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1959-1982 Chevrolet El Camino sprint Caballero Photofacts by Donald Wood. Model by Model photo history (72_DonaldWoodPh)
$29.95 |
64-87 Standard Catalog of Chevelle by John Gunnell (75_136051A)
$39.95 |
64-87 Catolog of Chevelle Malibu and El Camino ID Numbers by Chevrolet (75_33243)
$34.95 |
64-86 Chevrolet Mid-Size Service Manual by Chilton's covers Chevelle, El Camino Laguna S-3 Malibu Monte Carlo - (also available in Spanish upon special request) (71_6840)
$19.95 |
64-88 Chevrolet Chevelle Large Format shop service repair Manual by Chilton Caballero Laguna S-3 Malibu SS Monte Carlo (RWD) El Camino (76_28440)
$34.95 |
RV Recreational Vehicle Motorhome maintenance shop service repair manual for Motor home camper trailer 200 pages by Clymer (68_X930)
$29.95 |
Corvette Do it Yourself 32 in depth articles plus scores of Restoration questions answered (69_126U)
$39.95 |
High performance Tips & Techniques 196 pgs of how-to for improving pre-1980 Chevrolet compilation of Hot Rod Magazine articles many authors (70_A_CHTT)
$29.95 |
45-70 A-Z Of Cars for Classic and Sportscars (575_AZ_Classic)
$89.95 |
Corvette! America's Only, numbered Limited edtion 1st printing, hardcover 143 pages (60_5_Limited_Ed)
$29.95 |
UNSAFE AT ANY SPEED The Designed-In Dangers of the American Automobile by Ralph Nader 270 pages (62_UnsafeAnySpe)
$16.95 |
Muscle Cars Thunder & Greased Lightning by M Benson hard cover history with numerous color photographs (63_MuscleBen)
$19.95 |
Muscle Cars American Thunder by S Statham 144 page hard cover history with numerous photographs (65_MusCarAmer)
$19.95 |
65-76 Caprice Limited Edition, 92 pgs. portfolio of articles on full-size Chevy compiled by Brooklands (775_194393)
$39.95 |
53-78 America's Star-Spangled Sports Car-the Complete History, by Karl Ludvigsen; 324 pg. history of Corvettes thru 1978 publ. by Automobile Quarterly (78_Spangled)
$29.95 |
45-70 My Dad Had One of Those Classic American Cars by Nicky Wright general history with 200 pictures 150 pgs pub by Crescent Books 1992 (92_DadHadOne)
$24.95 |
53-79 Corvette America's Only True Sports Car by The Editors of Consumer Guide 96 illustrated pages; hard cover (66_Am_OnlyTrue)
$19.95 |
Practical Engine Swapping edited by John Thawley Covers how to mount the engine and trans solving electrical problems which swaps are practical how to fit linkages solving cooling problems and much more (76_PracticalEng)
$19.95 |
Painting Your Corvette, Rick Johnson. Guide to stripping, preparation and finishing for Corvette. (79_Paint)
$129.95 |
46-72 Illustrated Chevrolet Buyer's Guide, covers Stylemaster, Chevelle Bel Air Impala Corvair and more by Gunnell (59_0879383178)
$29.95 |
Catalog of Chevrolet Truck ID Numbers from 1946-1972 by Car & Parts Magazine Covering the Pickup Suburban & El Camino (59_ChevTrkIDNum)
$49.95 |
40-66 Lt. Truck parts Interchange Manual for Chevrolet Dodge Ford & GMC Trucks from 1/2 ton to 1 ton including all C10 C20 C30 F100 F150 F250 F350 D100 D200 D300 C15 C25 C35 and more... by Superior (53_LT_Interch)
$44.95 |
1946-72 Chevrolet chassis and body parts manual for chevrolet big trucks 1.5-2.5 ton truck series 40 50 60 (64_ChevBigParts)
$99.95 |
55-81 Small Block Chevy Performance Volume #1 128 pages by J. Baechtel: Selecting parts for Power and Reliability (67_SA07)
$19.95 |
Secrets of Corvette Detailing for show, street and sale, Michael Antonick. 94 pg (67_0933534280)
$39.95 |
53-80 Hot Rod's Corvette No. 4 by Petersen featuring articles on How to Buy and How to Restore a Chevrolet Corvette (80_Vette_HotRod)
$19.95 |
39-66 Heavyweight Book of American Light trucks Truck by Don Bunn & Tom Brownell (57_americantruc)
$89.95 |
Competition Corvette From Street to Strip to Speedway Star by the editors of Consumer Guide (65_CompCorv)
$24.95 |
Corvette! America's Only by Michael Bruce Associates, Hardcover 143 Pages (67_corvettehist)
$39.95 |
Corvette Sports Car of America by M Antonick Hardcover 239 pages (67_corvetteUSA)
$39.95 |
RV Motorhome owners manal by Intertec & Clymer for all kinds of Motor homes 160 pgs A Valuable Resource Covering Topics Relevant to the RV owner (84_4209_Vol2 - Not a shop manual)
$49.95 |
38-65 Parts & illustrations Manual by Chevrolet for all full size passenger cars plus 55-65 light trucks plus Corvette through 1964: 2,000 pages (60_1074)
$159.95 |
58-64 Chevrolet & GMC Truck Parts Manual Text & Illustration by GM Master Parts Manual for Light & Medium Duty Series 10 thru 940 (61_ChevTrkPrts)
$129.95 |
55-82 Corvette by the numbers 596 pages of facts and figures about correct numbering of Chevrolet Corvette parts & cars by A. Colvin (70_GCCN)
$69.95 |
How to work with and modify the THM 400 Automatic Transmission by Ron Sessions for General Motors Hydramatic Transmission (80_112175AP)
$99.95 |
El Camino by Chevrolet pictorial history of Chevy's combination truck & car covers 1959-87 with many close-up color details including under-hood & interior images 120 pages with 153 illustrations by M. Montgomery (73_10138)
$29.95 |
El Camino by Chevrolet pictorial history of Chevy's ElCamino combination truck & car covers 1959-87 with many close-up color details including under-hood & interior images 105 illustrations by Mike Mueller (73_10306)
$27.95 |
59-87 El Camino & SS Muscle Portfolio, 140 pgs. of articles compiled by Brooklands (73_A_CH59MP)
$29.95 |
52-82 Chevrolet Corvette Weekend Projects upgrades & maintenance in 224 pages by T. Benford (67_147302)
$29.95 |
47-76 Automotive Literature Index - A thirty year guide to Car and Driver , Motor Trend and Road & Track - compiled by A Wallace (60_AutoLitIndex)
$54.95 |
53-82 America's Star-Spangled Sports Car-the Complete History by K. Ludvigsen 769 pg. history of Corvettes thru 1982 (68_GCSS)
$24.95 |
Chevy SS 50 years of Super Sport 348 pgs hardcover covering Chevelle Malibu Nova ElCamino MonteCarlo Impala and more by Genat & Newhardt (89_Premier_SVC)
$39.95 |
53-82 Parts Manual by Chevrolet for Corvette (66_Vette_Parts)
$69.95 |
53-82 Corvette Parts Illustrations Manual by Chevrolet (72_eb9131R)
$84.95 |
Chevrolet Corvette Parts locator guide Repro Nos list's 1982 parts suppliers, GM part numbers, descriptions, prices, interchange, 1953-1982 44 pages by CRN Publications (75_Corvetterepr)
$28.95 |
Smokey Yunick's Chevy Engine Guide by Hot Rod Magazine Vol.4 #3 (75_YunickChevEn)
$29.95 |
Chevrolet Corvette Judging Reference Manual by the National Corvette Restorers Society (60_CorvetteJudg)
$39.95 |
The Hemmings Motor News Book of Corvettes. A thorough exam of early generation corvettes. 96 pages (65_130092AE)
$24.95 |
46-72 How to Identify Select and Restore Chevrolet collector light trucks panels and El Caminos 1946-1972 by John Gunnell (67_112474AP)
$39.95 |
Corvette by Barry Coleman, large format, all color, 96 pages (69_Vette)
$14.95 |