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History book on Fiat Dino by J.P.Gabriel in Italian (65_J_P_Gabriel)
$129.95 |
Book of articles about the Fiat Dino (69_FIDX1)
$19.95 |
65-74 Dino, portfolio of articles about all V6 Ferrari sports cars, 136 pages, compiled by Brooklands (70_A_FADNX2)
$22.95 |
65-74 Ferrari Dino 206 Gt 246 GT 246 GTS 60 page history printed in french published by Retro Passion (70_Dino_Hist)
$29.95 |
52-65 Ferrari & Pininfarina by Style Auto 128 page hard cover history featuring all the various Pininfarina designs for Ferrari (59_124388AE)
$34.95 |
Sports Prototype & Competition Cars compilation 50's 60's by Unique 94 pg Aston Martin DBR1 Brabham BT8 Ferrari 500 860 206 Dino BRM HWM Cooper Formula 2 Chaparral McLaren Alta Maserati A6GCS 2000 Genie Elva Bobsy Keift H.R.G. Gordini & more... (57_SprtPrototyp)
$192.95 |
Style Auto #12 featuring Maserati Ghibli, DeTomaso Mangusta, Ferrari Dino, Fiat Dino Spider, Fiat 124 Spider, Ford Cortina Mk2, Opel Reckord, and others (69_Z_12)
$79.95 |
Ferrari 246 Dino 206 166 hardcover history by Casucci including Fiat Dino 111 pgs large format (70_888588007)
$89.95 |
Ferrari Dino GT L'Inoubliable in French by Gabriel 106 206 246 GT (70_DINO_ETAI)
$69.95 |
Dino by A. Curtis: History of the Ferrari in 192 pages, also covers Fiat Dino (71_124500AE)
$99.95 |
57-79 Dino The Little Ferrari by Doug Nye full historical analysis of the Dino V6 & V4 engined racing & road cars 320 pages Road tests & detailed appendices (69_137460AP_HI)
$39.95 |
Tuning Tips & Maintenance Techniques for Ferrari 164 pages by G.L. Roush & J.R. Apen for 250 GT GTE 275GTB 330 GTC 330GT 365 GT GTB/4 & Dino 246 GT (70_1588500128)
$39.95 |
Ferrari 25 Years of Formula 1 by J W Barnes Jr Hardcover 61 pgs A history of the 25 major Ferrari Grand Prix cars from 1948 to 1973 with accompanying pen & ink drawings (61_Ferrari_Barn)
$19.95 |
Let me sell you a Ferrari a Ferrari dealer's memoir 300 pages by R. Guarino (78_Sell_Ferrari)
$49.95 |
Compete Book of Ferrari by L Orsini 66 page history (70_FerrariOrsin)
$39.95 |
The Ferrari Legend The Road Cars by A Prunet covering Ferrari road cars fro 1946 to 1980 446 pages hardcover (63_FerrariLegen)
$29.95 |
Cars The New Classics: The Greatest Cars Made Since 1945 by Chris Harvey 80 hardbound pages (62_CarsClassics)
$14.95 |
Ferrari, photo history book by Exeter Books with a foreward by N Lauda (83_067106256)
$9.95 |
Road & Track on Ferrari 110 pages featuring articles on Testarossa 412 GTO 328GTS Mondial Cabriolet 246 Dino 288 GTO 250 Lusso 365GTB/4 Daytona 512 Berlinetta Boxer Factory Visit and more published in 87 (87_FerrRdTr)
$29.95 |
47-87 Fantastic Ferraris by Prunet & Vann 203 pages Hardcover history of Ferraris from 375F1 to the 512M & PF Modula (67_Fant_Ferrari)
$29.95 |
29-71 Ferrari by L Setright published by Ballantine 161 page history book (50_FerrariSetri)
$14.95 |
Ferrari Design of a Legend The Official History and Catalog by G. Rogliatti S. Pininfarina & V. Moretti 261 pages beautifully illustrated hardcover (68_FerrariDesig)
$69.95 |
Foghieri on Ferrari 1947 to present by D. Buzzonetti 304 pages hardcover (809788879115650)
$89.95 |
Ferrari V 65 degree Engines both V6 & V12 in 46 pages in English Italian French German V65 L'efficacia di un'idea (75_Ferrari_V65)
$29.95 |
Il Cavallino Nel Coura AutoBiography of Designer Leonardo Fioravanti 255 pages hardcover about career of Designer of the Ferrari Dino Daytona P6 Boxer 400i 308 series 288 GTO & so many more (B07_A8J7)
$89.95 |
Ferrari by Godfrey Eaton large hardcover 63 pages (56_FerrariEaton)
$29.95 |
Road and Racing History of Ferrari 1947-2000 136 hardcover pages by A. Curami. (99_N235X)
$29.95 |
The Classic Ferrari by Godfrey Eaton large hardcover 96 pages (56_ClassicFerr)
$29.95 |
Ferrari 246GT Dino Super Profile by Nathan Beehl (70_FerrariDinSP)
$39.95 |
Ferrari Design: The Definitive Study by Glen Smale 272 hardbound pages (75_181050)
$69.95 |
60 Years of Ferrari Supercars 258 pgs with color illustrations Includes 750 Monza Dino 246 250 250GT Lusso 275GTB 308GTB Daytona F430 Spider Enzo F40 599GTB 550 FXX (78_FerrariSuper)
$39.95 |
50 years of innovation in technology 116 pgs by Ferrari & Karl Ludvigsen (50_yrs_Tech)
$59.95 |
1947-2007 Ferrari 60th Anniversary nby G Cancellieri & K Ludvigsen in 2 main sections the first detailing the technical innovations made by Ferrari and the other all about the history of Ferrari from the industrial race & human viewpoint with over 900 photos in 408 hardcover pages (77_210326AE)
$49.95 |
Ferrari The Legend on the Road by Brian Laban large 260X300MM history book 176 hardbound pages many high quality color photos 166mm Barchetta to 360 Modena (80_Ferrarilaban)
$34.95 |
The Little Book of Ferrari color photo history book by Brian Laban 127 pgs. (65_Ferrari_Litt)
$15.95 |
35-00 Ferrari Icon of Style by Lorenzo Ardizio 187 pages (675_FerrariIcon)
$29.95 |
Ferrari Life Buyers Portfolio Complete portfolio of articles by Ferrari Owners what to look for 136 pgs 246 Dino 308 GT4 GTS GTB GTSi GTBi 328 348 355 360 Modena 365GT4 2+2 400i 412i 456 456M GTA 365 BB 512 Testarossa Mondial 550 Maranello 575 F512M & more... (80_146137)
$49.95 |
The Ferrari Phenomenon hardcover 160 pages by Stone & Dal Monte (B00_Phenom_Ferr)
$79.95 |
Ferrari The Legend by Mark Konig hardcover 80 pages (63_FerrariKonig)
$29.95 |
Ferrari Hypercars 240 hardcover pages by Goodfellow (B05978076034608)
$74.95 |
Road & Racing History of Ferrari: 136 hardbound pages by Curami & Acerbi. Cover thru year 2000 (65_31653A)
$49.95 |
Alfa Romeo Ferrari by M. Rainey 116pg (40_Alfa_Ferrari)
$599.95 |
Le Alfa Romeo do Vittorio Jano by Fusi & Ferrari & Borgeson 255 pages in ITALIAN (50_Fusi_Jano)
$799.95 |
Ferrari Engines Enthusiasts Manual by Haynes 256 pgs Hardcover (B09781785212086)
$89.95 |
Let me sell you a Ferrari the memoir of a Ferrari dealer by R.E. Guarino (79781476681221)
$39.95 |
All the Fiats covers the company history from 1899 showing all the models with technical data and many photos and sectional drawings Hardcover (70_Agnelli)
$19.95 |
Volume 26 Issue 1 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Ferrari Dino Bentley Continental Duesenberg & others (B20_AQVol26Iss1)
$23.95 |