Description |
Price |
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57 C300 Shop Manual supplement 24 pgs for C 300 300C by Chrysler (57_215721)
$19.95 |
58 D300 Shop manual supplement by Chrysler, 31 pgs for D 300 (58_9192)
$16.95 |
59 300E Shop manual supplement, 16 pgs for E 300 by Chrysler (59_215921)
$19.95 |
60 F300 Shop Service Repair Manual supplement by Chrysler, 28 pgs for F 300 (60_216021)
$19.95 |
60 Chassis Assembly Manual by Chrysler Dodge DeSoto & Plymouth for all 1960 models including Windsor Saratoga New Yorker 300 300F Imperial Fireflite Adventurer Matador Polara Dart Fury Savoy Belvedere & more (60_Chas_Asm_Mop)
$49.95 |
61 G300 Shop manual supplement to '61 supplement by Chrysler, 36 pgs for G 300 (61_216121)
$19.95 |
62 Shop service repair manual by Chrysler & Imperial, 624 pages for Newport 300 New Yorker (62_709)
$64.95 |
63 J300 Shop manual supplement by Chrysler, 39 pgs for J 300 (63_216321)
$39.95 |
63 Shop Service Repair Manual 'S' Series Truck by Dodge for all models VIN # 1230000 & higher models 100-1000 (63_813703066)
$32.95 |
64 K300 Shop manual supplement by Chrysler, 54 pgs for K 300 (64_4397R)
$23.95 |
65 100-700 Shop Service Manual by Dodge truck for VIN # 14920000 & higher incl all Pickup Truck, forward control, 4X4 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 and more (65_813705350)
$59.95 |
65 Shop Service Repair manual for NewYorker New Yorker 300 Newport & Imperial Lebaron Crown 606 pages by Chrysler (65_eb6443R)
$64.95 |
66 Shop Service Repair Manual by Chrysler, 602 pages for Newport 300 New Yorker C300L Imperial Crown LeBaron (66_1068R)
$59.95 |
67 Electrical Assembly Manual by Chrysler Dodge & Plymouth for full size models incl Fury 300 Imperial Newport New Yorker Polara Monaco & more (67_MR96767CBA11)
$49.95 |
68 Body Assembly Manual by Chrysler Dodge & Plymouth for full size models 613 pages incl Fury 300 Imperial Newport New Yorker Polara Monaco & more (68MR96868CBA11F)
$59.95 |
68 Dealer Album by Chrysler containg all paint color & trim materials and option and content information for all 1968 Chrysler models including NewYorker Newport 300& New Yorker (68_Album)
$79.95 |
67 Body Assembly Manual by Chrysler Dodge & Plymouth for full size models 613 pages incl Fury 300 Imperial Newport New Yorker Polara Monaco & more (68_MR96767CBA11)
$59.95 |
68 Electrical Assembly Manual by Chrysler Dodge & Plymouth for full size models incl Fury 300 Imperial Newport New Yorker Polara Monaco & more (68_MR96868CBA11)
$49.95 |
70 Motorhome Chassis M-300 - M-375 Service Manual from Dodge motorhome by Dodge Truck (70_751)
$59.95 |
70 Chassis Assembly Manual by Chrysler Dodge & Plymouth for full size models 181 pages incl Fury 300 Imperial Newport New Yorker Polara Monaco & more (70_MR97070CBA11)
$39.95 |
71 100-800 shop Service repair manual Supplement by Dodge Truck to be used in conjunction with 69-71 manual for changes after VIN# 100,001 & 300,001 for Conventional, Forward Control, 4X4, Motorhomes (71_813701350)
$19.95 |
71 Body Shop Service Repair Manual by Chrysler & Plymouth for Valiant Barracuda Satellite Road Runner Fury New Yorker Newport 300 Town & Country & more (71_RBM71PLY)
$29.95 |
71 Chassis Shop Service Repair Manual by Chrysler & Plymouth for Valiant Barracuda Satellite Road Runner Fury New Yorker Newport 300 Town & Country & more (71_RCM71PLY)
$49.95 |
73 100-800 Service Supplement By Dodge Truck (300 pgs.) 72 manual needed also for D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800. (73_813703350)
$39.95 |
77 Compact Van & Voyager Shop Service Repair Manual by Dodge Truck & Plymouth for B100-300 CB300 MB300-400 PB100-300 (77_813707012)
$44.95 |
78 Compact Van Voyager Shop Service Manual by Dodge Plymouth B100-300 CB300-400 MB300-400 PB100-300 (78_813708114)
$39.95 |
78 Truck technical Service Bulletins by Dodge Truck. Bound Book (78_TruckTSB)
$24.95 |
79 Sportsman Voyager Van Shop Service Repair Manual by Dodge & Plymouth 750 pages B100 B200 B300 CB300 CB400 MB300 MB400 PB100 PB200 PB300 (79_S138D)
$49.95 |
80 Sportsman Van & Voyager Shop Service Repair Manual by Dodge & Plymouth 700 pages for B100-300 CB300-400 MB300-400 PB100-300 (80_814700007)
$39.95 |
1990 Chrysler Dodge Eagle Import Body Shop Service Repair Manual for Colt Summit Colt Vista Colt wagon Colt 200 & more in over 300 pages (90_81_699_9037)
$29.95 |
99 Concorde LHS 300M Intrepid Transmission Diagnostic Procedures Manual by Chrysler (99_8169998058)
$29.95 |
99 LHS & 300M Shop Service Repair Manual Supplement by Chrysler to be used with 1998 Concorde & Intrepid shop manual (99_81_270_8140A)
$32.95 |
99 LHS 300M Concorde Intrepid Shop Service Manual by Chrysler & Dodge (99_81_270_9140)
$79.95 |
99 Chrysler Dodge Jeep Technical Service Bulletins Manual (99_ChryTechBull)
$39.95 |
2000 Concorde LHS 300M Intrepid Powertrain Diagnostic Procedures manual by Chrysler (B00_816999042)
$29.95 |
2000 Concorde LHS 300M Intrepid Chassis Diagnostic Procedures Shop Service Repair Manual by Chrysler (B00_8169999044)
$29.95 |
2000 Concorde LHS 300M Intrepid Transmission Diagnostic Procedures by Chrysler Corp. (B00_8169999045)
$29.95 |
2000 LHS 300M Concorde Intrepid Shop Service Repair Manual by Chrysler & Dodge (B00_81_270_0040)
$54.95 |
2000 Concorde LHS 300M Intrepid Body Diagnostic Procedures manual by Chrysler (B00_LHS300MBody)
$29.95 |
2001 Chrysler Plymouth Dodge LHS 300M Concord and Intrepid Shop Service Repair Manual on Compact Disc CD by DaimlerChrysler (B01_812701040CD)
$99.95 |
2001 Concorde LHS 300M Intrepid Chassis Diagnostic Procedures Shop Service Repair Manual by Chrysler (B01_8169901040)
$29.95 |
2001 Concorde LHS 300M Intrepid Transmission Diagnostic Procedures Shop Service Repair Manual by Chrysler (B01_8169901041)
$29.95 |
2001 Concorde LHS 300M Intrepid Body Diagnostic Procedures Shop Service Repair Manual by Chrysler (B01_8169901043)
$29.95 |
2001 LHS 300M Concorde and Intrepid Shop Service Repair Manual by Chrysler (B01_81_270_1040)
$46.95 |
2002 300M, CONCORDE, INTREPID shop manual on CD (B02_81-270-0202)
$129.95 |
2002 Concorde LHS 300M Intrepid Chassis Diagnostic Procedures Shop Service Repair Manual by Chrysler (B02_8127002005)
$29.95 |
2000 Concorde LHS 300M Intrepid Transmission Diagnostic Procedures by Chrysler Corp. (B02_8127002006)
$29.95 |
2002 Concorde LHS 300M Intrepid Body Diagnostic Procedures manual by Chrysler (B02_8127002007)
$29.95 |
2002 Concorde LHS 300M Intrepid Powertrain Diagnostic Procedures manual by Chrysler (B02_8127002008)
$29.95 |
2003 Concorde LHS 300M Intrepid Body Diagnostic Procedures manual by Chrysler (B02_8127003007)
$29.95 |