Description |
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67 DS21 Owners Manual by Citroen (68_DS21_OM - Not a shop manual)
$399.95 |
69-73 Citroen Ami8 Owners Manual by Citroen for Ami 8 (71_Ami8_OM - Not a shop manual)
$89.95 |
82 Citroen 2CV owners manual 2CV6 GERMAN language (74_2CV_OMgerman - Not a shop manual)
$129.95 |
1959-63 ID19 wagon parts manual by Citroen for ID 19 wagon Ambulance Break Safari Commercial family type (63_ID19wgnPrt)
$64.95 |
70-75 Citroen SM Description Technique Technical Description booklet with color diagrhams of all vehicle systems 47 pages in FRENCH (725_SM_Tech)
$69.95 |
SM Shop Manual Characteristics Adjustments Inspections Checks & Testing by Citroen (72_CitroenSMSvc)
$76.95 |
76-81 CX 2400 Repair Manual, vol. 2, May '81, used factory manual in binder (78_CX24repr2)
$89.95 |
DS Owners Manual by Citroen (63_DS_OM - Not a shop manual)
$129.95 |
Citroen SM, Jeff Daniels; Illustrated history of innovative sports GT 135 pg (72_5_085045381X)
$89.95 |
70-75 SM Portfolio of articles compiles into 136 page book form by Brooklands about the Citroen Maserati (72_CITSX2)
$99.95 |
Citroen SM le Prestige Francais by T Amant in French - The French Prestige (73_39854A)
$72.95 |
SM Owners Manual by Citroen in FRENCH (73_SM_OM_FRENCH - Not a shop manual)
$89.95 |
73-78 Citroen Ami Super Owners Manual by Citroen (75_Ami_Super_OM - Not a shop manual)
$49.95 |
70-75 spare Parts Manual SM by Citroen French German English (725_SM_parts)
$169.95 |
66-72 D-Series DS21 Shop Service Repair Manual Vol.1 contains: Characteristics - Engine - Carburation - Ignition - Clutch - Gearbox - Transmission - Source & Reserve of Pressure - Front Axle - Rear Axle - Suspension - Steering - Brakes - Electrical System - Bodywork - & Tools by Citroen (69_D_Shop_V1)
$199.95 |
85-91 CX series 2 Shop Service Repair Manual by Citroen (88_CX_SVc)
$199.95 |
69 DS21 Owners Manual by Citroen (69_DS21_OM - Not a shop manual)
$169.95 |
SM Citroen's Maserati Engined Supercar large 224 hardbound page history by Brian Long & Phillipe Claverol (72_144117)
$399.95 |
SM Owners Manual by Citroen (73_SM_OM - Not a shop manual)
$129.95 |
AMI 8 Parts Manual by Citroen (69_AMI8_Part)
$79.95 |
60-67 Ami-6 3cv Service Manual by Citroen (64_3CV_Svc)
$89.95 |
Style Auto #31 featuring Citroen SM, Lancia, Renault 15 &17, Fiat-giannini, Zagato & Ferrari (74_Z_31)
$79.95 |
01-08 Citroen C5 Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes (B03_4745)
$34.95 |
68-75 Maserati the Citroen Years history book by M. Sonnery (72_40225 - Not a shop manual)
$449.95 |
1957-1964 ID19 Berline sedan parts catalogue manual book by Citroen English (60_470)
$64.95 |
57-64 Citroen ID19 Berline parts manual (62_470)
$64.95 |
1961-1965 AMI 6 Berline sedan break wagon Fourgonnette 350 3cv traction Parts Manual catalogue book by Citroen (62_486)
$59.95 |
71-79 Citroen GS shop Service repair Manual by Haynes (76_290)
$34.95 |
93-01 Citroen Xantia shop service repair manual gas & diesel by Haynes (96_3082)
$34.95 |
96-04 Saxo Sop Service Repair Manual by Haynes for all gas & diesel models of this Citroen, incl. 16 valve VTR & VTS (99_3506)
$34.95 |
34-42 Le Guide Traction 7 11 22 by Jerome Collignon in French History Evolution Identification and Utilization Hardcover 168 pages (38_34016)
$79.95 |
La Citroen DS Volume 2 de mon pere by Diminique in French 1968-76 History and information Earlier information can be found in volume 1 Hardcover with photographs 120 pages (72_33987)
$38.95 |
56-64 DS19 Parts Manual catalogue book by Citroen for DS 19 (60_DS19Parts)
$49.95 |
66-75 Citroen DS & ID The Essential Buyer's Guide 64pg by Rudy Heilig (70_1845841386)
$39.95 |
75-84 Citroen CX Shop Service Repair Manual by Citroen (795_CitroenCX)
$399.95 |
79-88 Citroen Visa shop service repair manual for all models incl. GTi, C15 van & convertible by Haynes (84_0620)
$34.95 |
Technical bulletin #1; Introduction to the XM. 34 pgs. (93_TechBul1)
$16.95 |
89-98 C15 Shop Service Repair Manual by haynes for Citroen C-15 gas & diesel: 954cc 1124cc & 1769cc (94_3509)
$34.95 |
Labor time guide for Citroen XM (94_CitroenXM)
$23.95 |
Mehari & Dyane 6 Parts Manual by Citroen (69_Mehari_Parts)
$79.95 |
87-97 AX repair manual, hardback edition from Haynes for all models of this Citroen except 1527 diesel (92_3014)
$34.95 |
1955-1962 ID19 shop service repair manual text & illustrations by Citroen (59_ID19shop)
$89.95 |
83-94 BX Haynes Repair manual, '83-94. Hatch & Wagon, Inc GT & 16 valve. Gas: 1360, 1580, & 1905cc. All exc 4x4. for Citroen (89_0908)
$34.95 |
89-2000 Citroen XM shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes covering all 8-valve 4 cyl Gas, Diesel, & Turbo models (95_3451)
$34.95 |
Citroen XM; Comprehensive celebration of Citroen innovation covering design, engineering and manufacture of the XM by Alberto Martinez & Marice Sauzay 198 hardbound pages published 1989 (95_XM_Hist)
$69.95 |
1964-76 Citroen 2CV Ami Dyane Shop Service Repair Manual by Autobooks (70_2CVAutobks)
$39.95 |
Citroen DS de mon pere Volume 1 in French by Dominique Pagneux 1955-67 History and information about the French car Later information can be found in volume 2 Hardcover with photographs 119 pages (61_33986)
$38.95 |
55-67 La DS 19 by Fabien Sabates in French, The history, evolution identification and utilization Hardcover 168 pages (61_34011)
$99.95 |
55-68 DS19 Shop Service Repair Manual by Citroen for DS 19 (62_DS19_Svc)
$72.95 |
Labor time guide from CXA - flat rate manual for Citroen CX (81_Labor_Time)
$23.95 |