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74-76 Boxer 365GTBB4 service manual in Italian by Ferrari (72_FER365GTSS)
$99.95 |
71-74 Owners Manual by Ferrari for 246GT Dino (72_95990012 - Not a shop manual)
$599.95 |
365GT4 2+2 Owners Manual by Ferrari for 365 GT4 (75_365GT4_OM - Not a shop manual)
$299.95 |
71-74 246 Dino parts manual by Ferrari includes chassis, body, & trim for Coupe & Spider from chassis number 02132 and up. This manual was published in 1975 and covers earlier models as well (72_FER246DINOP)
$129.95 |
365GT4BB Parts Manual by Ferrari for BB Berlinetta Boxer 365 GT4BB (75_FER365GT4BBP)
$99.95 |
Ferrari 246 Dino shop servicerepair manual translated into English by Angelo Wallace covering all four Dino series: ( 246GT 246GTS GT GTS & Would apply to 206 also with slight modifications) (71_FER246DINS)
$129.95 |
365GTC4 Coupe shop service repair manual by Ferrari translated into English by Angelo Wallace 250 pages (72_365GTC4Wal)
$129.95 |
Ferrari 365GT4BB Boxer Owners Manual by Ferrari Berlinetta Boxer 365 GT4 BB (74_Boxer_Own - Not a shop manual)
$399.95 |
74-79 308 workshop manual by Ferrari complete in English (Recommended by Ferrari Factory for use with 308GTB & 308GTS GTB GTS GT4 chassis & powertrain, even though rest of manual is for 308GT4 Dino ) (77_FER308GT4S)
$99.95 |
308GT4 Owners Manual by Ferrari for 308 GT4 (77_308GT4_OM - Not a shop manual)
$229.95 |
365GT4 2+2 Parts Manual by Ferrari for 365 GT4 (73_365GT4_Parts)
$399.95 |
74-79 308GT4 parts manual by Ferrari includes chassis body & trim part numbers and illustration with descriptions in Italian for 308 GT4 (77_FER308GT4P)
$129.95 |
Dino Shop service repair Manual Coupe & Spider 2400 by Fiat (70_FiatDinoS)
$99.95 |
68-74 Road & Track on Ferrari, 88 pgs of articles about Italy's most famous marque, compiled by Brooklands (71_A_FRT68)
$19.95 |
Daytona 365GTB4 Shop Service Repair Manual by Ferrari translated into English by Angelo Wallace (71_DaytonaWal)
$129.95 |
Ferrari Dino Compendium 206 246 hardcover in slipcase 396 pages with 711 illustrations wieght 3.4kg (71_40200A)
$2,999.95 |
Ferrari Daytona 365GTB/4 World Supercar by Nye (74_DaytonaNye)
$44.95 |
73-80 Ferrari 308 GT4 sales brochure full color 16 pages 9.5x13.5" includes full specifications of the 308GT4 (73_Ferrari_GT4)
$84.95 |
Daytona parts manual 365GTB4 by Ferrari (71_FERDAYTP)
$99.95 |
Ferrari Dino 206GT 246GT 246GTS Pininfarina V6 road cars by Ian Webb Hardcover 135pgs for 206 246 GT GTS models (72_DinoFerrari)
$59.95 |
66-75 246GT 365GTC/S 365GT 2+2 365 GTB/4 Handbook covering Operating Maintenance & Service by Ferrari 386 pages (70_FerrariHndbk)
$149.95 |
Fiat Dino Ferrari by Another Name by Mike Morris (69_DINO_NAME)
$995.95 |
Book of articles about the Fiat Dino (69_FIDX1)
$19.95 |
65-74 Dino, portfolio of articles about all V6 Ferrari sports cars, 136 pages, compiled by Brooklands (70_A_FADNX2)
$22.95 |
65-74 Ferrari Dino 206 Gt 246 GT 246 GTS 60 page history printed in french published by Retro Passion (70_Dino_Hist)
$29.95 |
Ferraris of the Seventies, A Source Book, edited by Robert Ackerson. Illustrated contemporary reviews. 365 308 512 246 (75_0934780358)
$24.95 |
Le Mans 1970-79 The Official History of the World's Greatest Motor Race 340 pages hardcover by Spurring (75_192419)
$69.95 |
Hot Cars of the 70's by Cheetham 256 pgs (75_Hot_Car)
$29.95 |
Weber Carburetor 32 IME & IMPE Shop Service Repair Manual by Edoardo Weber (66_Weber_32_IME)
$34.95 |
74-84 Boxer Shop Service Repair Manual by Ferrari translated into English by Angelo Wallace covering 4.4 liter, 5-liter, carbureted 365GT4BB Berlinetta Boxer BB512 512BB BB512i 217 pages fuel injection is covered in 400i injection manual (75_Boxer_Wala)
$129.95 |
66-76 Ferrari Book of over 30 of the best Ferrari articles taken from Motor and Thoroughbred & Classic Cars magazines. Covers the 250 Testa Rossa 246 GT GTO 312B 275 GTB and many more... (71_FerrariMotor)
$19.95 |
74-85 Ferrari 308 & Mondial portfolio of articles compiled into book form by Brooklands; 172 pgs. includes 308GTSi, 308GTS, 308GTB, 308GTBi, and many other models... (80_A_FA74GP)
$39.95 |
208 pages books about 74-85 Ferrari 308 & Mondial Ultimate Portfolio Articles from top magazines for 308 GT4 GTB GTBi QV GTS GTSi GTSi QV Mondial 8 & Quattrovavole (80_FA74UP)
$49.95 |
Weber Parts Manual for Ferrari Alfa Romeo Fiat Lamborghini Lancia Carburetor (Italian laguage) including DCOE DMTR DCN and more (80_weber)
$69.95 |
63-75 Car and Driver on Ferrari, 100 pgs of articles about best era Ferraris, compiled by Brooklands (69_A_FCD63)
$159.95 |
Ferrari 312P 312PB WSC Giants by Collins & McDonough 128 pages (70_149519)
$29.95 |
72-86 Ferrari V12 book by Schrader Motor Chronik for Engine model Ferrari cars 365/400/412/512 and Testarossa IN GERMAN (79_3922617352)
$34.95 |
Ferrari 365GTC4 1:18 KK Red DieCast 365GTC/4 model (71_365GTC4_18_K)
$199.95 |
Weber 28 ICP & ICP1 Carburetor Shop Service Repair Manual by Edoardo Weber (66_Weber_28_ICP)
$34.95 |
Ferrari Berlinetta Boxer history 365 GT4BB & 512 134 pages by Nichols Osprey Auto History (71_521_Srvc_)
$49.95 |
Ferrari 312 & 512 Sports Racing Cars the Porsche hunters by I. Bamsley (71_HP_36)
$159.95 |
64-81 Endurance 50 years Vol #2 in 240 pages hardcover in FRENCH 50 ans d'histoire 1964-1981 by A. Bienvenu (72_34074)
$82.95 |
66-83 Ferrari Rececars (749781902351452)
$24.95 |
Style Auto #11 featuring; Alfa Styling Centre, Ford Taunus 12M & 15M, Ferrari 365 P, Peugeot 204, Citroen Ami 6, Olds Toronado, and more (69_Z_11)
$59.95 |
Style Auto #12 featuring Maserati Ghibli, DeTomaso Mangusta, Ferrari Dino, Fiat Dino Spider, Fiat 124 Spider, Ford Cortina Mk2, Opel Reckord, and others (69_Z_12)
$79.95 |
Style Auto #24 featuring Bertone Runabout, Bertone Fiat 128, Ghia Lancia, Iguana, Alfa 33/2, Ferrari 512S, Daf, Bitter CD. (69_Z_24)
$59.95 |
Style auto #37 featuring; Alfasud Sprint, Lancia Scorpion Montecarlo, 308 GT4, Porsche 924, Opel GT2, Renault 14, and more... (69_Z_37)
$49.95 |
Isorivolta, The men, The Machines: 536 pages expanded edition by W. Goodfellow. A gem of a collectors book. The Authoritative source for these fine and rare cars (70_150084)
$599.95 |
Ferrari 246 Dino 206 166 hardcover history by Casucci including Fiat Dino 111 pgs large format (70_888588007)
$89.95 |
Da Iso Rivolta Isorivolta Il Fascino di un Marchio 160 pages Hardcover in ITALIAN by F. Campetti as history of the company & intes products including the GT cars as well as the micro cars scooters refirgerators trucks and more (70_978887911319)
$89.95 |