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49 Station Wagon Fisher body service & constrruction manual covering Chevrolet Pontiac Buick & Oldsmobile (49_9753)
$19.95 |
49 Passenger Car Service Manual by Chevrolet (49_Chv_Svc)
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49 A Style Fisher body service & constrruction manual covering Chevrolet Pontiac and small Oldsmobile 153 pages this covers cars to 1954 (49_FBA)
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49-54 Chevy Passenger Car Wiring Diagram by Chevrolet (49_WDP)
$12.95 |
49-54 Complete Engine Tune-Up Manual by Chevrolet 61 pages large text and photos 5 1/2 X 8 1/2 inches (50_MTS52)
$29.95 |
47-53 Chevy Wiring Diagram by Chevrolet Truck (47_WDT)
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50-56 MOTOR'S Domestic Auto Wiring Diagrams for Passenger Cars (53_Mtr_Wir5056)
$54.95 |
47-54 Radio Service & Shop Service Repair Manual by Chevrolet for car & truck (54_ChevyRadio)
$12.95 |
49-56 Motors Wiring Diagrams (54_MotorWire)
$99.95 |
ABC of Lubrication by Clymer complete servicing data for the lubrication specialist (ABC_Lube)
$19.95 |
How to Hop up Chevrolet & GMC inline Engines Speed Tuning Theory Horsepower & Torque by Roger Huntington Explains block mods and assembly cylinder heads intake manifolds and carbs ignitions superchargers estimating horsepower and how to get the most performance for your money 158 pages (46_135621AE)
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Practical Engine Swapping edited by John Thawley Covers how to mount the engine and trans solving electrical problems which swaps are practical how to fit linkages solving cooling problems and much more (76_PracticalEng)
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California Bills Chevrolet GMC & Buick Speed Manual 1954 edition covers 216 235 228 248 256 270 302 320 inline six cylinder straight eight engines 128 pages (54_138889AE)
$34.95 |
High Performance Chevy Small Block Cylinder Heads, How To Modify Factory Heads, Porting Milling & Welding -Hi-Perf Aftermarket Heads Multi-Valve Designs Dyno Tests Flow Tests Aluminum vs Iron by HOTROD Magazine (68_145992AE)
$26.95 |
Building the Chevy Sprint Car Engine covers All Small Blocks: Engine Building Tips from the World of Outlaws by John Thawley 110 pages (70_BldngChevSpr)
$24.95 |
How To Build Chevy Small-Block Circle Track Racing Engines by Jeff Huneycutt Covers every aspect of building a high horsepower race engine including tuning & maintenance 400 photos 128 pages (75_SA121_P)
$24.95 |
Super Tuning Ignition Carburetors Cams Fuel Injection by Alex Walordy 66 pages (75_TuninWalordy)
$19.95 |
The Chevrolet Racing Engine guide to building and blueprinting by B Jenkins & L Schreib (66_Chev_Rac_Eng)
$98.95 |
Four Wheeler Chassis & suspension handbook 160 pages 200 color photos compliation of the best off road articles from Four Wheeler magazine covers lift kits aftermarket suspension additions articulation tricks & drivetrain modification Chevrolet Ford Jeep Dodge (95_HP_1406)
$39.95 |
In-Line 6 cylinder Chevrolet Engine Power Manual by Leo Santucci for restorers & hot rodders loaded with advice rebuild information, modifications and more 230 250 292 194 215 InLine Six Cyl in 218 pages (55_Chev_In_Line)
$39.95 |
Chevrolet Power - How to prepare Chevy engines for maximum performance - contains over 600 photos, illustrations, blueprints, and charts (B00_24502488)
$39.95 |
Vehicle Voltage Drop Testing by Joe Glassford (B08_VoltDropTes)
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Overhauling the Chevrolet 4 Speed Transmission Chevrolet & Corvette (90_4SPM)
$13.95 |
Trailers How to Design & Build Volume 1 Basics by M. Smith 180 page spiral bound hard cover detailing the process of designing and construction of trailers (95_0914483315)
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How to Restore your Chevrolet Pickup truck by Tom Brownell 224 pgs. 320 color photos 1928-1991 dissasembly & cleaning engine & electrics body & box chassis & paint body & trim (52_137250)
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How to build High Performance Ignition Systems by Todd Ryden updated edition 144 pages (B08_SA79)
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How to Build Max Performance Chevy Big Block blocks V8 Engines on a Budget by D. Vizard 144 pages (82_SA311)
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Automotive Tuneup by W Crouse & D Anglin - An introduction to Automotive mechanics (385_AutoTuneup)
$34.95 |
Automotive Engines Theory and Servicing by Herbert E Ellinger (74_AutoEngEllin)
$19.95 |
Mopar Performance 273 318 340 360 A Engine and 383 400 413 426 440 B Engines by Larry Schreib (50_MoparPerform)
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Automotive Gas Turbines by Bill Carrolls Performance Engineering Handbooks (70_GasTurbines)
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Petersens Basic Engine Hot Rodding #2 Low -cost hop up tricks blueprinting shortcuts cams turbos injectors for street, mods cranks rods exhaust tuning headers for Pinto Vega & Mustang with over 200 detailed photos 192 pages (75_Pete_Eng)
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Engine Performance Techbook by Haynes (B00_10333)
$29.95 |
License for Online Haynes Manual (GenericLicenseL)
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Practical Auto Detailing at Home by Rourke M OBrien and John B Thomas (70_PracticalAut)
$8.95 |
Standard Guide to Building Street Rods & Custom Cars by Ken Wickham 182 pgs (50_StreetRods)
$22.95 |
Engine Management Advanced Tuning by Greg Banish (B07_SA135)
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Hot to Swap GM Chevrolet LS Series Engines into Almost Anything swaps by Jefferson Bryant 144 pages (B00_SA156)
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How to Rebuild & Modify Muncie 4 Speed Transmissions by Paul Cangialosi (80_SA278)
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The Ultimate Off Road Drivers Guide by Logan. Master Mud, Snow, Sand, Rocks. Understand your vehicle's technology. Learn about navigation communication and safe usage of recovery equipment. Published 2022. (B22_SA515)
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How to Rebuild Gen V & VI BB Chevy Engines (B06_1357)
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