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79 Camaro Assembly Manual by Chevrolet (also applicable to Firebird) (79_CAFA)
$32.95 |
79 Medium & Heavy Duty Truck Shop Service Repair Manual Supplement by Chevrolet & GMC 77 manual needed also (79_ChvT_MH_Sup)
$29.95 |
79 Electrical troubleshooting manual by Chevrolet for all models including Montecarlo Nova Councours Chevelle El Camino Monte Carlo Impala Caprice and more... 8.5x11 (79_Elect_Trbl)
$28.95 |
79 Wiring Diagrams Manual for all car models by Chevrolet including Montecarlo Camaro El Camino Malibu Impala Caprice Monte Carlo ElCamino and more.... (79_ST_359_79)
$32.95 |
79 Truck Wiring Diagrams Models 10 - 35 by Chevy & GMC Truck for all pickup & van from 1/2 ton thru 1 ton C/K G RVGP Light duty (79_X7930)
$39.95 |
79 Chevrolet Range Sales Brochure (Small) Covering all models of Chevrolet Cars (79_ChevRangeCCS)
$9.95 |
79 Parts Manual for GM Medium Duty Truck covering CE CS5000 CD CG CM CS SE SG SM SS TE TG TM6000 CD ME MM TM6500 models (79_GMPart)
$79.95 |
77 Medium duty truck Series 40-65 shop service repair manual by Chevrolet & GMC Truck Also used for 78 (77_6732)
$69.95 |
1979-82 Bison & General (Aluminum Conventional Models) Truck Parts Catalog Manual by GM (81_BisonParts)
$54.95 |
75-80 Auto Repair manual by Motors for all Domestic American passenger car models 43rd Edition (755_43rdedition)
$39.95 |
78-83 Wirring Diagram for Import Passenger Cars & Light Trucks, covers most popular models, by Chiltons (80_Chilt_ImpWir)
$39.95 |
76-81 Parts 2-vol. set of Parts Manuals, numbers & Illustrations of all parts for all 1976-1981 car models including Camaro El Camino Impala Caprice Monte Carlo Nova Chevelle Malibu ElCamino MonteCarlo and Chevrolet (785_GM8S6)
$129.95 |
83 Mitchell Electrical Service & Repair Manual for Imported cars & Trucks Supplement. Manuals for the Automotive Professional. (83_Mitc_ImpElec)
$25.95 |
1973-79 Heavy Duty Truck Parts Illustration Manual covers 7000 thru 9500 1973-78 & series 8000, 9500 1979-82 Vol 2: Transmission, Propeller Shaft, Wheels-Hubs, Body, Air Conditioning by GMC Chevrolet (77_HeavyParts)
$79.95 |
79-86 Chilton's Domestic Car Repair Manual for U.S. and Canadian Models (83_Chilt_7986)
$24.95 |
1973-1980 American Cars Every Model Year by Year - by J Flory Jr - Details every model from every major American Manufacturer from model years 1973-1980 with over 1300 photos (75_AmCarsYrYr)
$74.95 |
71-80 all Vega Monza Astre Sunbird Skyhawk & Starfire - Chilton's Repair & Tune-up guide for Chevrolet Pontiac Buick & Oldsmobile GM Subcompact models (76_6935U)
$9.95 |
69-79 Chevrolet Nova shop service repair manual for V8 models by Haynes (74_24059)
$34.95 |
70-81 Firebird repair manual covering all models by Haynes (74_79018)
$34.95 |
70-81 Chevrolet Camaro Collectors Originality Guide by Jim Schild Complete details including parts finishes option and trim pieces for second generation Camaros 315 color photos Hardcover 144 pages (76_145388AP)
$46.95 |
76-87 Chevette also Pontiac T1000 repair manual by haynes (81_24024_Ch)
$34.95 |
1966-79 GMC Truck Service Bulletins Manual for All Models by GMC (72_GMCBulletins)
$39.95 |
How to Bypass Emission Controls for Better Mileage & Performance for GM Cars & Light Trucks 1971-1977 (73_BypsEmisCont)
$19.95 |
How to Swap LS engines into 67-81 Camaro & Firebird 144 pgs by McClellan 400+ color photos (74_SA245_P)
$34.95 |
How to Restore Your 68-82 Corvette C3 by Walt Thurn hands on restoration procedures to return your Chevrolet Corvette to original condition including engine mechanical body interior upholstery and more in 176 pages with over 500 color photos (75_SA248)
$29.95 |
67-81 Chevrolet Camaro Interchange Parts Manual & Used Parts Guide 278 pages all models (74_PHCAM6781)
$39.95 |
73-87 Chevrolet & GMC Pickup Truck Parts Interchange Parts Manual & Used Parts Guide over 300 pages all models C/K C10 C15 C20 C25 C30 C35 K10 K15 K20 K25 K30 K35 from 1/2 ton through 1 ton including all Pickups and SUV Blazer Jimmy & Suburban (77_SPCPU073)
$39.95 |
69-84 Shop Service Repair Manual Chevrolet Full-Size Models Caprice Biscayne Bel-Air Impala Wagon V8 V6 repair shop service manual by Haynes (77_704_Chev)
$34.95 |
62-79 Nova Large Format Manual for Chevy by Chilton's. Also Chevy II, Custom, LN, Hatchback. (70CH_28720)
$79.95 |
62-79 Nova SS & Chevy II history by S. Statham; 128 pages including all special models such as Yenko SS396 SS350 and more (70_125202AP)
$39.95 |
67-86 Chevrolet GMC Full size G Van Large Format shop service Repair Manual by Chilton Also Beauville, Sport Van Rally & Vandura 1/2 to 1 ton, including cutaway & motor home chassis, gasoline & diesel engines (76_28640)
$29.95 |
69-90 SPANISH Haynes Shop Service Repair Manual for Chevrolet Full-Size Models including Caprice Biscayne Bel-Air Impala & Wagon V8 & V6 repair & service manual by Haynes (79_SPANISH)
$34.95 |
69-90 Full-Size Models Caprice Biscayne Bel-Air Impala & Wagon V8 & V6 repair & service manual by Haynes (79_24045)
$29.95 |
69-90 Chevrolet Full-size models, shop service repair manual by Haynes. (81_704U)
$7.95 |
64-86 Chevrolet Mid-Size Service Manual by Chilton's covers Chevelle, El Camino Laguna S-3 Malibu Monte Carlo - (also available in Spanish upon special request) (71_6840)
$19.95 |
68-96 Chevrolet & GMC Van Full Size Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes (Does not cover 96 chevy van & express models and does not cover diesel engine, separate diesel supplement available) (82_24080)
$34.95 |
El Camino by Chevrolet pictorial history of Chevy's combination truck & car covers 1959-87 with many close-up color details including under-hood & interior images 120 pages with 153 illustrations by M. Montgomery (73_10138)
$29.95 |
El Camino by Chevrolet pictorial history of Chevy's ElCamino combination truck & car covers 1959-87 with many close-up color details including under-hood & interior images 105 illustrations by Mike Mueller (73_10306)
$27.95 |
Camaro Z-28 & Performance Specials Musclecar Color History: 80 pages by Scott & Newhardt covering Z28 SS RS IROC-Z and COPO Camaro's (82_133388AP)
$29.95 |
Camaro Bolt-On Performance Guide: 144 pages by J. Smith Everything you need to build a fast dependable V8 Camaro for Street & Strip covers all 3rd & 4th generation Camaros 1982-2000 with info on earlier models (OUT OF PRINT) (97_SA59)
$39.95 |
How to Rebuild Chevy Big Block Engines by T. Wilson (99_HP_755)
$59.95 |
53-89 Corvette Cream of the Crop Top ten by Henry Rasmussen Photo history of the greatest of Corvette models (70_5_1879301016)
$34.95 |
Hot to Swap GM Chevrolet LS & LT Series Engines into 60-98 Chevy & GMC Trucks by Jefferson Bryant 160 pages (60_SA509)
$32.95 |
American Sport Cars A Survey of the Classic Marques by Richard Nichols 112 pages (70_AmericanSpor)
$14.95 |
Cole Foster and Salinas Boys Customs by Kirk Hammett 159 pages about Cole Foster craftmenship of building Hot Rods and Choppers Models include Ford Model A F100 Mercury Monterey Dodge Coronet Chevrolet Vega Bel Air Advanced Design trucks Pontiac GTO Star Chief Harley Davidson WLA series BMW 2002 and more (Salinas_Boys)
$29.95 |
67-09 Camaro Forty Years Official Anniversary Book by D. Holstrom full history from intro to 09 300 color photos 336 pages (88_144230AP)
$49.95 |
49-92 Muscle Car Greats by P Sessler 96 page hard cover history with numerous photographs covering models such as Fury Biscayne Wildcat Galaxie 500 Catalina Riviera Hornet Duster Rambler Nova Dart Challenger Mustang Firebird Camaro & more (71_MuscleGreats)
$19.95 |
Road & Track Guide to the All New 1984 Corvette by Road & Track magazine 1983 also features history of Corvette from 1953 to 1983 128 pages (83_CorvetteRoad)
$19.95 |
Corvette Prototypes & Showcars Photo Album pictorial history features the evolution of the cars from 1953 to the Sting Ray III & includes engineering models & factory-modifieds by W. Wyss, 146 illustrations (77_10070)
$19.95 |
How to Build High Performance Chevrolet LS1 LS6 V8s by Will Handzel (75_SA86)
$34.95 |