay_Hbk)
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Sports Cars in Action by John R Bond - The history and specifications of early sports cars and information about eh different manufacturers - published 1954 (54_SportAction)
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Great Maques of America by Jonathan Wood (50_MarquAmerica)
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Station Wagons by Byron Olsen & Dan Lyons 128 pgs Color pictures of American wagons from 20-87 pub by MBI 2000 (B00_StationWago)
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view cover of How to build High Performance Ignition Systems by Todd Ryden updated edition 144 pages
How to build High Performance Ignition Systems by Todd Ryden updated edition 144 pages (B08_SA79)
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The Cars that got Away - Ideas Experiments and Prototypes by Michael Frostick (68_CarsGotAway)
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Volume 41 Issue 2 of Automobile Quarterly featuring '55 Corvette Fiat 155 Peerless and more (B20_AQVol41Iss2)
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The American Automobile; A Brief History; John Rae. Covers successful and defunct companies. 265 pg (30_RAE_30)
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Cabriolets - by Jean-Paul Thevenet and Peter Vann (40_Cabrio_Portf)
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The Antique Automobile by St John Nixon (50_AntiqueAutom)
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Edwardian Cars - A Reverie of Adventurous Motoring by Ernest F Carter (55_EdwardianCar)
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Great American Automobiles - A Dramatic Account of their Achievements in Competition by John Bentley (57_GreatAmAuto)
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Omnibus of Speed - An Introduction to the world of Motor Sport - compiled and edited by Charles Beaumont and William F Nolan - 1st Edition, published 1958 (58_OmnibusOfSpe)
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Modern Classics - The Great Cars of the Postwar Era - by Rich Taylor (88_ModernClassi)
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11-83 American Supercar Development of the Detroit High Performance Car by R. Huntington 176 pages (47_AmSupercar)
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The Motorists Miscellany - by Anthony Harding (64_MotoristMisc)
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1895-1970 Car of the Year - A 75 year Parade of American Automobiles that made news - by Henry B Lent (35_CarofYear)
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Motor Car Lovers Companion edited by Richard Hough - with articles written by Aldous Huxley, Jacques Ickx, Henry Miller, Lord Montagu, Laurence Pomeroy, Osbert Sitwell and more (65_MotorCarLove)
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Automotive Electronics by Rudolf Graf and George Whalen (50_AutoElectron)
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1918-94 Pickup Color History of Chevrolet & GMC, by Tom Brownell & Mike Mueller (38_119935AE)
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The Bosch Book of the Motor Car - Its Evolution and Engineering Development by John Day (75_MotorCarBosc)
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The American Custom Car Photographic & Cultural History Book by Pat Ganahl. This book examines the evolution of American custom cars from the 1930's to present. 168 hardcover pages. (80_133362AP)
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The Big Book of Barris Colorful coffee table book which highlights his most innovative & original works. 156 Hardbound pages with many B&W & color photos (80_135113AP)
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Automotive Tuneup by W Crouse & D Anglin - An introduction to Automotive mechanics (385_AutoTuneup)
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00-77 Great American Convertible by R Wieder 142 page history with numerous photographs (38_GreAm)
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1918-1995 Standard Catalog of Chevrolet pickups and other light duty trucks by John Gunnell 288 pages many black and white photos with detailed specifications (60_chevstandard)
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11-89 Chevrolet Restoration Directory over 700 service and supply sources for cars trucks & Corvettes by B. Kneifl 160 pages (50_ChevroRest)
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Automotive Engines Theory and Servicing by Herbert E Ellinger (74_AutoEngEllin)
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Daytona USA by Willam Neely - The Official history of Daytona and Ormond Beach Racing from 1902 to todays NASCAR Super Speedways - published 1980 (50_DaytonaUSA)
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Mopar Performance 273 318 340 360 A Engine and 383 400 413 426 440 B Engines by Larry Schreib (50_MoparPerform)
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Automotive Gas Turbines by Bill Carrolls Performance Engineering Handbooks (70_GasTurbines)
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Petersens Basic Engine Hot Rodding #2 Low -cost hop up tricks blueprinting shortcuts cams turbos injectors for street, mods cranks rods exhaust tuning headers for Pinto Vega & Mustang with over 200 detailed photos 192 pages (75_Pete_Eng)
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75 Years of Chevrolet by G Dammann Hardcover 536 pages (50_111479AP)
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How to Modify your Retro or Classic Car for High Performance by Daniel Stapleton (50_196256AE)
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The Great Old Cars - Where are they now - by Stanley K Yost (60_GreatOldCars)
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Esquires American Autos and their Makers - published 1963 (63_EsquireAuto)
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Off Road Vehicle Digest by Clair F Rees - Selecting Driving Trailblazing Troubleshooting Maintaining and Accessorizing 2 and 4 Wheel Drive Vehicles (79_OffRoadVDige)
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Dream Machines - Vans and Pickups by Irwin Stambler (80_DreamMachine)
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The Car - It's History - How it Works - The Great Marques - with consultant editor Maurice Smith - with over 360 illustrations (80_TheCarGreatM)
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Volume 44 Issue 1 of Automotive Quarterly including Corvette Allard J2 and more... (B20_AQVol44Iss1)
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Classic Cars by Piero Casucci - Rand McNally Color Illustrated Guides (78_ClassicCarsG)
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1918-2002 Chevrolet Pickups by Mike Mueller (42_ChevPickups)
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Age of the Automobile by G Bishop 192 page hard cover history (50_AutoAge)
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Chevrolet The Complete History by the Auto Editors of Consumer Guide covers all models from 1911-1996 Hardbound - by Jan Norbye and Richard Langworth (53_ChevComplete)
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