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79 Econoline Electrical and vacuum troubleshooting manual (79_EconoElec)
$14.95 |
79 F100 F350 & Bronco electrical vacuum & troubleshooting manual by Ford Truck F100 F150 F250 F350 (79_EVTM_FrdTrk)
$54.95 |
79 Fairmont Zephyr 11"x17" Multi Page Vacuum Diagram by Ford & Mercury (79_Far_Zep_Vac)
$19.95 |
79 Fiesta Electrical and vacuum troubleshooting manual (79_FiestaElec)
$14.95 |
79 Ford and Mercury Electrical and vacuum troubleshooting manual (79_FrdMerElec)
$19.95 |
79 Fairmont and Zephyr Electrical and vacuum troubleshooting manual by Ford & Mercury (79_FrmntElec)
$14.95 |
79 Granada and Monarch Electrical and vacuum troubleshooting manual by Ford & Mercury (79_GranadElec)
$24.95 |
79 Granada Monarch Versailles 11"x13" Page Vacuum Diagram by Ford Lincoln & Mercury (79_Grn_Mon_Vac)
$19.95 |
79 LTD II Cougar Ranchero 11"x13" Multi Page Vacuum Diagram by Ford & Mercury (79_LTD_Co_Vac)
$19.95 |
79 LTD II Thunderbird Cougar Ranchero Electrical & Vacuum Troubleshooting Manual by Ford & Mercury (79_Mid_EVTM)
$27.95 |
79 Mustang Capri 11"x13" Multi Page Vacuum Diagram by Ford & Mercury (79_Must_Cap_Vac)
$19.95 |
79 Mustang & Capri Electrical Vacuum Troubleshooting Manual by Ford & Mercury (79_Must_EVTM)
$16.95 |
79 Pinto and Bobcat Electrical and vacuum troubleshooting manual by Ford & Mercury (79_PntoBctElc)
$19.95 |
79 Thunderbird 11"x13" Multi Page Vacuum Diagram by Ford (79_TB_Vac)
$19.95 |
1976-1981 Motors shop service repair manual for all American Domestic cars Ford GM Chrysler by Motor's Motor (785_Motor_44)
$39.95 |
Auto Radio Service Manual for Pontiac Radios, Cartape CT3900, Hammond HD-525, Hitachi CSK-1300IC, Panasonic CX-880EU, Pioneer TP-8000E, Ranger RR-36PB & Volkswagen Sedan RR-36PB by Sams Photofact (76_AR_148)
$19.95 |
79-1995 Ford Mustang Performance Handbook by William Mathis 170 pages engine & drivetrain modifications for street dragstrip or road racing use Covers all models of Mustang 1979 to 1995 (92_1193)
$49.95 |
Car Mechanics & Practical Classics Ford Mercury Capri Restoration Manual 96 pages many color & B&W photos (28_32545)
$59.95 |
How To Build Ford Restomod Street Machines By Tony Huntimer 144 pages 300 B & W Photos (70_SA101)
$39.95 |
Off Road Handbook with back country travel tips by Bob Waar (71_OffRoadHdbk)
$29.95 |
1960-1981 Chilton tractor repair manual 8 HP through 30 PTO HP (Chilton_tractor)
$49.95 |
74-97 Timing Belts Manual for Domestic & Imported Cars & Trucks. Covers Inspection Replacement & Tensioning (74_Adata_belt)
$36.95 |
Motor Manual 34th Edition A Practical Handbook dealing with the working Principles Construction Maintenance of The Motorcar first published in 1952 (52_MotorManul34)
$29.95 |
Ford Windsor Small Block Performance by Isaac Martin 192 pages (80_1323)
$59.95 |
Ford Windsor Small Block Performance How to Modify & Build 302 & 351 Small blocks by Isaac Martin 192 pages (81_1558)
$23.95 |
Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual Collection 320 pages by I&T for Ford Fordson published in 1990 (90_FO_201)
$34.95 |
48-95 F-Series Pickup truck owners Bible covering all Ford Pickups from the F1F100 F150 F250 thru 1995; 370 pages, by Moses Ludel includes tuneup maintenance repair tuning accessories hsitory & development F series buyers guide (70_GOWF_U)
$39.95 |
48-95 F-Series Pickup truck owners Bible covering all Ford Pickups from the F1F100 F150 F250 thru 1995; 370 pages, by Moses Ludel includes tuneup maintenance repair tuning accessories hsitory & development F series buyers guide (70_GOWF)
$49.95 |
Four Wheeler Chassis & suspension handbook 160 pages 200 color photos compliation of the best off road articles from Four Wheeler magazine covers lift kits aftermarket suspension additions articulation tricks & drivetrain modification Chevrolet Ford Jeep Dodge (95_HP_1406)
$39.95 |
How to Build Cobra Kit Cars + Buying used with Step by Step Assembly Procedures & a complete guide to Cobra Kit Manufacturers & much more in 176 pages by B. Smith (B00_SA202_P)
$39.95 |
Engine Power the How to Encyclopedia of High Performance Engine Building for Road & Track by M Schorr 82 page shop service repair manual for Chevy Ford Mopar Pontiac Buick & Olds (50_EnginePower)
$19.95 |
Ford New Holland Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual, by I&T for Models 5000, 5600, 6600, 6610, 6700, 6710, 7000, 7610, 7700, 7710, 176 pages published in 1985 (85_FO_42)
$34.95 |
Models 2810, 2910, 3910 Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual, 80 pages by I&T for Ford New Holland published in 1989 (89_FO_43)
$34.95 |
Ford New Holland Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual by I&T for Models 1100 1110 1200 1210 1300 1310 1500 1510 1700 1900 2110, 120 pages published in 1989 (89_FO_44)
$49.95 |
Models TW 5, TW 15, Tw 25, TW 35 Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual, 160 pages by I&T for Ford New Holland published in 1990 for TW5, TW15, TW25, TW35 (90_FO_45)
$34.95 |
Engine Performance Techbook by Haynes (B00_10333)
$29.95 |
Models 1120, 1220, 1320, 1520, 1720, 1920, 2120 Tractor Shop Service manual, 136 pages by I&T for Ford New Holland published in 1991 (91_FO_46)
$34.95 |
00-92 How to Restore Your Ford Tractors by R Pripps 176 page restoration guide (46_RestorFarm)
$29.95 |
Ford Car Truck & Tractor Restoration Directory Over 800 Restoration Service & Supply Sources & Specialists Address Telephone Number & Geographic Index by B Kneifl 160 page restoration guide (92_FordRest)
$19.95 |
Practical Auto Detailing at Home by Rourke M OBrien and John B Thomas (70_PracticalAut)
$8.95 |
Models 3230, 3430, 3930, 4630, 4830 Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual, 136 pages by I&T for Ford New Holland published in 1993 (93_FO_47)
$34.95 |
Ford New Holland Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual by I&T for Models 5640, 6640, 7740, 7840, 8240, 8340, 280 pages published in 1996 (96_FO_48)
$34.95 |
Series 2N 8N 9N Tractor Shop Service Repair manual 152 pages by I&T for Ford New Holland published in 2000 (B00_FO_4)
$34.95 |
Garage: Reinventing the place we park: 208 hardbound color pages by K. Obolensky (53_Z_134043AE)
$34.95 |
How to Build Max Performance Ford V8s on a Budget by George Reid A Budget approach to building high performance powerplants (B02_SA69_P)
$19.95 |
How to Build Tiger Avon or GTA Sports Cars for Road or Track by J Dudley A step by step guide to building a Tiget Avon GTA in 168 pages with over 250 illustrations (75_200532AE)
$59.95 |
The Ultimate Off Road Drivers Guide by Logan. Master Mud, Snow, Sand, Rocks. Understand your vehicle's technology. Learn about navigation communication and safe usage of recovery equipment. Published 2022. (B22_SA515)
$34.95 |
Vacuum diagram in large fold out format for each and every model of Ford, Mercury, Lincoln, & Ford Truck - Please specify year and model (80_FrdVacuum)
$19.95 |