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67-81 Chevrolet Nova Interchange Parts Manual & Used Parts Guide 278 pages all models 226 pages (67_Nova_PartBuy)
$34.95 |
63-73 39th edition parts interchange manual for American domestic passenger cars and light duty trucks by Hollander (68_H39)
$89.95 |
Chevrolet Powerglide Transmission Handbook by Carl Munroe 160 pages 1962-1973 rebuild or modify for all applications (77_1355)
$329.95 |
Corvair Technical Guide by Larry Claypool & Clay Wispell for the Corvair Society of America Tips & technical advice for restoration & maintenance 300 pages 1986 (86_CorvairTech)
$99.95 |
54-66 Interchange parts manual for all domestic cars & light duty trucks by Hollander (60_H32)
$399.95 |
59-70 Chevrolet parts interchange manual Camaro Chevelle Chevy II, Nova Full Size Impala Caprice Bel Air Biscayne 256 pgs by Paul Herd (645_121473AP)
$59.95 |
61-73 Emission Control Systems for all passenger cars & light-duty trucks by Chevrolet (73_LuvEmiss)
$7.95 |
60-72 Standard Catalog og American Muscle Cars by John Gunell 304 pages (66_36216)
$27.95 |
Fast Muscle: America's Fastest Muscle Cars by Alex & Squire Gabbard 128 pages with pictures on racing Muscle cars (66_FastMuscle)
$29.95 |
Mighty Muscle Cars 128 pages by Rasmussen covering the muscle era cars by GM Ford Chrysler & AMC (68_133816AP)
$29.95 |
Top Muscle the Rarest Cars from America's Fastest Decade by D. Holmstrom (70_6510140413)
$79.95 |
53-67 Best of Corvette Restorer volumes 1-5 236 page restoration guide collecting articles published in Corvette Restorer magazine (60_CorRestoMag)
$29.95 |
53-67 Corevtte Specifications Guide by J Amgwert 168 page Shop Service Repair Manual (60_CorvSpecGD)
$99.95 |
53-67 Corvette A Source Book by Arthur A.C. Steffen 144 pages (60_CorvetteSour)
$34.95 |
53-67 Corvette Buyers Guide: 192 pages by R. Prince (65_134742AP)
$59.95 |
55-70 Chevy High Performance Casting Numbers & Specifications by Robert M Winkelman 128 pages V8 265 283 327 350 348 396 402 409 427 454 Sunset Type Chevrolet pocket-sized booklet (55_70_ChevCast)
$29.95 |
Muscle Car Interior Restoration 160 pgs by D. Strohl (68_SA167_P)
$39.95 |
61-76 Chevy Super Sports by T Boyce 178 page history featuring Chevelle Nova Camaro Monte Carlo Malibu El Camino Impala Super Sport models (69_ChevSupSport)
$34.95 |
50-65 GM Interchange parts manual for all General Motors car models 230 pages Chevrolet Pontiac Oldsmobile Buick Cadillac (575_100955C)
$59.95 |
63-79 Nova SS A Source Book Volume II with Chevrolet Chevy II & Acadian edited by Edward A. Lehwald 143 pages (71_NovaSourceBk)
$27.95 |
62-79 Nova Large Format Manual for Chevy by Chilton's. Also Chevy II, Custom, LN, Hatchback. (70CH_28720)
$79.95 |
62-79 Nova SS & Chevy II history by S. Statham; 128 pages including all special models such as Yenko SS396 SS350 and more (70_125202AP)
$39.95 |
64-82 Automatic Transmission manual by Motor, 1248 pages (75_Motor)
$39.95 |
46-64 Passenger Car Parts & Illustration Manual by Chevrolet (55_Chev_Car_Prt)
$129.95 |
53-72 Chevrolet Corvette chassis restoration guide by Joseph Tripoli 112 pages with many B&W photos (60_Corvetterest)
$49.95 |
63-82 Corvette Large Format Shop Service Repair Manual for Chevy by Chilton (72_28500)
$59.95 |
1963-82 How to Rebuild Chevrolet Corvette Rolling Chassis by George McNicholl (75_144467)
$69.95 |
57-76 The Best of Corvette News by K Ludvigsen published by Automobile Quarterly Hardcover 654 pages (66_CorvetteNews)
$19.95 |
COPO: Camaro Chevelle & Nova Chevrolet's Muscle Cars by M Avery 204 pages with over 400 photos (70_CT620)
$44.95 |
American Salvage Yard Treasures A guide to America's Salvage Yards 235 pages (Salvage_Treasur)
$39.95 |
Muscle Cars Illustrated History Book by John McGovren 125 pages (65_MuscleCarsJM)
$24.95 |
Complete Book of Nascar Stock Car Racing by L Engel 208 page history (59_NascarEngel)
$14.95 |
55-72 How to HOTROD Small - Block Chevys guide to performance modifications 193 pages (74_HP_8)
$29.95 |
The Real Corvette Ray Miller 320 pages over 1000 photos. (64_0913056065)
$48.95 |
Chevrolet Racing? 14 Years of Raucous Silence!! by Paul Van Valkenburgh, forward by Bunkie Knudsen 320 pages (72_Chev_Racing)
$99.95 |
How to Work with and Modify the Turbo Hydra-matic 400 Transmission by R Sessions 224 pages (76_112175)
$149.95 |
64-88 Chevrolet Chevelle Large Format shop service repair Manual by Chilton Caballero Laguna S-3 Malibu SS Monte Carlo (RWD) El Camino (76_28440)
$34.95 |
RV Recreational Vehicle Motorhome maintenance shop service repair manual for Motor home camper trailer 200 pages by Clymer (68_X930)
$29.95 |
Corvette! America's Only, numbered Limited edtion 1st printing, hardcover 143 pages (60_5_Limited_Ed)
$29.95 |
UNSAFE AT ANY SPEED The Designed-In Dangers of the American Automobile by Ralph Nader 270 pages (62_UnsafeAnySpe)
$16.95 |
Muscle Cars Thunder & Greased Lightning by M Benson hard cover history with numerous color photographs (63_MuscleBen)
$19.95 |
Muscle Cars American Thunder by S Statham 144 page hard cover history with numerous photographs (65_MusCarAmer)
$19.95 |
45-70 My Dad Had One of Those Classic American Cars by Nicky Wright general history with 200 pictures 150 pgs pub by Crescent Books 1992 (92_DadHadOne)
$24.95 |
53-79 Corvette America's Only True Sports Car by The Editors of Consumer Guide 96 illustrated pages; hard cover (66_Am_OnlyTrue)
$19.95 |
Practical Engine Swapping edited by John Thawley Covers how to mount the engine and trans solving electrical problems which swaps are practical how to fit linkages solving cooling problems and much more (76_PracticalEng)
$19.95 |
40-66 Lt. Truck parts Interchange Manual for Chevrolet Dodge Ford & GMC Trucks from 1/2 ton to 1 ton including all C10 C20 C30 F100 F150 F250 F350 D100 D200 D300 C15 C25 C35 and more... by Superior (53_LT_Interch)
$44.95 |
55-81 Small Block Chevy Performance Volume #1 128 pages by J. Baechtel: Selecting parts for Power and Reliability (67_SA07)
$19.95 |
Corvette! America's Only by Michael Bruce Associates, Hardcover 143 Pages (67_corvettehist)
$39.95 |
Corvette Sports Car of America by M Antonick Hardcover 239 pages (67_corvetteUSA)
$39.95 |
38-65 Parts & illustrations Manual by Chevrolet for all full size passenger cars plus 55-65 light trucks plus Corvette through 1964: 2,000 pages (60_1074)
$159.95 |