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40 Truck Shop Service Repair Manual by Dodge 272 pages Series V by Chrysler including Plymouth (40_272)
$46.95 |
53 Preliminary Shop Service Repair Manual by Chrysler, includes internal oil passage, power steering and transmission (53_PrelimShop)
$24.95 |
57 Shop manual by Chrysler & Imperial including New Yorker Windsor and more... 456 pgs (57_27358)
$56.95 |
60 Chassis Assembly Manual by Chrysler Dodge DeSoto & Plymouth for all 1960 models including Windsor Saratoga New Yorker 300 300F Imperial Fireflite Adventurer Matador Polara Dart Fury Savoy Belvedere & more (60_Chas_Asm_Mop)
$49.95 |
63 Shop Service Repair Manual by Chrysler 564 pages for all car models including Imperial (63_27378)
$52.95 |
65 100-700 Shop Service Manual by Dodge truck for VIN # 14920000 & higher incl all Pickup Truck, forward control, 4X4 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 and more (65_813705350)
$59.95 |
67 Electrical Assembly Manual by Chrysler Dodge & Plymouth for full size models incl Fury 300 Imperial Newport New Yorker Polara Monaco & more (67_MR96767CBA11)
$49.95 |
68 Body Assembly Manual by Chrysler Dodge & Plymouth for full size models 613 pages incl Fury 300 Imperial Newport New Yorker Polara Monaco & more (68MR96868CBA11F)
$59.95 |
68 Chrysler & Imperial Shop Service Repair Manual by Chrysler covering all models including Newport & New Yorker (68_27357)
$59.95 |
68 Dealer Album by Chrysler containg all paint color & trim materials and option and content information for all 1968 Chrysler models including NewYorker Newport 300& New Yorker (68_Album)
$79.95 |
68 Chassis & Engine Equipment Assembly Manual by Chrysler Dodge & Plymouth for B-Body mid size models incl Charger Coronet Plymouth Belvedere GTX Satellite Road Runner (68_B_ChasEngAsm)
$49.95 |
67 Body Assembly Manual by Chrysler Dodge & Plymouth for full size models 613 pages incl Fury 300 Imperial Newport New Yorker Polara Monaco & more (68_MR96767CBA11)
$59.95 |
68 Electrical Assembly Manual by Chrysler Dodge & Plymouth for full size models incl Fury 300 Imperial Newport New Yorker Polara Monaco & more (68_MR96868CBA11)
$49.95 |
70 Chassis Assembly Manual by Chrysler Dodge & Plymouth for full size models 181 pages incl Fury 300 Imperial Newport New Yorker Polara Monaco & more (70_MR97070CBA11)
$39.95 |
73 Body Service Shop Repair Manual by Plymouth Chrysler & Imperial for all models including New Yorker Newport Valiant Fury Barracuda Duster Satellite Town Country & more (73R_RBM73PLY)
$34.95 |
73 Chassis Service Shop Repair Manual by Plymouth Chrysler & Imperial for all models including Valiant Fury Barracuda Duster New Yorker Newport Town Country and more (73R_RCM73PLY)
$49.95 |
73 Shop Service Repair Manual set by Chrysler & Plymouth 2-volumes for all models including New Yorker 'Cuda Imperial Fury Satelite Barracuda Newport Valiant Duster and more (73_RSM73PLY)
$89.95 |
74 Chrysler Plymouth Imperial Shop Service Repair Manual 2-volume set covering all models including Satelite Fury GTX Valiant Newport New Yorker Barracuda and more... (74_5146)
$69.95 |
74 Body service manual by Chrysler Plymouth including Satelite Fury GTX Valiant Newport New Yorker Barracuda and more... (74_RBM74PLY)
$19.95 |
74 chassis shop service repair manual by Chrysler & Plymouth covering all models including Satelit Fury GTX Dart Valiant Barracuda Challenger Monaco and more... (74_RCM74PLY)
$54.95 |
74 Chassis & Body shop Service Repair Manual set by Plymouth, Chrysler, & Imperial including Satelite Fury GTX Valiant Newport New Yorker Barracuda and more... (74_RSM74PLY_2V)
$69.95 |
75 Body Shop Service Repair Manual by Chrysler Plymouth Dodge includes wiring diagrams (75_Body_Svc)
$24.95 |
76 Chassis & Body Shop Service Repair Manual By Chrysler Plymouth Dodge includes Engine & Transmission for rear wheel drive cars including New Yorker Newport Fury Monaco and more... (76_Cha_Svc)
$39.95 |
76 Electrical shop Service repair Manual wiring diagrams by Chrysler Plymouth Dodge for rear wheel drive cars including New Yorker Newport Fury Dart Valiant Volare Aspen Charger Cordoba Coronet Monaco (76_Elect)
$24.95 |
77 Chassis & body Shop Service Repair Manual for Chrysler Plymouth & Dodge all models including Volare NewYorker 5th Ave Fury Cordoba New Yorker and more... (77_Chassis_Sv)
$39.95 |
77 electrical Shop Service Repair Manual for Chrysler Plymouth & Dodge for 1977 all models including Aspen Volare Monaco Fury Magnum Cordoba and more... (77_elect)
$26.95 |
79 Dealer Album by Chrysler containg all color & trim materials and option and content information for all 1979 Chrysler models including LeBaron NewYorker Newport Le Baron & New Yorker (79_Album)
$39.95 |
79 Chassis Body shop Service repair Manual by Chrysler Dodge Plymouth for all model including Aspen Volare Fury New Yorker Newport Magnum and more ...... (79_Chas)
$32.95 |
80 Chassis Body Electrical Shop Service Repair Manual by Chrysler Dodge Plymouth for all model including Aspen Volare Gran Fury New Yorker Newport Mirada St Regis Cordoba Diplomat & Le Baron (80_81_270_0001)
$49.95 |
80 engine performance service manual for rear wheel drive cars including Diplomat Mirada Gran Fury Cordoba New Yorker Aspen Volare Mirada LeBaron & Newport by Chrysler Plymouth Dodge (80_81_270_0002)
$29.95 |
1990 Front Wheel Drive car Electrical Fuel & Emissions shop service repair manual Lebaron Spirit Acclaim New Yorker Dynasty Daytona Omni Horizon Shadow Sundance Imperial by Chrysler Plymouth Dodge (81_270_0102)
$24.95 |
81 Engine Performance Shop Service Repair Manual by Chrysler Plymouth & Dodge including Diplomat LeBaron Mirada Cordoba St Regis Newport Gran Fury New Yorker Imperial (81_EngPerfsvc)
$19.95 |
81 Chassis, Body & Electrical Shop Service Repair Manual for all RWD including LeBaron Mirada Newport and more.. (81_rwdChBdEl)
$29.95 |
82 150-350 Truck Shop Service Repair Manual by Dodge Truck includes Conventional, Forward Control, 4X4, Ramcharger, (82_813702008)
$39.95 |
83 Dodge D150 D250 D350 Truck Shop Service Repair Manual for Pickup including Conventional Forward Control 4X4 Ramcharger 800 pages (83_813703008)
$42.95 |
83 Front Wheel Drive Body Chassis Shop Service Repair Manual by Chrysler, Plymouth, & Dodge for Omni, Horizon, Aries, Reliant, Lebaron, 400, New Yorker, E Class, 600, Rampage, Scamp (83_FWDBodChas)
$27.95 |
83 Front Wheel Drive Body Chassis Shop Service Repair Manual Supplement by Chrysler, Plymouth, & Dodge for Omni, Horizon, Aries, Reliant, Lebaron, 400, New Yorker, E Class, 600, Rampage, Scamp (83_FWDBodSup)
$27.95 |
83 Front Wheel Drive car shop Service repair Manual Supplement Omni Horizon Aries Reliant Lebaron 400 New Yorker E Class 600 Rampage Scamp by Chrysler Plymouth Dodge (83_FWDsupple)
$19.95 |
83 Electrical & Engine Performance Shop Service Repair Manual For Front Wheel Drive Vehicles Omni, Horizon, Aries, Reliant, LeBaron 400 New Yorker E Class 600 Rampage Scamp by Chrysler Dodge Plymouth (83_FWD_EEP)
$24.95 |
84 FWD 2-volume Shop Service Repair Manual set: (1)Chassis Body Factory Service Manual (2) Electrical & Engine Performance; for: Omni Charger Daytona Horizon Turismo LeBaron Rampage New Yorker Aries Reliant 600 Laser & E-Class by Chrysler Plymouth & Dodge (84_ChrFWDserv)
$69.95 |
85 D100-350 Truck Shop Service Repair Manual by Dodge Truck ( incl Ramcharger ) (85_6142)
$79.95 |
85 fwd wiring diagram Shop Service Repair Manual by Chrysler Plymouth Dodge covering all FWD models including LeBaron 400 600 Aries (85_FWDWire_diag)
$24.95 |
86 FWD Set of 3 shop Service repair Manuals for all Front Wheel Drive car Models New Yorker LeBaron Omni Horizon Aries Reliant Laser Daytona Caravelle 600 E-Class by Chrysler Dodge Plymouth (86_FWD_3V_set)
$69.95 |
86 FWD Engine Chassis Body shop service repair for Dodge Plymouth Chrysler New Yorker LeBaron Omni Horizon Aries Reliant 400 600 E-Class by Chrysler (86_FWD_BCE)
$29.95 |
86 FWD Electrical, Heating, & Air Conditioning Manual by Chrysler for all Front Wheel Drive Models of Dodge Plymouth & Chrysler including New Yorker LeBaron Omni Horizon Aries Reliant 400 600 E-Class NewYorker Le Baron and more... (86_FWD_HVAC)
$29.95 |
86 FWD Wiring Diagram Manual by Chrysler for Dodge, Plymouth, and Chrysler including New Yorker LeBaron Omni Horizon Aries Reliant 400 600 E-Class NewYorker Le Baron and more... (86_FWD_wiring)
$27.95 |
88 Dakota shop service repair manual by Dodge truck includes 4WD (88_813708010)
$59.95 |
88 Shop Service Manual electrical, fuel, and emissions - for all front wheel drive cars by Chrysler Plymouth Dodge including Daytona LeBaron & Convertible (88_81_270_8003)
$24.95 |
88 FWD Wiring Diagrams Shop Service Repair Manual for all Front Wheel Drive car models by Chrysler Plymouth & Dodge including Daytona LeBaron & Convertible (88_81_270_8004)
$26.95 |
88 Colt Vista Shop Service Repair Manual by Chrysler Plymouth Dodge & Mitsubishi includes 4WD (88_Vista_Svc)
$44.95 |