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86 2.5L HSC EEC-IV/CFI Engine Control System, covers function, operation and identification (86F_2_5Eng)
$17.95 |
86 3.8L Function, operation and identification engine manual by Ford (86_3_8Eng)
$17.95 |
86 Car Performance & Service Specifications booklet by Ford & Mercury (86_Car_Specs)
$4.95 |
86 Truck shop service manual pre-delivery lubrication maintenance towing & jacking by Ford light medium heavy (86_FrdT_C)
$14.95 |
86 Parts Manual by Ford Truck 2,225 pages with illustration and part numbers for all 1985 Trucks and Vans by Ford F150 F250 F350 F150 E250 E350 (86_127)
$229.95 |
86-87 2.9L and 3.0L Function, operation and identification engine manual, covers multi-point fuel injection engines (86_2_9_3_0Eng)
$17.95 |
85-87 Laser & Meteor Service Manual for 4 cul 1.3, 1.5 NZ, 1.6, & 1.6L EFI sedans, Hatchbacks, TX3 and wagons (86_237)
$42.95 |
84 Mustang Shop Service Repair Manual Supplement for all SVO unique features including TRW Steering Turbocharger Electrical Body Power Windows Supplement to base Mustang manuals by Ford (84_FPS365184_SM)
$19.95 |
83-87 Telstar & TX5 Service Manual for 4 cyl 1998 cc sedans and hatchbacks (83_215)
$42.95 |
C5 Automatic Transmission Operation & Diagnosis Manual by Ford (83_C5_AT)
$24.95 |
83-91 Ranger & Bronco 2 & Explorer Large Format Manual for Ford by Chiltons for both gas & diesel 376 pages (88FO_26686)
$29.95 |
79-88 Mustang & Capri Large Format Shop Service Repair Manual for Ford & Mercury by Chilton (83_26604)
$19.95 |
How to Prepare the Sierra for Motorsport by Ford 146 pages many B&W photos & illustrations RS Cosworth RS500 XR4X4 Merkur XR4TI (86_Sierrasport)
$49.95 |
Le Mans 1980-89 The Official History of the World's Greatest Motor Race 352 pages hardcover by Spurring (85_200695)
$72.95 |
80-89 Light Truck Parts Catalog Manual by Ford (845_FrdTrk_Part)
$599.95 |
Auto Radio Service Data for Audiovox ID-500E/80-FO-DLXI-GM-DLX, Automatic RCD-3349, Ford 1980 series, Panasonic CR-7567EU, Roadstar RS2141 & Sanyo FT489 (85_AR_305)
$19.95 |
Ford AXOD Transmission Shop Service Repair Manual by ATSG (85_AXOD_ATSG)
$39.95 |
80-90 Ford Escort book 100 pages of Shop Service Repair infomation from and by Car Mechanics Magazine for European model Fords Petrol engines 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.8 (85_EscortEuro)
$49.95 |
1980-90 Escort Petrol Shop Service Repair Manual covering Hatchback, Cabriolet, Estate, Van & Combi, XR3, XR3i, RS Trubo & Special Limited Editions by Haynes (85_0686)
$34.95 |
86-97 Aerostar Large Format Shop Service Repair Manual for Ford by Chiltons Includes 4WD 328 pages (91FO_26100)
$29.95 |
84-96 Identification Manual for Foreign & Domestic Cars & Trucks by Hollander 2-volume set (90_Id)
$99.95 |
1993 Domestic Pathfinder II - 80-92 Technical Service Bulletins for GM Ford and Chrysler Cars and Trucks (86_DomesticPath)
$39.95 |
79-93 Fox Body Mustang Restoration by J Smart 176 pages (86_SA430)
$39.95 |
view cover of 79-93 Mustang Fox Body Exploded View parts Illustration Manual by Ford
79-93 Mustang Fox Body Exploded View parts Illustration Manual by Ford (87_MP0024)
$49.95 |
81-95 Escort Lynx EXP LN7 Large Format shop service repair Manual for Ford & Mercury by Chilton 312 pages (88_26240)
$29.95 |
81-95 Domestic Cars Component Locator manual for Computerized Engine Controls by NAPA (88_NAP_CompLoc)
$39.95 |
83-97 T-Bird & Cougar Large Format Shop service repair Manual for Ford & Mercury by Chiltons for Thunderbird & XR-7 408 pages (89_26760)
$29.95 |
80-95 Engine Code Manual by Chilton's covers all domestic & import vehicles (B00_8851)
$19.95 |
Group4 from Stratos to Quattro Rally Racing History by Davenport (79783927458543)
$89.95 |
80-95 Mustang parts & illustrations catalog Manual 321 pgs. (88_122320A)
$159.95 |
79-1995 Ford Mustang Performance Handbook by William Mathis 170 pages engine & drivetrain modifications for street dragstrip or road racing use Covers all models of Mustang 1979 to 1995 (92_1193)
$49.95 |
76-92 Identification Interchange Manual for Foreigh & Domestic Cars & Trucks by Hollander 2 volume set (85_Id)
$89.95 |
Car Mechanics & Practical Classics Ford Mercury Capri Restoration Manual 96 pages many color & B&W photos (28_32545)
$59.95 |
80-96 Ford Pickup truck Bronco Full Size Shop service repair Manual 464 pgsLarge format by Chilton Includes F150 F250 F350 does not include Diesel or Super Duty (88_26664_80_96)
$29.95 |
How to tune & modify Ford Fuel Injection176 pgs by Watson (90_124443AP)
$19.95 |
69-87 Ford's Feisty Capri European Sporting Coupes pictiorial history chronicles the full production run of the Capri Mark I II & III from the Ludvigsen Library Series with many rare rally and racing pictures 121 illustrations (78_10342)
$29.95 |
1986 Standard & Utility parts catalog hardware nuts bolts screws clips washers etc part numbers descriptions specifications 312 pages by Ford & Mazda cars trucks (86_FPS3733)
$29.95 |
Van Owners How To Do It Guide by Vans & Trucks 1978 Edition 98 pages Photos of installations with dimensions and cutaways HTDI (78_CustomizeVan)
$19.95 |
Ford AXOD-E AX4S Shop Service Repair Manual by ATSG for Taurus, Sable & Lincoln vehicles (80_AXODE_ATSG)
$24.95 |
71-74 DeTomaso Pantera shop Service Technical Information Repair Manual by De Tomaso & Ford (82_DETOMASOS)
$99.95 |
Diesel Maint Tune-up & Engine Mngmnt Vol2 by Ellery 88-97 Maverick 92-6 Jackaroo 93-7 Rodeo 86-96 Triton 82- Cabstar HD40 & F22 86- Navara Patrol Y60 TD42 87-93 Urvan E24 TD27 85- Dyna 2L&3L Hiace 3L&5L 88-97 Hilux 4Runner 2L 3L 90- Landcruiser 4.2 (90_139256AE)
$44.95 |
67-87 Mercury Cougar Hardcover history by Witzenburg (77_Coug_Witz)
$49.95 |
70-91 Identification Manual for Foreigh & Domestic Cars & Trucks by Hollander (80_Id)
$89.95 |
73-95 5.0L bolt on performance for Mustang & other cars that use the 5 liter engine: 128 pgs by J. Smith (884_SA54)
$29.95 |
64-87 GT40 Gold Portfolio, 180 pgs of articles about fastest Ford & derivatives, compiled by Brooklands (65_A_FOGTGP)
$39.95 |
ZF Synchroma Gearbox 5DS-25/2 Transmission shop service repair Manual by ZF Detomaso Pantera 40 pages Assembly Maintenance Operating instructions (75_zfgearbox)
$44.95 |
64-89 Mustang; The Classic American Sportscar by B Reynolds, lg format, 170 color illustrations, 112 pages (76_Must_Classic)
$29.95 |
view cover of 70-95 Pantera Ultimate Portfolio: 208 page 600 illustrations book of articles about the DeTomaso Ford Pantera by Brookalnds
70-95 Pantera Ultimate Portfolio: 208 page 600 illustrations book of articles about the DeTomaso Ford Pantera by Brookalnds (825_A_PANUP)
$69.95 |
Fast Mustangs by Alex Gabbard, Color Illustrated of racing and high performance Ford Mustangs from 1965 thru 1990. (82_MustangHist)
$19.95 |
65-90 Mustang, illustrated history by Ian Penberthy, lg format, all color Classic Marque series (78_Must_Illust)
$29.95 |