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The World of Automobiles vol 6 An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Motor Car covering models EN through FR including Fairthorpe Ferrari Fiat Ford Excalibur Fergus FN Franklin Frazer Nash, French Grand Prix and more (40_WOA_V06)
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Cars In Profile Collection 1 includes Facel Vega, McLaren M8, 4.5 litre Bentley, Formula 1 Matra MS80, Jaguar D-type and Rolls Royce Phantom II. editor: Anthony Harding (37_CarsInProfil)
$29.95 |
Ford Street Rods Fall 1975 by Rod Action Magazine restoration guide with essays on the history & restoration of Ford hot rods (40_FordStreet)
$39.95 |
1895-1970 Car of the Year - A 75 year Parade of American Automobiles that made news - by Henry B Lent (35_CarofYear)
$9.95 |
The Ford Road 75th Anniversary of Ford Motor Company by Lorin Sorensen191 pages illustrated history (40_75thAnniv)
$39.95 |
The Restoration and Preservation of Vintage and Classic Cars by Jonathan Wood (40_VintageClass)
$9.95 |
The Great Old Cars - Where are they now - by Stanley K Yost (60_GreatOldCars)
$24.95 |
The Car - It's History - How it Works - The Great Marques - with consultant editor Maurice Smith - with over 360 illustrations (80_TheCarGreatM)
$29.95 |
Custom Cars in Color by R Nicholls history featuring Chevrolet Dodge Ford & more (40_CustomNichol)
$9.95 |
Ford 1903 to 1984 by the Auto Editors of Consumer Guide David Lewis Mike McCarville Lorin Sorensen 384 large hardbound pages many color & B&W photos illustrations History of Ford Cars (50_1903_84)
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Classic Cars by Piero Casucci - Rand McNally Color Illustrated Guides (78_ClassicCarsG)
$9.95 |
Auto Repair - Illustrated Deluxe Edition of the Basics of Auto Repair published 1982 (82_AutoRepairIl)
$29.95 |
The Batsford Colour Book of Sports Cars - by Ronald Barker (62_SportsCars)
$14.95 |
Ford, The Men and the Machine, Robert Lacey, 778 page biographical and corporate history. (45_FordMenMachi)
$34.95 |
Great Cars by B Boddy hard cover history covering Mercedes Lancia Ford Rolls Royce & more (40_GreatBoddy)
$9.95 |
01-85 Great American Cars by J Wood 96 Color pgs of photos & descriptions. (43_3983)
$9.95 |
Ultimate Auto Album 504 pages by Tad Burness starting in 1900 thru 1985 (40_139576)
$49.95 |
Fast Fords, Alex Gabbard, Color Illustrated of racing and high performance fords from 1901 thru 1987. (43_Gabbard)
$19.95 |
Classic Cars by George Bishop - The Great Automobiles of the World - over 400 Photographs (79_ClassicCars)
$14.95 |
Car Collection for the Common Man a Brief History of the Towe Ford Museums the World Greatest Collection of Antique Ford Automobiles by B Lewis 120 page hard cover history (45_ToweFord)
$14.95 |
Woodys: Classic Wood-Bodied Station Wagons, Custom Sedans, and More by David Fetherston Ford and Chevrolet chassis with hand-built bodies. Includes maintenance of wood-bodied and trimmed vehicles and restoration. (36_WoodysWagon)
$39.95 |
1896-1986 Standard Catalog of American Light Duty Trucks pickups panels vans all models, J Gunnell editor (45_0873412389)
$34.95 |
90 Years of Ford, George Dammann; Comprehensive history from Model T to Taurus. 608 pg illustrated (48_Dammann)
$59.95 |
Automobiles of America - Milestones Pioneers Roll Call and Highlights - Wayne State University Press (60_AutoOfAmeric)
$14.95 |
01-92 American Volunteer Fire Trucks by Wood & Sorensen 336 pgs 550+ photographs incl American LaFrance Pierce Pirsch Seagrave Ward & more (45_FireTrucks)
$29.95 |
Taurus - The making of the car that saved Ford - by Eric Taub (91_TaurusTaub)
$9.95 |
00-92 How to Restore Your Ford Tractors by R Pripps 176 page restoration guide (46_RestorFarm)
$29.95 |
Ford Car Truck & Tractor Restoration Directory Over 800 Restoration Service & Supply Sources & Specialists Address Telephone Number & Geographic Index by B Kneifl 160 page restoration guide (92_FordRest)
$19.95 |
Practical Auto Detailing at Home by Rourke M OBrien and John B Thomas (70_PracticalAut)
$8.95 |
93-2001 Standard Catalog of Ford by John Gunnell Comprehensive reference guide for Ford vehicles Information on production history serial numbers designation codes original pricing available models and much more over 1100 photos 416 pages (58_146812)
$26.95 |
Great American Farm Tractor by C Wendell 128 page hard cover history featuring makes such as John Deere Case International Harvester Allis Chalmers Caterpillar Fordson and more (50_GreAmFarm)
$19.95 |
1903-98 Standard Catalog of Ford Lincoln Mercury Edsel edited by Ron Kowalke 2nd Ed. 639 pages (47_FordCatalog)
$59.95 |
History of the Automobile by M Ruiz 280 page oversized hard cover history with numerous photographs & illustrations (50_AutoHisRuiz)
$105.95 |
Art of the American Automobile The Greatest Stylists and Their Work by Nick Georgano 268 hardbound pages (60_ArtAmericanA)
$29.95 |
Ford Pickup Truck by Statham color history 96 pages (60_Fordtruckcol)
$49.95 |
The Batsford Colour Book of Racing Cars - by Anthony Harding (62_RacingCars)
$14.95 |
Inside Track - A Photo Documentary of NASCAR Stock Car Racing by Benny Parsons with photos by George Bennett - The photo ducumentation of a year of NASCAR racing and following several drivers and their teams (96_InsideTrack)
$14.95 |
05-97 Ford Farm Tractors by R Leffingwell 192 page hard cover history with over 250 photographs celebrating Fords tractors including th eFordson the N Series and beyond (51_FordFarm)
$21.95 |
Station Wagon A Tribute to America's Workaholic on Wheels by Ron Kowalke 254 pgs (49_StationWagon)
$19.95 |
1885-1984 Purnells Great World of Performance Cars by Peter Roberts - A photographic and textual history of the great performance cars . From the Experimental years of the 19th century to the streamlined beauty of the cars of the sixties and seventies. (35_PurnellPerfC)
$23.95 |
Great Cars of the 20th Century by Brown & Langworth & the editors of Consumer Guide 420 pages large format hardcover (50_Great_Cars)
$49.95 |
Complete Car Care Manual by Popular Mechanics 298 pages hardcover (53_CarCareMan)
$29.95 |
Convertible Top Restoration & Installation by F Mattson 176 pgs with step by step instructions & 400 color photos & charts (69_SA438)
$32.95 |
Illustrated buyers guide to Ford Trucks by P.G. McGlaughlin (50_128950AP)
$24.95 |
AZ Cars The Greates Automobiles Ever Made by Hilton Holloway and Martin Buckley 399 pages 7 by 5 soft cover (58_AZ_HB)
$28.95 |
The Automobile - The First Century - An international history of the car and car racing with over 700 illustrations - by David Burgess-Wise , William Boddy and Brian Laban (83_AutoCentury)
$29.95 |
The Automobile Age - The story of the times when Automobiles were an instrument of great change in the world - by James J Flink (88_AutoAgeFlink)
$34.95 |
Volume 01, Issue 4 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Renault Freres, Roy Nockolds, Pininfarina, Henry ford Museum, Aston Martin. (B20_AQVol01Iss4)
$19.95 |
Volume 10, Issue 1 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Simon Templar's Hirondel, England's Auto Industry, American Auto Industry, Opel GT racer, Mercer & Model T Raceabout, A.C. (B20_AQVol10Iss1)
$16.95 |
Volume 10, Issue 2 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Duesenberg Plastics in cars Ford Model A and others (B20_AQVol10Iss2)
$26.95 |