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36 Chevrolet Service News repro by Chevy Acres a collection of technical service bulletins published by Chevrolet to supplement factory Shop Service Repair Manuals (36_ServiceNews)
$19.95 |
National Service Data Manual for Auburn Buick Cadillac Chevrolet Chrysler De Soto Dodge Ford Hudson Lincoln Mercury Metropolitan Nash Oldsmobile Packard Plymouth Pontiac Rambler Studebaker & Willys (35_NationalSvcD)
$99.95 |
28-39 Motor Car Index by Kenneth Ball publishd by Autopress 175 page hard cover history (34_MotorCarInde)
$89.95 |
12-45 Early Chevrolet History by Doug Bell 198 pages Clymer Covers cars 12-28 and trucks 18-45 includes related makes FitzJohn Flxible General Cab GMC-Canada Harvard Howell Little Maple Leaf Oldsmobile Partin-Palmer Pontiac Republic Samson Scripps-Booth Sheridan Sterling-New York Yellow Coach (12_EarlyChev)
$29.95 |
HOT ROD Magazine Yearbook #14 1974 Petersen publisher (74_HRyearbook14)
$19.95 |
Floyd Clymers Steam Car Scrapbook published 1945 (45_StemCarScrap)
$39.95 |
Audels New Automobile Guide for Mechanics Operators and Servicemen by Frank D Graham published 1938 (38_AudelsAutomo)
$29.95 |
Chevrolet Celebrating 75 Years of Performance Book by Ro McGonegal (75yearsChevyPrf)
$19.95 |
Audels Truck and Tractor Guide for Mechanics and Drivers of Gas & Diesel Motors by Frank D Graham 1300 small format pages published 1951 (51_AudelTruckTr)
$34.95 |
How to Restore your Chevrolet Pickup truck by Tom Brownell 224 pgs. 320 color photos 1928-1991 dissasembly & cleaning engine & electrics body & box chassis & paint body & trim (52_137250)
$39.95 |
Sports Cars in Action by John R Bond - The history and specifications of early sports cars and information about eh different manufacturers - published 1954 (54_SportAction)
$19.95 |
Omnibus of Speed - An Introduction to the world of Motor Sport - compiled and edited by Charles Beaumont and William F Nolan - 1st Edition, published 1958 (58_OmnibusOfSpe)
$59.95 |
1918-94 Pickup Color History of Chevrolet & GMC, by Tom Brownell & Mike Mueller (38_119935AE)
$39.95 |
The Big Book of Barris Colorful coffee table book which highlights his most innovative & original works. 156 Hardbound pages with many B&W & color photos (80_135113AP)
$34.95 |
00-77 Great American Convertible by R Wieder 142 page history with numerous photographs (38_GreAm)
$9.95 |
1918-1995 Standard Catalog of Chevrolet pickups and other light duty trucks by John Gunnell 288 pages many black and white photos with detailed specifications (60_chevstandard)
$59.95 |
Daytona USA by Willam Neely - The Official history of Daytona and Ormond Beach Racing from 1902 to todays NASCAR Super Speedways - published 1980 (50_DaytonaUSA)
$29.95 |
Petersens Basic Engine Hot Rodding #2 Low -cost hop up tricks blueprinting shortcuts cams turbos injectors for street, mods cranks rods exhaust tuning headers for Pinto Vega & Mustang with over 200 detailed photos 192 pages (75_Pete_Eng)
$19.95 |
Esquires American Autos and their Makers - published 1963 (63_EsquireAuto)
$34.95 |
Off Road Vehicle Digest by Clair F Rees - Selecting Driving Trailblazing Troubleshooting Maintaining and Accessorizing 2 and 4 Wheel Drive Vehicles (79_OffRoadVDige)
$14.95 |
Dream Machines - Vans and Pickups by Irwin Stambler (80_DreamMachine)
$12.95 |
Auto Repair - Illustrated Deluxe Edition of the Basics of Auto Repair published 1982 (82_AutoRepairIl)
$29.95 |
1918-2002 Chevrolet Pickups by Mike Mueller (42_ChevPickups)
$89.95 |
Geo Storm 4 Speed Transaxle Shop Service Repair Manual by Geo GM Service Technology Group published 1989 (89_17002021)
$39.95 |
Auto Service and Repair - A Book on the basics of Auto Repair applicable to all vehicles by Martin W Stockel (70_SotckelAutoS)
$9.95 |
Collectable Trucks Volume 1 Number 1 by Cars & Parts Magazine 98 page History (50_CollTruck1)
$9.95 |
Great American Convertible by the Auto Editors of Consumer Guide 255 page hard cover history with numerous photographs (50_GreAmCon)
$19.95 |
Motor Auto Body Repair by Robert Scharff and James E Duffy published 1992 (92_MotorAutoRep)
$39.95 |
Collectable Trucks Volume 2 Number 1 by Cars & Parts Magazine 98 page History (50_CollTruck)
$9.95 |
Motoring History by LTC Rolt - from the early Steam Vehicles of the 19th Century to the streamlined vehicles of today - published 1964 (64_MotorHistory)
$14.95 |
David Kimble Cutaways the techniques & stories behind the art 192 pgs hardcover (99_CT535)
$129.95 |
Worlds Greatest Classic Cars Complete Histories with Unique Cutaway Drawings 241 page hard cover history published by Grange Books (50_ClassicGrang)
$14.95 |
Great American Convertibles 143 page over-sized hard cover history with numerous photographs pub by Publications International (99_GreAmCon)
$29.95 |
Convertible Top Restoration & Installation by F Mattson 176 pgs with step by step instructions & 400 color photos & charts (69_SA438)
$32.95 |
Chevrolet Trucks 100 years of building the future 224 pages hardcover history by Edsall & Batey (59780785837473 - Not a shop manual)
$24.95 |
Chevrolet Trucks 100 years Centenary of building the future 224 pages hardcover history by Edsall & Batey (79780760352489 - Not a shop manual)
$69.95 |
Volume 19, Issue 2 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Mercer History, Sports car racing west coast, J. Frank De Causse, Chevrolet in the '30's, Buick Riviera. Published Second Quarter 1981 (B20_AQVol19Iss2)
$29.95 |
Volume 36 Issue 3 of Automobile Quarterly featuring A.K. Miller's Stutz collection Hearses: 1906-1997 1969 C.O.P.O. Chevelle 427 Ferrari V-8's Blackhawk Art Collection Ford AWD Trucks (B20_AQVol36Iss3)
$34.95 |
Hot Rod Horsepower Handbook Big Block Chevy by D. Freiburger 160 page restoration guide (50_HotRodFreib)
$24.95 |
Special Leather Bound Edition of The Art and Colour of General Motors Published at the GM 100th Anniversary in colorfeaturing the color photography Michael Furman & lively, entertaining essays by America's most distinguished classic car historians (50_ArtColGmLTHR)
$149.95 |
How To Build Max Performance Chevy Small Blocks on a Budget by David Vizard (B00_SA57)
$32.95 |
Parts locator guide listing hundreds of Chevy & GMC suppliers of parts & services for owners of Chevrolet & GMC trucks (55_ChevTrkPtLoc)
$28.95 |
Barrett Jacksons Ron Pratte Classic Car Collection Auction Program January 10-18 2015 Notable for auction of 1966 Shelby Cobra 427 Super Snake & 1954 Pontiac Bonneville Special Motorama Concept Car slaso included Harley Davidson bikes & much more (58_Ron_Pratte)
$29.95 |
1854 1968 Portrait Gallery of Early Automobiles by C Hornung oversized hardcover history with over 100 illustrations detailing the early years of motoring featuring Dodge Chevrolet Pierce Arrow Cadillac Packard Rambler Buick Hudson Studebaker Ford Oldsmobile & more (10_EarlyPort)
$39.95 |
The Ultimate Off Road Drivers Guide by Logan. Master Mud, Snow, Sand, Rocks. Understand your vehicle's technology. Learn about navigation communication and safe usage of recovery equipment. Published 2022. (B22_SA515)
$34.95 |