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79 Shop Service Repair Manual by Chevrolet & GMC for all 1979 light duty pickup truck & G van & c/k P Chassis forward control from 1/2 ton through 1 ton (79_476)
$49.95 |
79 Camaro Assembly Manual by Chevrolet (also applicable to Firebird) (79_CAFA)
$32.95 |
79 Corvette Assembly manual by Chevrolet (79_COFA)
$32.95 |
79 Fisher Body manual by General Motors for all GM cars: Chevrolet, Pontiac, Oldsmobile, Buick, and Cadillac. (79_Fish)
$24.95 |
79 Chevy II Nova Factory Assembly Manual by Chevrolet (79_NFA)
$29.95 |
79 Motorhome chassis owner's and driver's manual by Chevrolet for Motor Home (79_MtrHmeChss - Not a shop manual)
$29.95 |
79 Owners manual truck light duty 10-30 gas engine pickup, Suburban, Blazer, chassis C, K, P by Chevrolet (79_TOM - Not a shop manual)
$19.95 |
79 Dealer Sales Album by Chevrolet for all passenger cars including Monte Carlo Malibu Camaro Monza with color trim features & more product car value guide (79_ChevyPass)
$95.95 |
79 Parts Manual for GM Medium Duty Truck covering CE CS5000 CD CG CM CS SE SG SM SS TE TG TM6000 CD ME MM TM6500 models (79_GMPart)
$79.95 |
79-81 Wirring Diagram for Passenger Cars by Chiltons (80_Chilt_Wire)
$36.95 |
78-82 Corvette Factory Assembly Manual on CD (78_COFAC)
$29.95 |
75-80 Auto Repair manual by Motors for all Domestic American passenger car models 43rd Edition (755_43rdedition)
$39.95 |
77-82 Motors Repair Manual. Professional Service Trade Edition. for Domestic Cars (79_Mtr_Lab7782)
$49.95 |
125 Automatic Transaxle Service Training Principles of Operation for THM125 Hydramatic Transmission (80_125)
$19.95 |
78-83 Wirring Diagram for Import Passenger Cars & Light Trucks, covers most popular models, by Chiltons (80_Chilt_ImpWir)
$39.95 |
83 Mitchell Electrical Service & Repair Manual for Imported cars & Trucks Supplement. Manuals for the Automotive Professional. (83_Mitc_ImpElec)
$25.95 |
1973-79 Heavy Duty Truck Parts Illustration Manual covers 7000 thru 9500 1973-78 & series 8000, 9500 1979-82 Vol 2: Transmission, Propeller Shaft, Wheels-Hubs, Body, Air Conditioning by GMC Chevrolet (77_HeavyParts)
$79.95 |
76-82 Chilton's Domestic Auto Labor Guide & Parts Manual (professional edition) (80_Chlt_Lab7682)
$34.95 |
77-83 Chilton's Labor Guide & Parts Manual for Domestic Cars (professional edition) (80_Chlt_Lab7783)
$34.95 |
77-84 Parts & Time Guide. Professional Service Trade Edition by Motor (80_Mtr_Lab7784)
$24.95 |
78-87 GM General Motors G-Body Performance Upgrades by Hinds 144 pgs G Body Buick Chevrolet Oldsmobile Pontiac (83_SA246_P)
$34.95 |
How to Bypass Emission Controls for Better Mileage & Performance for GM Cars & Light Trucks 1971-1977 (73_BypsEmisCont)
$19.95 |
66-79 Classic Front End Parts Interchange Manual by Hollander (71_V4_Svc)
$23.95 |
67-81 Classic Chevrolet Camaro Repair Restoration & Upgrades by R. Sessions in 192 pages (74_HP_1564)
$399.95 |
1967-81 Camaro Restoration Handbook. Ground-Up or Sectional Restoration Tips & Techniques by T. Currao & R. Sessions 200 pages Chevrolet (74_HP_758)
$29.95 |
68-82 Restoration Guide Chevrolet Corvette 256 pages by Richard Prince covering engines and transmissions frames suspensions brakes body graphics Interiors options (75_193279)
$32.95 |
73-87 Chevy/GMC Trucks How to Build & Modify by Jim Pickering step by step process on building and modifying your Chevrolet or GMC truck 176 pgs Illustrated (80_SA471)
$36.95 |
67-81 Chevrolet Camaro Owners Handbook by Ron Sessions 192 pages (87_1301)
$29.95 |
66-80 Amercian car spotters guide by Tad Burness: 792 pages of illustrations to identify all the cars. (73_Spotter)
$29.95 |
67-81 Camaro Classy Chassis 320 pages of information and reference material about 1967 through 1981 Camaros including Z28 RS & SS by R. Miller 320 parge hardcover (74_101017D)
$49.95 |
Camaro! from Challenger to Champion: the Complete History by Gary Witzenburg hardcover 216 pgs (74_Camaro_Witz)
$29.95 |
67-81 Chevrolet Camaro Interchange Parts Manual & Used Parts Guide 278 pages all models (74_PHCAM6781)
$39.95 |
Comeback The Fall & Rise of the American Automobile Industry by Paul Ingrassia & Joseph B. White history of General Motors Ford Chrysler (94_Comeback)
$4.95 |
63-79 Nova SS A Source Book Volume II with Chevrolet Chevy II & Acadian edited by Edward A. Lehwald 143 pages (71_NovaSourceBk)
$27.95 |
1967-83 Camaro The full story of Chevrolet's living legend and its remarkable success. Complete coverage Dozens of rare styling photos, plus specs, driving impressions & more! 96 pgs. by Consumer Guide *Collectors Edition* (75CamaroCosumer)
$17.95 |
62-74 Chevy II Nova & SS Gold Portfolio by Brooklands covers 4 6 8 cylinder 176 pgs 250 photos Sftbd (69_CH62GP)
$39.95 |
62-79 Nova SS & Chevy II history by S. Statham; 128 pages including all special models such as Yenko SS396 SS350 and more (70_125202AP)
$39.95 |
64-82 Automatic Transmission manual by Motor, 1248 pages (75_Motor)
$39.95 |
74-88 Cutlass repair manual by Haynes for V6 & V8 gas powered Oldsmobile Cutlass (81_SPANISH)
$34.95 |
1963-82 How to Rebuild Chevrolet Corvette Rolling Chassis by George McNicholl (75_144467)
$69.95 |
67-86 Chevrolet GMC Full size G Van Large Format shop service Repair Manual by Chilton Also Beauville, Sport Van Rally & Vandura 1/2 to 1 ton, including cutaway & motor home chassis, gasoline & diesel engines (76_28640)
$29.95 |
325 Automatic Transmission Training Shop Service Repai Manual by GM for Training mechanics (79_325_Training)
$19.95 |
How to Work with and Modify the Turbo Hydra-matic 400 Transmission by R Sessions 224 pages (76_112175)
$149.95 |
64-88 Chevrolet Chevelle Large Format shop service repair Manual by Chilton Caballero Laguna S-3 Malibu SS Monte Carlo (RWD) El Camino (76_28440)
$34.95 |
80-94 Engine Parts Interchange Manual includes Engine Accessories Electronic Modules for Foreign & Domestic Cars & light duty Trucks by Hollander 62nd edition (88_Engine)
$59.95 |
67-93 Camaro; Holder/Kunz. Illustrated guide covers Z28, Pace Car, IROC, SS variants. (80_121880Ap)
$16.95 |
Corvette! America's Only by Michael Bruce Associates, Hardcover 143 Pages (67_corvettehist)
$39.95 |
How to work with and modify the THM 400 Automatic Transmission by Ron Sessions for General Motors Hydramatic Transmission (80_112175AP)
$99.95 |
68-96 Chevrolet & GMC Van Full Size Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes (Does not cover 96 chevy van & express models and does not cover diesel engine, separate diesel supplement available) (82_24080)
$34.95 |
El Camino by Chevrolet pictorial history of Chevy's combination truck & car covers 1959-87 with many close-up color details including under-hood & interior images 120 pages with 153 illustrations by M. Montgomery (73_10138)
$29.95 |