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34 Shop manual by Chrysler for CA CB CU CV CW CY models (34_D2546)
$189.95 |
66 Auto Radio Series 34 Service Manual by Sams Photofact (66_AR_34)
$19.95 |
66 Auto Radio Series 35 Service Manual by Sams Photofact (66_AR_35)
$19.95 |
71 Body Shop Service Repair Manual by Chrysler & Plymouth for Valiant Barracuda Satellite Road Runner Fury New Yorker Newport 300 Town & Country & more (71_RBM71PLY)
$29.95 |
71 Chassis Shop Service Repair Manual by Chrysler & Plymouth for Valiant Barracuda Satellite Road Runner Fury New Yorker Newport 300 Town & Country & more (71_RCM71PLY)
$49.95 |
71 Shop Service Manual Chrysler Plymouth & Imperial 2-volume set (71_SM0098)
$69.95 |
73 Body Service Shop Repair Manual by Plymouth Chrysler & Imperial for all models including New Yorker Newport Valiant Fury Barracuda Duster Satellite Town Country & more (73R_RBM73PLY)
$34.95 |
73 Chassis Service Shop Repair Manual by Plymouth Chrysler & Imperial for all models including Valiant Fury Barracuda Duster New Yorker Newport Town Country and more (73R_RCM73PLY)
$49.95 |
73 Shop Service Repair Manual set by Chrysler & Plymouth 2-volumes for all models including New Yorker 'Cuda Imperial Fury Satelite Barracuda Newport Valiant Duster and more (73_RSM73PLY)
$89.95 |
74 Chrysler Plymouth Imperial Shop Service Repair Manual 2-volume set covering all models including Satelite Fury GTX Valiant Newport New Yorker Barracuda and more... (74_5146)
$69.95 |
74 Body service manual by Chrysler Plymouth including Satelite Fury GTX Valiant Newport New Yorker Barracuda and more... (74_RBM74PLY)
$19.95 |
74 chassis shop service repair manual by Chrysler & Plymouth covering all models including Satelit Fury GTX Dart Valiant Barracuda Challenger Monaco and more... (74_RCM74PLY)
$54.95 |
74 Chassis & Body shop Service Repair Manual set by Plymouth, Chrysler, & Imperial including Satelite Fury GTX Valiant Newport New Yorker Barracuda and more... (74_RSM74PLY_2V)
$69.95 |
74 Wiring diagram selectrical Shop Manual for all car models Fury GTX Valiant Dart Duster Scamp Newport New Yorker Charger Barracuda Challenger Satellite Roadrunner Coronet Monaco Imperial by Chrysler Dodge Plymouth (74_WiringDiag)
$19.95 |
85 Vacuum & Wiring Diagram Manual for AMC Chrysler Dodge Plymouth Ford Lincoln Mercury Jeep by Motor's (85_VacuumWire)
$49.95 |
86 Vacuum & Wiring Diagram Manual for Chrysler Corp. AMC & Ford Motor Co. by Motor's (86_VacuumWire)
$39.95 |
89 Diesel Ram Pickup Truck Shop Service Repair Manual Supplement w/Cummins Diesel by Dodge (89_6017)
$34.95 |
90 Ram Cummins Diesel pickup Truck shop Service Manual supplement by Dodge (90_715)
$49.95 |
91 5.9L Cummins Diesel Powertrain Diagnostic Procedures Manual by Dodge Chrysler (91_5.9LDslDiagn)
$69.95 |
91 Wiring Diagram Manual includes a/c & heater vacuum circuits by Motor (91_WRD)
$49.95 |
92 5.9L Cummins Diesel Powertrain Diagnostic Procedures Manual by Dodge Chrysler (92_5.9LDslDiagn)
$39.95 |
92 D&W 150-350 Ram Pickup & Ramcharger Shop Service Repair Manual by Dodge Truck includes Cummins 5.9 Diesel 1,600 pages (92_7286)
$99.95 |
92 Wiring Diagram Manual includes A/C & heater vacuum circuits by MOtor (92_WRD)
$49.95 |
93 5.9L Cummins Diesel Powertrain Diagnostic Procedures Manual by Dodge Chrysler (93_5.9LDslDiagn)
$39.95 |
98 Shop Service Repair Manual Supplement For Dodge Cummins Diesel 24 valve Ram Truck 1500 2500 3500 by Dodge covering lubrication cooling charging speed control wiring engines exhaust intake fuel emmission etc. (98_813708108B)
$39.95 |
53 Owners Manual by Chrysler covers New Yorker Custom Imperial & Crown Imperial. (53_OM - Not a shop manual)
$43.95 |
1956 Ward's Automotive Yearbook - 18th Edition - A truly amazing accumulation of statistics, photographs and advertisements from every major auto manufacturer of the time (66_WardYearbook)
$249.95 |
1968 Ward's Automotive Yearbook - 30th Edition - A truly amazing accumulation of statistics, photographs and advertisements from every major auto manufacturer of the time (68_WardYearbook)
$89.95 |
94 Ram PU Cummins Turbo Diesel owners manual by dodge (94_3269422 - Not a shop manual)
$29.95 |
The 1972 Chrysler Plymouth lineup Sales Brochure 27pgs Incl Cricket Valiant/Duster/Scamp Barracuda Satellite Fury Plymouth Wagons Newport Custom & Royale Town & Country New Yorker Brougham and Imperial (72__ChryPly_SB)
$18.95 |
73 Chrysler Plymouth Sales Brochure covering the Cricket Duster Valiant Scamp Barracuda Satellite Road Runner Fury and Imperial (73_ChryPly_CC)
$19.95 |
74 Chrysler Plymouth Sales Brochure covering the Cricket Duster Valiant Scamp Barracuda Satellite Road Runner Fury and Imperial (74_ChryPly_CC)
$19.95 |
75 Chrysler Plymouth Sales Brochure covering the Cricket Duster Valiant Scamp Barracuda Satellite Road Runner Fury and Imperial (75_ChryPly_CC)
$17.95 |
76 Chrysler Plymouth Sales Brochure covering the Cricket Duster Valiant Scamp Barracuda Satellite Road Runner Fury and Imperial (76_ChryPly_CC)
$17.95 |
77 Chrysler Plymouth Sales Brochure covering the Cricket Duster Valiant Scamp Barracuda Satellite Road Runner Fury and Imperial (77_ChryPly_CC)
$17.95 |
78 Chrysler Plymouth Sales Brochure covering the Cricket Duster Valiant Scamp Barracuda Satellite Road Runner Fury and Imperial (78_ChryPly_CC)
$17.95 |
79 Chrysler Plymouth Sales Brochure covering the Cricket Duster Valiant Scamp Barracuda Satellite Road Runner Fury and Imperial (79_ChryPly_CC)
$19.95 |
65 Parts Manual by Mopar for all Chrysler Plymouth and Dodge cars 1,492 pages (65_3950)
$99.95 |
67 Parts Manual by Chrysler for all Dodge, Plymouth, and Chrysler Passenger Cars: 1,462 pages covering all models including Charger Barracuda Dart Valiant Coronet Fury Satelite Imperial New Yorker Newport Monaco Polara Belvedere and more (67_3951R)
$99.95 |
68 parts & illustrations Manual by Chrysler Dodge & Plymouth 1,422 pages for all models including Imperial Barracuda Dart Coronet Super Bee Charger Monaco New Yorker (68_P108)
$119.95 |
74 Mopar parts manual for Chrysler, Dodge, & Plymouth including Satelite Fury GTX Valiant Newport New Yorker Barracuda and more... (74_1882)
$89.95 |
1967 Ward's Automotive Yearbook - 29th Edition - A truly amazing accumulation of statistics, photographs and advertisements from every major auto manufacturer of the time (67_WardYearbook)
$89.95 |
70-71 parts & illustrations manual 2,100 pages covers Challenger Dart Swinger Charger Coronet Polara Monaco Fury Cuda Valiant Satelite New Yorker Imperial and all other 1970 & 1971 by Chrysler Dodge Plymouth (705_367)
$149.95 |
1993-1995 Vehicle security system, body diagnostic procedures manual (93_chry_secure)
$19.95 |
83-86 Sebring Convertible & Chrylser Executive Limousine Specialty Vehicle Body Manual by Chrysler for Body Shops (85_81_699_7044)
$39.95 |
70-74 Original Dodge Challenger & Plymouth Barracuda The Restorer's Guide 128 pages Hardcover by J. Schild A beautiful guide to originality (72_136333AP)
$199.95 |
1968-1972 Dodge Scat Pack and Plymouth Rapid Transit System: Chrysler's Muscle Car Marketing Programs by J Schild 192pgs (70_CT597)
$89.95 |
70-74 Plymouth Barracuda Cuda' & Dodge Challenger definitive guide by S. Ross 192 pages hardcover Facts Figures and Features of Chryler's Famed Pony Cars (72_CT558)
$59.95 |
How to Rebuild and Modify Chrysler 426 Hemi Engines by Larry Shepard A step-by-step guide to rebuilding and modifying the 426 Hemi including sections on racing heritage, cylinder block, ignition and lubrication systems, and racing parts 240 pages (65_1525)
$89.95 |
51-55 Cunningham Sports Cars American Racing Legends history of the Cunningham sports including Chrysler & Cadillac powered C2 - C6R incl Le Mans & US races 122 illustrations many never before published from Ludvigsen archive (53_10192)
$24.95 |