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67 Corvair Shop manual supplement, by Chevrolet (67_Corvair_Sup)
$12.95 |
67 Assembly manual by Chevrolet for 1967 Corvair (67_CVFA)
$39.95 |
67 Fisher Body Shop Service Repair Manual by GM for all Cadillac Buick Oldsmobile Pontiac & Chevrolet incl Chevelle Malibu Impala SS DeVille Catalina Delta 88 98 Cutlass Special 442 Caprice BelAir LeSabre Electra ElCamino Eldorado Toronado Riviera Skylark Nova Corvair & (67_FB)
$26.95 |
67 Nova & Chevy II Assembly Manual by Chevrolet (67_NFA)
$32.95 |
67 Chassis Overhaul component rebuild Manual, all passenger cars including Impala Corvette Chevelle Malibu Nova Bel Air Camaro and more by Chevrolet (67_Overhaul)
$36.95 |
67 Shop Service Repair Manual by Chevrolet truck series 10-60 Chassis C, G, H, J, K, M, P, S, T, W pickup Suburban Van Motorhome Light & medium duty (67_TSM)
$39.95 |
67 Chevy Corvair Wiring Diagram by Chevrolet (67_WDCO)
$7.95 |
67 Chevy Chevy II Nova Wiring Diagram by Chevrolet (67_WDN)
$7.95 |
67 Chevy Passenger Car Wiring Diagram by Chevrolet (67_WDP)
$8.95 |
66-69 Corvair Shop Service Repair Manual supplement by Chevrolet to be used in conjuntion with 1965 manual (66_CSM)
$28.95 |
65 Chassis Shop Service Repair Manual for Corvair by Chevrolet (65_65CSM)
$34.95 |
60-67 How to HOTROD Corvair Engines HPBooks Slalom & Autocross Info Spyder Performance Improvements Volkswagen & Porsche Conversions includes: Monzas Corsas Spyders 500's 700's (64_HotrodCorvai)
$34.95 |
64-71 Turbo Hydra-Matic 350 Handbook by Ron Sessions How to troubleshoot recondition etc. one of the most popular automatic Transmissions over 250 pages (67_511)
$18.95 |
65-72 Protect-O-Plate Decoder Guide for all Chevrolet Passenger cars to decode info about you car like the original power plant transmission rear axle & options on the car 68 pgs. by Paul Herd (68_STGMC68)
$39.95 |
1960-69 Corvair Shop Service Repair Manual by Clymer (63_Corvair)
$69.95 |
60-69 Chilton Corvair Shop Service Repair Manual (65_5607)
$79.95 |
60-69 Performance Corvairs updated latest edition 176 pages revision by S. Emerson & W. Fisher updates of How to HotRod Corvair Engines Slalom & Autocross VW & Porsche Conversions 176 pages (65_CorvairPerfo)
$34.95 |
1959-69 How to Keep Your Corvair Alive: Preventive Maint. Tune-Up Inexpensive Improvements Engine Mods. Wheel Alignmnt. Tires Brakes Trans-axles & Special Tools you can Make by HPBooks (64_CorvairKeepA)
$59.95 |
67-78 Full size Van Shop Service Repair Manual for Chevy & GMC by Chilton's. Also Beauville, Sport Van Rally & Vandura 1/2 to 1 ton, including cutaway & motor home chassis, gasoline & diesel engines (70_GM_Van)
$29.95 |
Chevrolet Powerglide Transmission Handbook by Carl Munroe 160 pages 1962-1973 rebuild or modify for all applications (77_1355)
$329.95 |
66-80 Chevrolet Tune Up and Maintenance Manual by Clymer covering the Bel Air Biscayne Camaro Caprice Chevell Chevette Chevy II 2 Citation Corvette El Camino Impala Malibu Monte Carlo Monza Nova and Vega (73_A137)
$29.95 |
67-86 Chevrolet & GMC Van Shop Service Repair Manual covering by Clymer including Gas & Diesel 277 pages G10 G20 G30 (74_A239)
$36.95 |
62-79 Nova Large Format Manual for Chevy by Chilton's. Also Chevy II, Custom, LN, Hatchback. (70CH_28720)
$79.95 |
62-79 Chevrolet II & Nova Shop Service Repair Manual by Chiltons (70_6841_)
$23.95 |
55-74 Chevrolet shop service Repair Manual by Glenn's Belair Camaro Caprice Impala Chevelle Nova Chevy 11 El Camino Nova MOnte Carlo (60_Glenns_SVC)
$39.95 |
67-86 Chevrolet GMC Full size G Van Large Format shop service Repair Manual by Chilton Also Beauville, Sport Van Rally & Vandura 1/2 to 1 ton, including cutaway & motor home chassis, gasoline & diesel engines (76_28640)
$29.95 |
53-75 Chevrolet Book of Numbers includes Engine, Serial, Model, Transmission & Axle Numbers Vol.#1 (64_ChevyBookNum)
$54.95 |
64-86 Chevrolet Mid-Size Service Manual by Chilton's covers Chevelle, El Camino Laguna S-3 Malibu Monte Carlo - (also available in Spanish upon special request) (71_6840)
$19.95 |
High performance Tips & Techniques 196 pgs of how-to for improving pre-1980 Chevrolet compilation of Hot Rod Magazine articles many authors (70_A_CHTT)
$29.95 |
Big-Block Chevy Engine Buildups 170 pages with many B&W photos by the editors of Chevy High Performance magazine & Super Chevy (82_1484)
$18.95 |
55-93 Chevrolet V8 Casting Numbers by Cars & Parts (75_XIDGCVE)
$29.95 |
How to Rebuild & Modify GM Turbo Hydramatic 350 Transmissions by Cliff Ruggles 144 pages and 563 color photos (67_SA326)
$39.95 |
High Performance Chevy Small Block Cylinder Heads, How To Modify Factory Heads, Porting Milling & Welding -Hi-Perf Aftermarket Heads Multi-Valve Designs Dyno Tests Flow Tests Aluminum vs Iron by HOTROD Magazine (68_145992AE)
$26.95 |
High Performance Chevy Small Block Cams & Valvetrains 144 pages many B&W photos by Graham Hansen (75_SA105)
$29.95 |
55-96 Small Block Chevy Performance by J. Baechtel latest info on all Gen I & II Chevy small blocks making your engine perform preparing blocks crankshafts con rods pistons cylinder heads ignition carburetor camshaft valvetrain + + (76_SA110)
$19.95 |
55-98 Chevrolet small block V8 i.d. guide to casting and stamping codes 128 pages by P LaFontaine (775_122728)
$39.95 |
55-00 Rebuilding the Small Block Chevrolet step by step Videobook includes 2 hour dvd by Larry Atherton & Schreib 160 pages 650 B&W photos corvette camaro impala caprice blazer ck c/k silverado cheyenne sportvan nova (75_SA116)
$39.95 |
John Lingenfelter on Modifying Small Block Chevy Engines (77_1238)
$18.95 |
Small Block Chevy Engine Buildups 192 pages by the editors of Chevrolet High Performance Mag (77_HP1400)
$34.95 |
Chevrolet Engine Overhaul Manual by Haynes (covers procedures from engine removal to the entire rebuild process) 262 265 267 283 302 305 307 327 350 396 400 402 427 454 V8 (75_10305)
$34.95 |
Small Block Chevrolet Stock and High Performance Rebuilds by L. Atherton & L. Schreib 160 pages 650 photos 262 265 267 283 302 305 327 350 400 Includes Performance Upgrades Engine Removal and Installation (90_SA26)
$34.95 |
The Chevrolet Racing Engine guide to building and blueprinting by B Jenkins & L Schreib (66_Chev_Rac_Eng)
$98.95 |
Engine Management Advanced Tuning by Greg Banish (B07_SA135)
$29.95 |
How to Rebuild Gen V & VI BB Chevy Engines (B06_1357)
$39.95 |