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42-48 Shop Service Repair Manual by Ford & Mercury & some Lincoln Large format V8 car & truck (45_42FSM2)
$39.95 |
40 Ford Mercury V8 Rear Axle Installation manual by Columbia (40_LV93)
$14.95 |
41 Ford V-8 Mercury V-8 Lincoln Zephyr V-12 New Columbia Overdrive Installation Instructions manual (41_COI)
$14.95 |
41-48 Rear Axle Installation manual for Ford, Lincoln and Mercury by Columbia (45_LV96)
$14.95 |
The 1941-1948 Ford Book by The Early Ford V8 Club of America 41-48 Authenticity Restoration Guide approx 200 pages (44_2006)
$59.95 |
41-50 Flat Rate & Service Manual by Chiltons (45_Chlt_Lab4150)
$89.95 |
Cars of the Fascinating 40s Fourties - A decade of Challenges and Changes by the Auto Editors of Consumers Guide (45_Fascinating4)
$24.95 |
37-47 Motor Age Flat Rate & Service Manual by Chiltons (42_FlatRate_SVC)
$49.95 |
41-51 Station Wagon Shop manual by Ford, Mercury 160 pgs also includes Chevrolet, Pontiac, Chrysler, Plymouth (46_LWG)
$29.95 |
38-49 Flat Rate & Service Manual by Chilton's Domestic & Import (43_Cht_Lab3849)
$39.95 |
36-47 Factory Flat Rate and Parts Manual by Motor (40_Mtr_Lab3647)
$34.95 |
1940-52 Flat Rate & Service Manual Motor Age by Chiltons for all American domestic cars labor times part numbers & 1952 prices & service info (52_Chilt_Flat)
$49.95 |
39-52 Flat Rate & Service Manual. By Chiltons (45_Chlt_Lab3952)
$89.95 |
40-53 Flat Rate & Service Manual by Chiltons Motor Age (46_Chlt_Lab4053)
$34.95 |
40-54 Flat Rate & Parts Manual, 26th Edition by Motor (48_Mtr_Lab4054)
$24.95 |
33-47 Generating & Starting Shop Service Repair Manual by Ford (40_367247)
$21.95 |
38-52 Flat Rate Manual, by MoToR - all Domestic cars & trucks (43_MotorFlat)
$38.95 |
55 Flat Rate Manual by Chiltons Motor Age (55_Chilt_Lab)
$24.95 |
32-50 Ford Early V8 Cars & Trucks Construction Operation & Repair Book by Victor W Page 896 pages some (46_V8_Ford)
$49.95 |
41-56 Flat Rate & Parts Manual by Chiltons (50_Chlt_Lab4156)
$24.95 |
32-48 Owners Maintenance Manual by Ford, 64 pgs; general maintenance information and specs (40_LV_9 - Not a shop manual)
$19.95 |
Thunder Road Flathead Modification Manual by Bill Sinclair (47_flatheadthun)
$39.95 |
Early Ford V8 Service Manual by Clymer Covers all Ford V8 cars and trucks from 1932-1950 inclusive 1000 illustrations (41_V-8_Ford_Cly)
$39.95 |
39-59 FORD Popular Prefect Anglia & Van Shop Service Repair Manual by Ford 216 pages Flathead engines (49_FORDPOP3959S)
$59.95 |
Volume 38 Issue 1 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Tasca Ford Italia Los Angeles roadsters Leyland P76 Ace Motorcycles and more (B20_AQVol38Iss1)
$29.95 |
Ford Flathead V-8 engine Builders Handbook by Frank Oddo Restorations Street Rods & Race Cars 154 pages (42_135421AE)
$39.95 |
32-53 Blown Flathead Build a Supercharged Flathead Ford for the Street by J Abbin 120 page restoration guide with sections on Fundamentals How to Make it Go Supercharging the Flathead Building a Complete Package & more (42_FlatheadAbbi)
$59.95 |
Rebuilding The Famous Ford Flathead Manual covers all models from 1932 thru 1953 by Ron Bishop (42_RbldngFlathe)
$29.95 |
How to Build a Flathead Ford V8 by George McNicholl 192 pages step by step procedures building high performance street engine many color photos (44_135772AP)
$89.95 |
The Complete Ford Flathead V8 Engine Manual by Ron Ceridano (44_1884089119)
$74.95 |
How to Rebuild & Modify Ford Flathead V8 engines by Thacker & Herman 144 pages step by step procedures building high performance street engine many color photos (44_SA379)
$29.95 |
32-53 Tex Smith the Complete Flathead Ford V8 Engine Manual by R Ceridono 202 page Shop Service Repair Manual (44_TexFord)
$129.95 |
Edsel Ford and E.T. Gregorie The Remarkable Design Team and Their Classic Fords of the 1930s and 1940s by Henry Dominguez 333 very high quality pages many B&W photos and illustrations story's about Lincoln Mercury Ford styling (40_Edselford)
$99.95 |
How to Rebuild & Modify Ford Flathead V8 engines by Bishop & Tardel 208 pages step by step procedures building high performance street engine many color photos (44_210115)
$34.95 |
32-53 How to Build the High Perfomance Street Flathead by Mike Davidson 88 page shop service repair manual (44_StreetFlat)
$29.95 |
Flathead Fever: How to Rot Rod the Famous Ford Flathead Engine by Mike Davidson, 80 pages (50_Flat_Fever)
$29.95 |
Famous Ford Woodies America's Favorite Station Wagons 208 pages by L. Sorensen covering from 1929-1951 (40_1580085504)
$49.95 |
39-62 How to Restore Ford Tractors by Tharran E Gaines - The ultimate guide to restoring and Rebuilding N Series and Later Tractors 1939-1962 (50_143340)
$29.95 |
How To Hop Up Ford & Mercury flathead V8 Engines 1951 edition 160 pages by Roger Huntington (44_136937)
$29.95 |
American car dealerships by Robert Genat. covering architecture advertising & dealership business practices (54_137362AP)
$39.95 |
The Ford V-8 Handbook a fully illustrated Maint. & Overhaul Manual by Staton Abbey (35_FordV8Hdbk)
$29.95 |
The Birth of Hot Rodding The Story of the Dry Lakes Era by R Genat 156 pgs many illustrations pub by MBI Motorbooks Classics 2003 (B03_BirthHotRod)
$59.95 |
Small Ford Recognition & Restoration of English and Australian Models by W. Ballard covering Models from 1932 to 1962 including Fordson Y C Eight Ten E83W E03W A53W E94A Anglia Prefect Dulux Squire Escort Thames Popular Popular Delux and more. (65_135960)
$49.95 |
Woodies - A National Treasure , by Bill Yenne (35_WoodiesNatio)
$49.95 |
Vintage Station Wagon Body Shop Service repro of body service infor for Chrysler Ford & GM woody wagons (45_WoodyServc)
$74.95 |
How to Build a Tradtional Ford Hot Rod by Mike Bishop & Vern Tardel 160 pages 250 B/W illustrations 1929 Ford Model A is the project car (50_130550AP)
$25.95 |
Legendary Car Engines by John Simister 159 of the best 20 automotive engines that made history including Alfa Romeo Aston Martin (04_Lengendary_H)
$34.95 |
Sub-Compact Wagons by Don Narus (57_SubComWgn)
$29.95 |
00-45 the History & Development of Light Cars by C Caunter 120 page history covering the Alfa Romeo Austin Bugatti Citroen Ford & more (22_LightCars)
$49.95 |
34-79 American Grilles by Frattolillo history book with photographs of automobile grilles by Chrysler Ford Pontiac Buick Chevrolet Oldsmobile Packard Cadillac Plymouth Cord Dodge Mercury & more (57_AmerGrill)
$14.95 |