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29-55 Chevrolet Complete Owners Handbook of Repair and Maintenance by Clymer Shop Service Manual (42_ChevHandbook)
$34.95 |
Practical Engine Swapping edited by John Thawley Covers how to mount the engine and trans solving electrical problems which swaps are practical how to fit linkages solving cooling problems and much more (76_PracticalEng)
$19.95 |
46-72 Illustrated Chevrolet Buyer's Guide, covers Stylemaster, Chevelle Bel Air Impala Corvair and more by Gunnell (59_0879383178)
$29.95 |
Catalog of Chevrolet Truck ID Numbers from 1946-1972 by Car & Parts Magazine Covering the Pickup Suburban & El Camino (59_ChevTrkIDNum)
$49.95 |
40-66 Lt. Truck parts Interchange Manual for Chevrolet Dodge Ford & GMC Trucks from 1/2 ton to 1 ton including all C10 C20 C30 F100 F150 F250 F350 D100 D200 D300 C15 C25 C35 and more... by Superior (53_LT_Interch)
$44.95 |
1946-72 Chevrolet chassis and body parts manual for chevrolet big trucks 1.5-2.5 ton truck series 40 50 60 (64_ChevBigParts)
$99.95 |
39-66 Heavyweight Book of American Light trucks Truck by Don Bunn & Tom Brownell (57_americantruc)
$89.95 |
view cover of 33-60 Car & truck all models parts catalog by Chevrolet
33-60 Car & truck all models parts catalog by Chevrolet (50_196R)
$89.95 |
38-65 Parts & illustrations Manual by Chevrolet for all full size passenger cars plus 55-65 light trucks plus Corvette through 1964: 2,000 pages (60_1074)
$159.95 |
58-64 Chevrolet & GMC Truck Parts Manual Text & Illustration by GM Master Parts Manual for Light & Medium Duty Series 10 thru 940 (61_ChevTrkPrts)
$129.95 |
view cover of California Bills Chevrolet GMC & Buick Speed Manual 1954 edition covers 216 235 228 248 256 270 302 320 inline six cylinder straight eight engines 128 pages
California Bills Chevrolet GMC & Buick Speed Manual 1954 edition covers 216 235 228 248 256 270 302 320 inline six cylinder straight eight engines 128 pages (54_138889AE)
$34.95 |
29-57 parts manual for passenger car Corvette light & medium duty trucks by Chevrolet (44_6617)
$74.95 |
American car dealerships by Robert Genat. covering architecture advertising & dealership business practices (54_137362AP)
$39.95 |
47-76 Automotive Literature Index - A thirty year guide to Car and Driver , Motor Trend and Road & Track - compiled by A Wallace (60_AutoLitIndex)
$54.95 |
30-60 Special Interest American Cars by Petersens 192 page history covering Ford Buick Chevrolet Oldsmobile Pontiac & more (49_SpecInterAm)
$14.95 |
Chevrolet Corvette Judging Reference Manual by the National Corvette Restorers Society (60_CorvetteJudg)
$39.95 |
The Hemmings Motor News Book of Corvettes. A thorough exam of early generation corvettes. 96 pages (65_130092AE)
$24.95 |
46-72 How to Identify Select and Restore Chevrolet collector light trucks panels and El Caminos 1946-1972 by John Gunnell (67_112474AP)
$39.95 |
29-59 Parts manual by Chevrolet for all Chevy car & truck (44_ChevPartManu)
$129.95 |
38-69 10-30 light duty truck parts catalog all models by Chevrolet (60_Chevtruck)
$119.95 |
Hemmings book of Postwar Chevrolets: Bel Air, Corvair, Fleetmaster, Impala, Monte Carlo, Nomad, Nova and more in 120 pages from Special Interest Auto (60_133490AE)
$29.95 |
Classic Corvette The First Thirty 30 Years History book about the exciting history of America's only true sports car. 384 Hardbound pages by Mike Mueller (78_136835AR)
$24.95 |
38-70 HD Truck Parts Manual by Chevrolet Truck. 1 1/2 2 2 1/2 ton trucks. (55_HDTrk_Part)
$139.95 |
Hemmings book of Pickup Trucks drive reports from Special Interest Autos magazine 120 pages 1938 to 1972 variety of trucks (49_truck)
$19.95 |
46-72 Parts & Illustrations manual By Chevrolet & GMC Truck for Series 10-30 Light duty truck (64_3988)
$139.95 |
46-80 Parts & Accessories Price Schedule, cars & trucks (75_PartsPrice)
$29.95 |
Rochester Carburetors Shop Service Repair Manual by D Roe & B Fisher H.P. Books (40_HP_014_U)
$34.95 |
Chevy Car Care Guide by Popular Mechanics (82_Chv_PopMec)
$19.95 |
Woodies - A National Treasure , by Bill Yenne (35_WoodiesNatio)
$49.95 |
Cars The New Classics: The Greatest Cars Made Since 1945 by Chris Harvey 80 hardbound pages (62_CarsClassics)
$14.95 |
Corvette Catalogs compilation of Corvette Sales Brochures bound into book form from the 50's to the 80's by Terry Jackson 128 hardbound pages (67_VetteCatalog)
$24.95 |
Chevelle vs. The Pack by Joe Collins (85_ChevelleVSPa)
$39.95 |
Vintage Station Wagon Body Shop Service repro of body service infor for Chrysler Ford & GM woody wagons (45_WoodyServc)
$74.95 |
The One & Only Crazy Car Book by S Walker aged 10 years old hardcover (54_CrazyCarBook)
$34.95 |
HOT ROD Magazine Yearbook #14 1974 Petersen publisher (74_HRyearbook14)
$19.95 |
My Years With General Motors by ex CEO Alfred P Sloan (27_MYWGM_Sloan)
$19.95 |
High Performance Chevy Small Block Cylinder Heads, How To Modify Factory Heads, Porting Milling & Welding -Hi-Perf Aftermarket Heads Multi-Valve Designs Dyno Tests Flow Tests Aluminum vs Iron by HOTROD Magazine (68_145992AE)
$26.95 |
Building the Chevy Sprint Car Engine covers All Small Blocks: Engine Building Tips from the World of Outlaws by John Thawley 110 pages (70_BldngChevSpr)
$24.95 |
Floyd Clymers Motor Scrapbook Number 1 (50_MotorScrap1)
$9.95 |
Floyd Clymers Motor Scrapbook Number 3 (50_MotorScrap3)
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Floyd Clymers Motor Scrapbook Number 5 (50_MotorScrap5)
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Floyd Clymers Motor Scrapbook Number 6 (50_MotorScrap6)
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40-80 Complete Book of Collectible Cars by R. Langworth, G. Robson & the Editors of Consumer Guide 383 hardbound pages (60_CollectibleC)
$29.95 |
40-80 Car Spotters Encyclopedia by the Editors of Consumer Guide (60_SpotterEncyc)
$14.95 |
American Sport Cars A Survey of the Classic Marques by Richard Nichols 112 pages (70_AmericanSpor)
$14.95 |
Cole Foster and Salinas Boys Customs by Kirk Hammett 159 pages about Cole Foster craftmenship of building Hot Rods and Choppers Models include Ford Model A F100 Mercury Monterey Dodge Coronet Chevrolet Vega Bel Air Advanced Design trucks Pontiac GTO Star Chief Harley Davidson WLA series BMW 2002 and more (Salinas_Boys)
$29.95 |
view cover of Sub-Compact Wagons by Don Narus
Sub-Compact Wagons by Don Narus (57_SubComWgn)
$29.95 |
49-92 Muscle Car Greats by P Sessler 96 page hard cover history with numerous photographs covering models such as Fury Biscayne Wildcat Galaxie 500 Catalina Riviera Hornet Duster Rambler Nova Dart Challenger Mustang Firebird Camaro & more (71_MuscleGreats)
$19.95 |
Muscle Car Chronicle Large Book covers from 1949-1993 by James M. Flammang 320 pages (75_MuscleCronic)
$29.95 |
34-79 American Grilles by Frattolillo history book with photographs of automobile grilles by Chrysler Ford Pontiac Buick Chevrolet Oldsmobile Packard Cadillac Plymouth Cord Dodge Mercury & more (57_AmerGrill)
$14.95 |