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28 Rapid Flat Rate Price List for American cars by Chilton, includes Ajax, Chandler, Gabriel, Marmon, Peerless, Romar, Willys and much more (28_Cht_Lab)
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Audels Truck and Tractor Guide for Mechanics and Drivers of Gas & Diesel Motors by Frank D Graham 1300 small format pages published 1951 (51_AudelTruckTr)
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Dodge Boats History Book by A. Mollica Jr. 128 Hardbound pages (30_135760AP)
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Veteran Cars - by Michael Sedgwick (45_VeteranCars)
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Vintage Cars - by Michael Sedgwick (45_VintageCars)
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Fill er Up the Story of Fifty Years of Motoring by B Partridge 235 page hard cover history (52_FillErUp)
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Antique Car Wrecks From Old Cars Weekly "Wreck of the Week" Photo Album edited by J Gunnell 222 pages (31_Wrecks)
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The Batsfourd Colour book of Classic Cars by J R Buckley (64_ClassicCarsB)
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10-75 Dodge Story by T. McPherson; 320 hardbound pages covering every car & truck model with 1540 illustrations (45_101369AP)
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Omnibus of Speed - An Introduction to the world of Motor Sport - compiled and edited by Charles Beaumont and William F Nolan - 1st Edition, published 1958 (58_OmnibusOfSpe)
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Any Color so Long as it's Black - the first fifty years of automobile advertising - by Peter Roberts - 144 pages full of illustrations (76_AnyColorBlac)
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The Death of the Automobile by John Jerome - Illustrated by Robert Osborne (80_DeathAuto)
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The World of Automobiles vol 5 An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Motor Car covering models DA through EF including Daimler Datsun Dodge De Soto DeSoto De Tamoso Duesenberg Edsel Elva Enfield and more (40_WOA_V05)
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Motor Car Lovers Companion edited by Richard Hough - with articles written by Aldous Huxley, Jacques Ickx, Henry Miller, Lord Montagu, Laurence Pomeroy, Osbert Sitwell and more (65_MotorCarLove)
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Volume 40 Issue 3 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Chyrsler Plymouth Dodge Muscle Cars Miller Packard and more (B20_AQVol40Iss3)
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Automotive Electronics by Rudolf Graf and George Whalen (50_AutoElectron)
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Automotive Engines Theory and Servicing by Herbert E Ellinger (74_AutoEngEllin)
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Daytona USA by Willam Neely - The Official history of Daytona and Ormond Beach Racing from 1902 to todays NASCAR Super Speedways - published 1980 (50_DaytonaUSA)
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Encyclopedia of the Worlds Automobiles by D Burgess Wise 352 page hard cover history (40_EncycWise)
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Motor Trucks of America - Milestones Pionees Roll Call and Highlights by James A Wren (79_MotorTrucksA)
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Mopar Performance 273 318 340 360 A Engine and 383 400 413 426 440 B Engines by Larry Schreib (50_MoparPerform)
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How to Modify your Retro or Classic Car for High Performance by Daniel Stapleton (50_196256AE)
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The Great Old Cars - Where are they now - by Stanley K Yost (60_GreatOldCars)
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Esquires American Autos and their Makers - published 1963 (63_EsquireAuto)
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Off Road Vehicle Digest by Clair F Rees - Selecting Driving Trailblazing Troubleshooting Maintaining and Accessorizing 2 and 4 Wheel Drive Vehicles (79_OffRoadVDige)
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Dream Machines - Vans and Pickups by Irwin Stambler (80_DreamMachine)
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Custom Cars in Color by R Nicholls history featuring Chevrolet Dodge Ford & more (40_CustomNichol)
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Auto Repair - Illustrated Deluxe Edition of the Basics of Auto Repair published 1982 (82_AutoRepairIl)
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Automotive Air Conditioning by Boyce H Dwiggins (75_AutoAirCondi)
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01-85 Great American Cars by J Wood 96 Color pgs of photos & descriptions. (43_3983)
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Basic Carburetion & Fuel Systems by Petersens #5 (50_BscCarbFuel5)
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view cover of Ultimate Auto Album 504 pages by Tad Burness starting in 1900 thru 1985
Ultimate Auto Album 504 pages by Tad Burness starting in 1900 thru 1985 (40_139576)
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All Color World of Cars by Phil Drackett - Charts the history and development of the car (79_ColorWorldCa)
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A Technical History of the Motor Car by Newcomb and Spurr (89_TechnicalHis)
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Auto Service and Repair - A Book on the basics of Auto Repair applicable to all vehicles by Martin W Stockel (70_SotckelAutoS)
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Classic American Cars by Quentin Willson 192 pages color illust. hardbound (45_ClassAmerica)
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Fifty Years of American Automobiles by the Auto Editors fo Consumer Guide (89_FiftyYearsAm)
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01-92 American Volunteer Fire Trucks by Wood & Sorensen 336 pgs 550+ photographs incl American LaFrance Pierce Pirsch Seagrave Ward & more (45_FireTrucks)
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Motor Auto Body Repair by Robert Scharff and James E Duffy published 1992 (92_MotorAutoRep)
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1910-2002 Classic Pickups Made in America from 1910 to the present by J Carroll 144 pages hardcover (46_ClassPickups)
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Practical Auto Detailing at Home by Rourke M OBrien and John B Thomas (70_PracticalAut)
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American Work Trucks Pictorial History of Commercial Trucks 1900-1994 edited by J Gunnell 304 pgs (47_WorkTrucks)
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Classic Cars of the World by Quentin Willson 416 page hard cover with plentiful color photographs (45_ClassWolrd)
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Pickups - The Phenomenal Mainstay of Americas Automobile Industry by Terry Jackson - covering Ford Chevrolet Dodge and more. Hardcover in 192 pages (75_PickupMainst)
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Dodge Pickups a history by Steve Statham 96 pgs (58_126484AP)
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1885-1984 Purnells Great World of Performance Cars by Peter Roberts - A photographic and textual history of the great performance cars . From the Experimental years of the 19th century to the streamlined beauty of the cars of the sixties and seventies. (35_PurnellPerfC)
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Standard Guide to Building Street Rods & Custom Cars by Ken Wickham 182 pgs (50_StreetRods)
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Encyclopedia of American Police Cars: 320 pages by E.J. Sanow (65_128083AP)
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A-Z of Cars of the 1930s by Michael Sedgwick and Mark Gillies (35_AZCars30s)
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view cover of Get a Horse - The Automobile age in America from the first car to the present - by M M Musselman
Get a Horse - The Automobile age in America from the first car to the present - by M M Musselman (50_GetAHorse)
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