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79 Chevrolet Truck & Car Dealer Competitive Comparisons Book comparing Chevrolet vehicles to similar cars produced by other companies reference (79_ChevComparis)
$39.95 |
79 Medium & Heavy Duty Truck Wiring Diagrams Manual for Chevy & GMC (79_ChvT_MH_wire)
$34.95 |
79 Electrical troubleshooting manual by Chevrolet for all models including Montecarlo Nova Councours Chevelle El Camino Monte Carlo Impala Caprice and more... 8.5x11 (79_Elect_Trbl)
$28.95 |
79 Power Steering Unit Repair Manual for Chevy & GMC Medium & Heavy Duty trucks (79_PwrStrgRep)
$18.95 |
79 Wiring Diagrams Manual for all car models by Chevrolet including Montecarlo Camaro El Camino Malibu Impala Caprice Monte Carlo ElCamino and more.... (79_ST_359_79)
$32.95 |
79 Truck Wiring Diagrams Models 10 - 35 by Chevy & GMC Truck for all pickup & van from 1/2 ton thru 1 ton C/K G RVGP Light duty (79_X7930)
$39.95 |
79 Owners manual truck light duty 10-30 gas engine pickup, Suburban, Blazer, chassis C, K, P by Chevrolet (79_TOM - Not a shop manual)
$19.95 |
79 Chevrolet Range Sales Brochure (Small) Covering all models of Chevrolet Cars (79_ChevRangeCCS)
$9.95 |
79 Chevrolet Station wagon sales Brochure (79_ChevWagon_CC)
$17.95 |
79 Dealer Sales Album by Chevrolet for all passenger cars including Monte Carlo Malibu Camaro Monza with color trim features & more product car value guide (79_ChevyPass)
$95.95 |
79 Parts Manual for GM Medium Duty Truck covering CE CS5000 CD CG CM CS SE SG SM SS TE TG TM6000 CD ME MM TM6500 models (79_GMPart)
$79.95 |
79-81 Wirring Diagram for Passenger Cars by Chiltons (80_Chilt_Wire)
$36.95 |
79-81 Wiring Diagrams for all USA cars, by Chilton (80_USAwireDia)
$49.95 |
75-80 Auto Repair manual by Motors for all Domestic American passenger car models 43rd Edition (755_43rdedition)
$39.95 |
125 Automatic Transaxle Service Training Principles of Operation for THM125 Hydramatic Transmission (80_125)
$19.95 |
78-83 Wirring Diagram for Import Passenger Cars & Light Trucks, covers most popular models, by Chiltons (80_Chilt_ImpWir)
$39.95 |
76-81 Parts 2-vol. set of Parts Manuals, numbers & Illustrations of all parts for all 1976-1981 car models including Camaro El Camino Impala Caprice Monte Carlo Nova Chevelle Malibu ElCamino MonteCarlo and Chevrolet (785_GM8S6)
$129.95 |
1973-79 Heavy Duty Truck Parts Illustration Manual covers 7000 thru 9500 1973-78 & series 8000, 9500 1979-82 Vol 2: Transmission, Propeller Shaft, Wheels-Hubs, Body, Air Conditioning by GMC Chevrolet (77_HeavyParts)
$79.95 |
5.7 Liter Diesel Engine Shop Service Repair Manual by General Motors (84_Diesel_5_7)
$21.95 |
77-85 Oldsmobile / GM 5.7L Diesel Traing Manual by GM Product Service Training 400 pgs 16015.00-1A (83_5.7Diesel)
$19.95 |
Petersens Basic Engine Hot Rodding first edition Low -cost hop up tricks blueprinting shortcuts cams turbos injectors for street, mods cranks rods exhaust tuning headers for Pinto Vega & Mustang with over 200 detailed photos 192 pages (72_Pete_Eng)
$19.95 |
70-79 CK shop service repair Manual for Chevy & GMC C/K by Chilton Covering all full size Pickups Blazers Scottsdale Sierra Silverado Suburban for Chevrolet & GMC (74_28620)
$44.95 |
Petersen's Complete Book of Engine Swapping #4 192 pages (75_EnginSwappin)
$19.95 |
Petersen's Complete Book of Engines Vol.#6 printed 1970 (75_PAtersenEng6)
$14.95 |
Petersen's Complete Book of Engines Vol.#10 printed 1974 (75_PtrsnEngin10)
$14.95 |
Petersen's Complete Book of Engine Swapping, Hot Rod shop series 1981 (81_EnginSwappin)
$19.95 |
1.8 2.2 6.2 Liter Diesel Engines Technical Training Shop Service Repair Manual by Chevrolet (82_PT_1_81_11)
$19.95 |
70-81 Firebird repair manual covering all models by Haynes (74_79018)
$34.95 |
70-81 Chevrolet Camaro shop service repair manual by Haynes covering Z-28 LT Rally Sport & Berlinetta with V8 engine (75_24015_Ch)
$34.95 |
70-81 Chevrolet Camaro Collectors Originality Guide by Jim Schild Complete details including parts finishes option and trim pieces for second generation Camaros 315 color photos Hardcover 144 pages (76_145388AP)
$46.95 |
68-79 Chevrolet Nova Interchange parts manual by Hollander; 300 pgs. (72_HNOVA)
$42.95 |
1970-81 Domestic American car and light duty truck parts interchange manual by Mitchell (81_Mitchell)
$124.95 |
66-79 Classic Front End Parts Interchange Manual by Hollander (71_V4_Svc)
$23.95 |
66-80 Chevrolet Tune Up and Maintenance Manual by Clymer covering the Bel Air Biscayne Camaro Caprice Chevell Chevette Chevy II 2 Citation Corvette El Camino Impala Malibu Monte Carlo Monza Nova and Vega (73_A137)
$29.95 |
How to Swap LS engines into 67-81 Camaro & Firebird 144 pgs by McClellan 400+ color photos (74_SA245_P)
$34.95 |
68-82 Restoration Guide Chevrolet Corvette 256 pages by Richard Prince covering engines and transmissions frames suspensions brakes body graphics Interiors options (75_193279)
$32.95 |
68-82 C3 Corvette How to Build and Modify by C. Petris 176 pages with over 360 photos (75_SA247_P)
$29.95 |
How to Restore Your 68-82 Corvette C3 by Walt Thurn hands on restoration procedures to return your Chevrolet Corvette to original condition including engine mechanical body interior upholstery and more in 176 pages with over 500 color photos (75_SA248)
$29.95 |
73-87 Chevy/GMC Trucks How to Build & Modify by Jim Pickering step by step process on building and modifying your Chevrolet or GMC truck 176 pgs Illustrated (80_SA471)
$36.95 |
66-80 Amercian car spotters guide by Tad Burness: 792 pages of illustrations to identify all the cars. (73_Spotter)
$29.95 |
67-81 Camaro Classy Chassis 320 pages of information and reference material about 1967 through 1981 Camaros including Z28 RS & SS by R. Miller 320 parge hardcover (74_101017D)
$49.95 |
Camaro! from Challenger to Champion: the Complete History by Gary Witzenburg hardcover 216 pgs (74_Camaro_Witz)
$29.95 |
67-81 Chevrolet Camaro Interchange Parts Manual & Used Parts Guide 278 pages all models (74_PHCAM6781)
$39.95 |
68-82 parts interchange manual for Corvette by Paul Herd 142 pages (75_128038AP)
$46.95 |
67-81 Camaro Interchange parts manual by Hollander: 370 pgs (75_HCAM)
$42.95 |
73-87 Chevrolet & GMC Pickup Truck Parts Interchange Parts Manual & Used Parts Guide over 300 pages all models C/K C10 C15 C20 C25 C30 C35 K10 K15 K20 K25 K30 K35 from 1/2 ton through 1 ton including all Pickups and SUV Blazer Jimmy & Suburban (77_SPCPU073)
$39.95 |
1965-1979 Domestic American car and light duty truck parts interchange manual by Mitchell (79_Mitchell)
$124.95 |
72-87 Shop Service Repair Manual for Buick Chevrolet Oldsmobile & Pontiac by Clymer covering Impala BelAir Caprice Le Mans Grandville Safari LeSabre Regal Bonneville Park Avenue Delta 88 98 Regency Custom Cruiser Starfire LeMans Catalina Bel Air Centurion Estate Wagon Riviera Skyhawk Biscayne Monza Grand Ville Parisienne Sunbird & more (79_GM_Clymer)
$29.95 |
The Factory Papers: Camaro 1967-1982 by the Editors of Drivers Door The work of Camaro's original designers engineers and photographers Many internal documents from designing testing and production. 128 pages of insider information (75_camaro_paper)
$24.95 |
Comeback The Fall & Rise of the American Automobile Industry by Paul Ingrassia & Joseph B. White history of General Motors Ford Chrysler (94_Comeback)
$4.95 |