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Corvette American Legend RAcing Sucsess History series No 3 by Noland Adams (56_VetteLeg_3)
$39.95 |
1956 Ward's Automotive Yearbook - 18th Edition - A truly amazing accumulation of statistics, photographs and advertisements from every major auto manufacturer of the time (66_WardYearbook)
$249.95 |
Corvette: American Legend The beginning 1953-1957 History series No 1 by Noland Adams (55_VetteLeg_1)
$39.95 |
50-59 Standard Catalog of Chevrolet by J.G Robinson 192 pages 225+ photos chapter on Powerglides and rear axle ratios, current price guide, Corvette Bel Air Biscayne station wagon Fleetline Styline Delray 210 150 Impala (50_891771A)
$39.95 |
50-59 Chevy's by Olsen; 160 pg book of history & archival photographs (55_123459AP)
$34.95 |
Chevrolet Bowties of the Fifties 248 hardbound pages many high quality B&W photos all car models by James Moloney (55_bowties)
$39.95 |
53-62 Corvette Gold Portfolio by Brooklands, 180 pgs. of articles about Corvette by Chevrolet (58_A_COR53GP)
$39.95 |
Fifities American Cars by Mike Mueller General history with color pictures 96 pages pub by MBI 1994 (94_AmericanCars)
$24.95 |
53-67 Road & Track on Corvette, 88 pgs. of articles on Chevy sports car compiled by Brooklands (60_A_CORRT53)
$29.95 |
53-67 Corvette A Source Book by Arthur A.C. Steffen 144 pages (60_CorvetteSour)
$34.95 |
Osprey Expert Histories Early Chevrolet Corvettes 53-67 All Six Cylinder & V8s by Thomas Falconer (60_EarlyCorvett)
$29.95 |
53-67 Corvette Buyers Guide: 192 pages by R. Prince (65_134742AP)
$59.95 |
Corvette Guide by Dick Thompson and Donn Munson (60_vette_Thomps)
$229.95 |
Corvette Hunter: Kevin Mackay's Greatest Corvette Finds by T Greenblatt Hardcover 240pgs (61_CT599)
$59.95 |
The Real Corvette Ray Miller 320 pages over 1000 photos. (64_0913056065)
$48.95 |
Corvette The Exotic and Experimental Cars by Karl Ludvigsen (64_129952AE)
$19.95 |
The Classic Corvette by Richard Nichols (73_ClassCorvett)
$24.95 |
Corvette! America's Only, numbered Limited edtion 1st printing, hardcover 143 pages (60_5_Limited_Ed)
$29.95 |
53-78 America's Star-Spangled Sports Car-the Complete History, by Karl Ludvigsen; 324 pg. history of Corvettes thru 1978 publ. by Automobile Quarterly (78_Spangled)
$29.95 |
Competition Corvette From Street to Strip to Speedway Star by the editors of Consumer Guide (65_CompCorv)
$24.95 |
Corvette! America's Only by Michael Bruce Associates, Hardcover 143 Pages (67_corvettehist)
$39.95 |
Corvette Sports Car of America by M Antonick Hardcover 239 pages (67_corvetteUSA)
$39.95 |
53-82 America's Star-Spangled Sports Car-the Complete History by K. Ludvigsen 769 pg. history of Corvettes thru 1982 (68_GCSS)
$24.95 |
Chevrolet Corvette Judging Reference Manual by the National Corvette Restorers Society (60_CorvetteJudg)
$39.95 |
The Hemmings Motor News Book of Corvettes. A thorough exam of early generation corvettes. 96 pages (65_130092AE)
$24.95 |
Corvette by Barry Coleman, large format, all color, 96 pages (69_Vette)
$14.95 |
Corvette - Americas Sports Car by Jay Koblenz hardcover 256 pages (68_CorvetteAmer)
$19.95 |
Classic Corvette The First Thirty 30 Years History book about the exciting history of America's only true sports car. 384 Hardbound pages by Mike Mueller (78_136835AR)
$24.95 |
Schiffer Automotive Series Chevrolet Corvette 1953-86 by Walter Zeichner (69_Chev_Corv)
$34.95 |
Corvette the Classic Marque, John Lamm, Illustrated history of show cars, production and racing Vettes. (72_Classic)
$19.95 |
Cars The New Classics: The Greatest Cars Made Since 1945 by Chris Harvey 80 hardbound pages (62_CarsClassics)
$14.95 |
Complete Book of Corvette; Covering 25 years of Corvette. Richard Langworth, 319 pages, color illus (65_5_0517636735)
$49.95 |
Corvette Catalogs compilation of Corvette Sales Brochures bound into book form from the 50's to the 80's by Terry Jackson 128 hardbound pages (67_VetteCatalog)
$24.95 |
52-87 Chevrolet Corvette Portfolio by Consumer Guide 80 pages (69_CorvettePort)
$18.95 |
1953-1988 Corvette Portfolio by Consumer Guide, 80 pg (70_5_Portfolio)
$19.95 |
53-89 Corvette Cream of the Crop Top ten by Henry Rasmussen Photo history of the greatest of Corvette models (70_5_1879301016)
$34.95 |
Corvette, America's Most Exciting Sportscar, Bill Reynolds, 1990, over 140 color images, hardcover (72_2982)
$19.95 |
53-90 Corvette Americas Superstar by T Jackson 128 page hard cover history of show cars production and racing Corvettes (71_CorvJack)
$19.95 |
52-90 Chevrolet Corvette Racers Race History of America's Sports Car & Drivers from Sebring to Le Mans by G. Von Dare 192 pages (71_CorvRacers)
$29.95 |
Corvette the Enduring Legend by N Wright 160 page hard cover history with numerous photographs (72_CorvEndur)
$19.95 |
Road & Track Special Series on Corvette covering from 1953 thru 1991 120 illustrated pages (72_CorvetteRoad)
$19.95 |
Fast Chevys by Alex Grabbard 236 pgs A look at V8 powered Chevrolets OUT OF PRINT (75_0962260800)
$29.95 |
Corvette Chronicle by James Flammang and the Auto Editors of Consumer Guide 53-93 History of Corvette. Lots of pictures 192 pages (93_CorvetteChro)
$79.95 |
57-94 Chevrolet Corvette Milestones by M. Mueller Enthusiast Color Series 96 pages (75_CorvetteMile)
$16.95 |
53-95 Corvette Price Handbook. Informative handbook dedicates one page to each model. Includes a brief overview history along with rare options and colors for each model. 64 pages by Mike Antonick (74_133401AE)
$29.95 |
CORVETTE An American Classic, by Dan Lyons & John F Katz; Large book & 192 pages (74_CorvetteAmCl)
$19.95 |
Road & Track Guide to the All New 1984 Corvette by Road & Track magazine 1983 also features history of Corvette from 1953 to 1983 128 pages (83_CorvetteRoad)
$19.95 |
Corvette: the American Legend, by the editors of Consumer Guide, 144 pg hardbound look at Corvettes from 1953-1997 (65_078532402)
$29.95 |
53-97 Corvette Collectors Library by Michael Antonick about Chevrolet sports car (75_135592AP)
$18.95 |
53-99 The Illustrated Corvette Series by S Teeters with the entire history of the car with information on many of the special editions concept cars racing cars and more that were based on the corvette in 144 pages with 392 photos (75_CT494P)
$24.95 |