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The 1949-1951 Ford book by The Early Ford V8 Club of America Authenticity Restoration Guide over 100 pages A Restorer's Guide with many B&W photos & illiustrations (50_2003)
$39.95 |
view cover of Ford Postwar Flatheads 1946-1953 Photo Archive with detailed captions describing the cars including original pricing and production numbers where available by J. Moloney 141 illustrations
Ford Postwar Flatheads 1946-1953 Photo Archive with detailed captions describing the cars including original pricing and production numbers where available by J. Moloney 141 illustrations (50_10173)
$34.95 |
48-56 Ford Pickup Trucks Development History & Restoration Guide by Paul McLaughlin (52_PickupHistor)
$34.95 |
Cars of the Fascinating 40s Fourties - A decade of Challenges and Changes by the Auto Editors of Consumers Guide (45_Fascinating4)
$24.95 |
Le Mans 1949-59 The Official History of the World's Greatest Motor Race 352 pages hardcover by Spurring (55_193958)
$69.95 |
320 page hardcover book Nifty Fifties an illustrated history of 1946-1959 Ford Cars by Ray Miller (55_0913056057)
$49.95 |
Volume 38 Issue 1 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Tasca Ford Italia Los Angeles roadsters Leyland P76 Ace Motorcycles and more (B20_AQVol38Iss1)
$29.95 |
Edsel Ford and E.T. Gregorie The Remarkable Design Team and Their Classic Fords of the 1930s and 1940s by Henry Dominguez 333 very high quality pages many B&W photos and illustrations story's about Lincoln Mercury Ford styling (40_Edselford)
$99.95 |
Famous Ford Woodies America's Favorite Station Wagons 208 pages by L. Sorensen covering from 1929-1951 (40_1580085504)
$49.95 |
Buriki Japanese Tin Toys From the Golden Age of the American Automobile the Yoku Tanaka Collection by J. Earle 96pgs with color photos of Classic 61 62 Windsor Roadmaster Champion Chieftain Bel Air Capri Thunderbird Belvedere Continental Medalist Citation and many other models (B99780300151572)
$19.95 |
46-72 Fifties & Sixties Illustrated Buyers Guide for Ford. (49_FordBuyGuide)
$39.95 |
view cover of 1946-1972 Illustrated Buyer's Guide for All Ford models by Paul Woudenberg 127 pages
1946-1972 Illustrated Buyer's Guide for All Ford models by Paul Woudenberg 127 pages (59_50_60Buyers)
$34.95 |
Catalog of Ford Truck ID Numbers from 1946 - 1972 by Car & Parts Magazine (59_FordTruckID)
$34.95 |
46-72 Group 2 Genesis of World Rallying (64_MK873)
$74.95 |
American car dealerships by Robert Genat. covering architecture advertising & dealership business practices (54_137362AP)
$39.95 |
47-76 Automotive Literature Index - A thirty year guide to Car and Driver , Motor Trend and Road & Track - compiled by A Wallace (60_AutoLitIndex)
$54.95 |
46-76 The Investors illustrated guide to American Convertible and Special Interest Automobiles by Charles Webb (61_InvestIllust)
$29.95 |
The Birth of Hot Rodding The Story of the Dry Lakes Era by R Genat 156 pgs many illustrations pub by MBI Motorbooks Classics 2003 (B03_BirthHotRod)
$59.95 |
view cover of Small Ford Recognition & Restoration of English and Australian Models by W. Ballard covering Models from 1932 to 1962 including Fordson Y C Eight Ten E83W E03W A53W E94A Anglia Prefect Dulux Squire Escort Thames Popular Popular Delux and more.
Small Ford Recognition & Restoration of English and Australian Models by W. Ballard covering Models from 1932 to 1962 including Fordson Y C Eight Ten E83W E03W A53W E94A Anglia Prefect Dulux Squire Escort Thames Popular Popular Delux and more. (65_135960)
$49.95 |
Woodies - A National Treasure , by Bill Yenne (35_WoodiesNatio)
$49.95 |
Legendary Car Engines by John Simister 159 of the best 20 automotive engines that made history including Alfa Romeo Aston Martin (04_Lengendary_H)
$34.95 |
Collectors Cars - A Generation of Post War Classics - by Julian Brown (85_CollectorCar)
$9.95 |
view cover of Sub-Compact Wagons by Don Narus
Sub-Compact Wagons by Don Narus (57_SubComWgn)
$29.95 |
49-92 Muscle Car Greats by P Sessler 96 page hard cover history with numerous photographs covering models such as Fury Biscayne Wildcat Galaxie 500 Catalina Riviera Hornet Duster Rambler Nova Dart Challenger Mustang Firebird Camaro & more (71_MuscleGreats)
$19.95 |
34-79 American Grilles by Frattolillo history book with photographs of automobile grilles by Chrysler Ford Pontiac Buick Chevrolet Oldsmobile Packard Cadillac Plymouth Cord Dodge Mercury & more (57_AmerGrill)
$14.95 |
The Whiz Kids - The Founding Fathers of American Business and the Legacy they left us by John A Byrne 581 hardbound pages history of Ford Lincoln Mercury Edsel (40_WhizKids)
$14.95 |
53-96 Ford F100 F150 Pickup Truck History by Robert Ackerson 160 pages 250 x 207mm Over 160 color and black & white photographs and illustrations 1953-1996 (75_139509AE)
$79.95 |
03-53 Ford at Fifty: An American Story 108 pgs illustrated history of the company (28_BIO)
$29.95 |
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang - The Magical Car by Ian Fleming - Illustrated by John Burningham - First Edition Random House Publishing - Hardcover (64_Chitty)
$149.95 |
Cars to Remember 37 Great Automobiles in Retrospect by B Neely & J Lamm includes photos and text about Austin-Healey Packard Cord Porsche Bugatti Jaguar Duesenberg Rolls-Rouyce Ferrari and others (35_Cars_to_Rem)
$29.95 |
History's Greatest Automotive Mysteries Myths and Rumors Revealed: James Dean's Killer Porsche NASCAR's Fastest Monkey Bonnie and Clyde's Getaway Car and More by Preston Lerner and Matt Stone (12_0760342602)
$34.95 |
46-2000 Complete US Automobile Sales Literature Checklist for the collector By Kenneth Eisbrener 160 pages (74_10247)
$24.95 |
The Boy in the Model T - A Journey in the Just Gone Past by Stephen Longstreet - The story of the author's cross-country tour in a Model-T as a boy with his father and mother (56_BoyinModelT)
$24.95 |
41-2000 Jeep Photo Archive incl CJ2-3-7-8 Wrangler Jeepster Station Wagon Commando Grand Wagoneer Cherokee FC Gladiator J10 J15 & more with production figures and specs by P. Sessler (70_10109)
$29.95 |
view cover of The Cars that Henry Ford Built by B R Kimes - A Commemorative Tribute to Americas most Remembered Automobiles in 136 pages with over 100 full color photos
The Cars that Henry Ford Built by B R Kimes - A Commemorative Tribute to Americas most Remembered Automobiles in 136 pages with over 100 full color photos (40_CarsFordBuil)
$24.95 |
The Motorists Weekend Book - Edited by Michael Frostick and Anthony Harding - over 300 pages of articles on motoring and related subjects (60_MotoristWeek)
$19.95 |
The official book of the Antique Automobile Club of America by Robert C Litchy - A 60 year history of dedication the automobile (65_AntiqueAuto)
$24.95 |
Jeep Prototypes & Concept Vehicles Photo Archive shows many photographs illustrations & designers' sketches cutaway drawings clay models concept vehicles early Brooks Stevens designs and more by P. Sessler 125 illustrations (79_10123)
$29.95 |
Great Cars from Ford by Richard M Langworth and the editors of Consumers Guide 96 hardbound pages 1912-1973 many B&W photos (50_Langworth)
$9.95 |
The Road is Yours the Story of the Automobile and the Men Behind It by Reginald M Cleveland & S T Williams 300 pgs with b&w photos and illustrations pub 1951 by The Greystone Press (51_RoadIsYours)
$19.95 |
Ford HI-PO V8 Muscle Cars Ford's greatest High-Performance engines Cobra Jet Boss Hi-Po and more 1932-1993 128 pages with many photos (67_5_118999AP)
$24.95 |
11-72 Ford Classics by the Auto Editors of Consumer Guide 128 pgs many color & B&W photos illustrations pub 2008 by Publications International (B08_FordClassic)
$24.95 |
Birth of a Giant the Men & Incidents That Gave America the Motorcar by R Crabb 467 page hard cover history detailing ise of American auto industry incl: Dodge Leland Ford Oldsmobile Buick Nash Chevrolet Nash Chrysler & more (20_BOAG_Crabb)
$29.95 |
view cover of Ford Station Wagons 1929-1991 Photo History Includes a model details for each year with available options, production figures and more 130 illustrations includes Country Squire Ranch Wagon and Paul G McLaughlin
Ford Station Wagons 1929-1991 Photo History Includes a model details for each year with available options, production figures and more 130 illustrations includes Country Squire Ranch Wagon and Paul G McLaughlin (60_10194)
$24.95 |
00-64 Autobiography by Red Book Blue Book published by National Market Reports buying guide (30_NationalRed)
$19.95 |
The Batsfourd Colour book of Classic Cars by J R Buckley (64_ClassicCarsB)
$19.95 |
Great Maques of America by Jonathan Wood (50_MarquAmerica)
$24.95 |
1903-1970 Illustrated history of Ford by George H Dammann 320 hardbound pages (35_FordHistory)
$69.95 |
Man and Motor - the 20th Century Love Affair - edited by Derek Jewell - A compilation of articles and pictures about how deep the passion runs between man and the machine that defined the 20th century - published 1967 (67_ManMotorLove)
$24.95 |
Station Wagons by Byron Olsen & Dan Lyons 128 pgs Color pictures of American wagons from 20-87 pub by MBI 2000 (B00_StationWago)
$49.95 |