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28 Model A Owners manual 50 pages by Ford (295_LA329 - Not a shop manual)
$18.95 |
28 Model A Color Sales Brochure by Ford: The story of the New Ford Car 11 pages (28_FAS)
$14.95 |
28 The New Ford sales brochure, 14 pgs on the Model A (28_LA16)
$14.95 |
Restorer's Model A shop manual for Ford by Jim Schild 224 pages for repair & restoration (25_LASM)
$59.95 |
How to Build a Hot Rod Model A Ford by Dennis Parks 176 pages 250 B/W ill & 20 color (28_131211AP)
$399.95 |
Model A Miseries and Cures by Mary Moline 28-31 Ford Model A recognized DIY classic by Rumbleseat Press 1972 230 pages first edition (28_ModelAMiser)
$49.95 |
Model A Ford Q & A Workshop Manual by Fred M Serfass 100 questions and answers for most commonly asked restoration questions 122 pages (28_ModelAQandA)
$49.95 |
28-31 Original Model A: Restorer's Guide: 128 color pages by J. Schild for Ford Model A (295_135804AP)
$79.95 |
28-31 Model A Service bulletins by Ford 320 pages (295_LAB)
$39.95 |
28-31 How to Restore the Model A Ford 218 pages by Leslie Henry & Clymer (295_ModA_Clym)
$29.95 |
28-31 Electrical Wiring Diagram for Model A by Ford (for models with Cowl Lamps) (305_LA14000_1)
$14.95 |
28-31 Electrical Wiring Diagram for Model A by Ford (for cars without Cowl Lamps) (305_LA14000_2)
$14.95 |
28-31 Restoration manual for Model A by Ford, 72 pgs (30_LA1)
$19.95 |
28-31 Model A Ford Construction Operation and Shop Service Repair manual for the Restorer 576 pgs by V. Page (30_LAP)
$44.95 |
28-31 Restoration and Maintenance guide for Ford Model A by Paul Moller, (Vol.1) 58 pgs; covers: lube, starters, distibutors, battery, caruretor, brakes and water pump (30_LARM1)
$23.95 |
28-31 Restoration and Maintenance guide for Ford Model A by Paul Moller, (Vol.2) 59 pgs; covers ammeter, cut-out, generator, steering column & transmisison (30_LARM2)
$23.95 |
28-31 Ford AA Restorer's supplement to Model A Restorer's Shop Manual. 220 B/W illustrations 96 pages by J. Schild. Covers all the areas unique to the AA Truck (30_LASMAA)
$43.95 |
28-31 Ford Model A/AA Car & Truck Engine and Chassis Shop Service Repair Manual by Dykes 40 pgs includes specs, operating instructions, wiring diagrams and lube charts (30_LA_8)
$24.95 |
28-31 Carburetor repair manual for Ford Model A (30_LCB1)
$14.95 |
28-31 How to Restore the Model A Ford, 218 pgs (30_LC_16)
$24.95 |
28-31 Model A Ford Restoration Handbook 190 pgs Authentic photos - specifications Step-by-step restore procedure by Gordon Hopper (30_LC_17)
$29.95 |
28-31 Henry's Fabulous Model A 111 pgs with many B&W photos and illustrations Includes restoration information historical data paint list and parts suppliers by Leslie Henry (30_LC_2)
$27.95 |
The Legendary Ford Model A by Peter Winnewisser. Winner of the AACAs 2000 Thomas McKean Memorial Award. This book has 300 Photos in over 270 pages. (15_129489A)
$59.95 |
Collectors Originality Guide Ford Model A & AA by Jim Schild 128 pages with many high quality color photos (30_149555)
$29.95 |
28-31 Those Wonderful Unauthorized Accessories for Model A Ford, 256 pgs (30_LAA)
$29.95 |
28-31 the gem from River Rouge, formerly titled: Know Your Model A Ford, by Murray Fahnestock; incorporating 'know the Ford', operation, repair and historical information, 125 hardbound pgs. (30_LAK)
$29.95 |
28-31 Matchless Model A: Tour of Ford Industries, 64 pgs; a history of Ford during the Model A era (30_LAM)
$14.95 |
28-31 Ford A/AA 288 page book of information on the Early Ford Trucks with complete description of all models by A. G. McMillan (30_LAT)
$39.95 |
28-31 Album Ford Model A 143 pgs includes truck over 250 photos pictorial history by Clymer (30_LC_9)
$19.95 |
28-31 Battery information sales brochure for Ford Model A, 3 pgs (30_LA18)
$12.95 |
28-31 Body Parts manual for Model A car & AA truck by Ford 246 pages (295_LA5)
$34.95 |
27-31 Update Supplement to Restorer's Model A Shop Manual B/W illustrations 40 pages by J. Schild (29_ModelA_Supp)
$24.95 |
Henry's Lady illustrated history of Model A Ford 320 pages with 1,000 photos by R. Miller (30_101673D)
$49.95 |
28-32 Chassis Parts price list manual for Model A by Ford, 124 pgs; includes V8 & 4 cylinder has part numbers descriptions & pictures (30_LA2)
$29.95 |
22-29 Fordson Tractor Instruction Book 64 Pages (22_FTIB)
$16.95 |
26-33 Tri Motor All Metal Monoplane Owners Manual by Ford (29_LincTriMoto - Not a shop manual)
$199.95 |
28-36 Repaint Manual, compilation of historic data (32_LRMB)
$19.95 |
20's Fordson Tractor Sales Brochure (20_FTSB)
$12.95 |
1920-29 The Specification Book for US Cars edited by G Marshall Naul (25_UsSpecBook)
$29.95 |
Vintage Cars by Cyril Posthumus - History and Description of the Great Cars of the 1920's (40_VintageCarsP)
$14.95 |
28-37 Parts Price List for V8 & 4-cylinder cars by Ford (30_Frd_Price)
$39.95 |
28-37 chassis parts manual by Ford: 265 pages (325_LV_34)
$29.95 |
28-37 Chassis Parts for pass cars & trucks by Ford. (33_ChasParts)
$74.95 |
Great Car Craze: How Southern California Collided With the Automobile in th 1920s - by Ashleigh Brilliant (25_GreatCarCraz)
$19.95 |
28-38 Automotive hardware & trimming supplies parts manual by Ford (33_LPF_2)
$34.95 |
19-30 The Vintage Car - by T R Nicholson (23_VintCarNicho)
$24.95 |
19-30 Five Roads to Danger - The Adventure of Transcontinental Motoring by T R Nicholson (25_FiveRoadsDan)
$69.95 |
18-29 Motor Car Index by Autobooks 211 page History (25_MotorIndex)
$74.95 |
28-39 Motor Car Index by Kenneth Ball publishd by Autopress 175 page hard cover history (34_MotorCarInde)
$89.95 |
28-42 Body Parts Price List by Ford and Mercury 112 pages (28_42_Body_Part)
$59.95 |