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65 100-700 Shop Service Manual by Dodge truck for VIN # 14920000 & higher incl all Pickup Truck, forward control, 4X4 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 and more (65_813705350)
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$21.95 |
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$99.95 |
65 Collision Parts List for Imperial, Chrysler, Dodge, Dart, Plymouth, Valiant by Chrysler (65_PartsList)
$39.95 |
64-65 A100 compact van & pickup S Series service manual by Dodge truck for VIN # 2000001 & higher (65_813704374)
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66 A100 Van & Van based pickup service manual by Dodge Truck for A-100 & S Series Compact VIN # 2055000 & higher (66_7522)
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58-65 Motors shop service repair manual for all Domestic cars Ford GM and Chrysler (62_Motor_dom)
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62-69 Maximum Performance MOPAR Super Stock Drag Racing by Jim Schild Hardcover with color photographs 160 pages (65_139629AP)
$299.95 |
Mopar Six Pack Engine Rebuild and Modify 440 6 Barrel and 340 6 Barrel Handbook by L. Shepard (67_6_Pac)
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62-70 Spotlight on Chrysler Valiant: The 1960s The Guide for Owners Buyers & Enthusiasts by Tony Davis Compilation of reviews from Autrailian magazine Motor Hardcover 128 pages pub by Marque Publishing (93_ChrysValiant)
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$14.95 |
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$39.95 |
60-74 Complete book of Classic Dodge & Plymouth Mopar Muscle Cars 288 pages by M. Mueller (67_210902)
$89.95 |
55-70 Imperial portfolio of road test articles on Chrysler luxury car, 92 pgs. compiled by Brooklands (63_A_CIMX1)
$39.95 |
50-65 Interchange Parts Manual for Chrysler Dodge Plymouth DeSoto & Dodge truck 176 pages (57_100956C)
$59.95 |
55-71 Shop Service Repair Manual for Chrysler Plymouth and Dodge All Models by Glenn's for all models including Fury Coronet Barracuda Charger Dart Valiant New Yorker Imperial Newport Monaco Belvedere Road Runner Super Bee NewYorker and more... (63_Glen)
$64.95 |
Direct Connection Small Block Chrysler Plymouth Dodge V8 273 318 340 360 Mopar Racing Manual how to increase perfomance by the factory experts with factory performace parts and part numbers: 52 pages (72_MoparRacing)
$19.95 |
The Cars of Trans-Am Racing: 1966-1972 by David Tom focuses on the various car models that sported the Trans-Am series body. 192pgs Illustrated (70_CT562)
$39.95 |
62-79 Mopar B-Body Performance Upgrades 144 pages w/ 400 color photos by Finkbeiner incl engine & chassis for all 62-79 Plymouth & Dodge incl Belvedere Satellite Coronet Charger GTX Road Runner Cordoba Magnum & more (70_SA191_P)
$32.95 |
Hemi Muscle Cars; color history 96 pages by Robert Genat (65_128954AP)
$19.95 |
63-85 How to Rebuild the Big Block Mopar 383 400 413 426 Hemi 440 Chrysler Dodge Plymouth Mopar Engines by Arvid Svendsen 144 pages (70_SA197_P)
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American Salvage Yard Treasures A guide to America's Salvage Yards 235 pages (Salvage_Treasur)
$39.95 |
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Complete Book of Nascar Stock Car Racing by L Engel 208 page history (59_NascarEngel)
$14.95 |
62-84 Outboards, All Engines Covers all Chrysler 3.5-150 Hp 1 to 4-cylinder 2-stroke models Maintenance and Repair Manuals (68_018_7)
$34.95 |
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$44.95 |
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$39.95 |
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Inboard Engines & Drives Shop Manual by ABOS covering Engines: Atomic Four & Stecedore Chrysler 40HP M225D MH225D M273B LM318B M360B 383 400 413 440 Crusader 185 220 270 350 Ford 302 351 460 Mercruiser 233 255 350 Olds 350 403 455 OMC 140HP-290HP Berkeley 12JB 12JC 12JE Jacuzzi 12YJ OMC Panther 450E Paragon SA0 SA1 P200 P300 P400 PV300 PV400 Twin Disc MG-502 MG-506L MG-506R Velvet Drive 70 71 72: 83 pages (72_InbrdEngineD)
$19.95 |
Chrysler Hemi Engine, 100 pg of articles from 1965-1979 Hot Rod magazine compilation about 426 Hemi V8's (65_A_CRYH)
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64-92 How to Hot Rod Small-Block Chrysler Mopar Engines HP Books covers all A engines 273 318 340 360 Duster Dart Challenger Cuda by Larry Shepard (78_HP_1405)
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Chrysler, Plymouth & Dodge Stock Cars Enthusiast Color Series Book by Dr. John Craft 96 Pages 1949-1978 (60_125098AP)
$14.95 |
47-76 Automotive Literature Index - A thirty year guide to Car and Driver , Motor Trend and Road & Track - compiled by A Wallace (60_AutoLitIndex)
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$24.95 |
Chrysler Muscle: Detroits Mightiest Machines 160 pages about Dodge & Plymouth muscle cars many interesting color photos by Bill Holder and Phil Kunz (65_136715A)
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Muscle Cars The Legend of Raw Power History Book by John McGovren 78 pages (75_MuscleCarRaw)
$19.95 |
45-76 Chrysler & Imperial The Postwar Years Langworth Covers all models including showcars 216 pg illustrated (60_5_0879380349)
$49.95 |
Complete Chrysler Hemi Engine Manual 196 pages by R. Ceridono with 650 illustations (69_130942)
$279.95 |
41-74 Illustrated Mopar Buyer's Guide by P Sessler Evolution from Classics to Muscle Cars (58_MoparBuyGde)
$39.95 |