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34 Ford Car Color Accessory Sales Brochure (34_FCA)
$7.95 |
34 Wall Poster Style Foldout Showing Styles and Features by Ford Car (34_FSB)
$14.95 |
34 Car Wall Poster Style Foldoout Showing Styles by Ford (34_FSB2)
$14.95 |
34 V8 Details and Specifications of the Ford V-8 Car 1934 59 pages (34_LV_5)
$12.95 |
34 Service Instructions truck car & V8 engine 103 pgs by Ford (34_LV_6)
$26.95 |
34 V8 Car Owners manual by Ford 64 pgs (34_FOM - Not a shop manual)
$18.95 |
34 Ford Truck Owners manual by Ford (34_FTOM - Not a shop manual)
$18.95 |
34 Truck & Wagon Sales Brochure by Ford (34_FSBT)
$14.95 |
34 Sales brochure by Ford, fold-out (34_LV_104)
$14.95 |
33-34 Rear Axle Installation manual by Columbia, 11 pgs (33_LV90)
$14.95 |
How to Build a 1933-34 Ford Street Rod by Jay Storer and the Editors of Street Rodder Magazine 192 pages (50_1479)
$39.95 |
The 1933-1934 33-34 Car Ford Book by The Early Ford V8 Club of America Authenticity Restoration Guide over 300 pages with many color & B&W photos & illustrations (33_2010)
$199.95 |
33-34 Body Parts manual by Ford for Passenger and Commercial Car (335_LV33)
$23.95 |
32-34 4cyl cars & trucks Owners manual by Ford 65 pages (32_FOM4 - Not a shop manual)
$18.95 |
32-36 Chassis and Engineshop service Repair manual car & truck 48 pgs by Ford (34_LV13)
$26.95 |
32-37 V8 Service Bulletins by Ford, 544 pgs hardbound (345_LVB)
$39.95 |
30-34 British Cars of the Early Thirties by Olyslager Auto Library hard cover History covering Vauxhall Triumph Sunbeam BSA Ford & more (30_BritOly)
$29.95 |
32-37 Sales brochure for commercial car and truck by Ford (35_LV_41)
$16.95 |
30-36 Fordson Tractor Instruction Book 55 Pages (30_FTIB)
$16.95 |
FORD 8HP / 10 1932 / 38 Shop (36_FORD8_10HPS)
$32.95 |
28-36 Repaint Manual, compilation of historic data (32_LRMB)
$19.95 |
38-40 V8 Service Bulletins by Ford, Lincoln and Mercury, 576 pages covers all car & truck models, includes 1932-37 revisions, Lincoln 1932-40 wiring diagram manual (39_LVC)
$39.95 |
30's Ford TriMotor Plane Sales Brochure (30_FSB3M)
$12.95 |
32-41 Shop Service Manual by Ford Lincoln Mercury & Ford Truck 240 pages (36_32FSM)
$32.95 |
American Road Racing: The Automobile Racing Club of America in the 1930s - by John C Rueter (35_AmRoadRacing)
$28.95 |
Cars od the 1930s by Michael Sedgwick (35_CarsOf30sSed)
$49.95 |
28-37 Parts Price List for V8 & 4-cylinder cars by Ford (30_Frd_Price)
$39.95 |
28-37 chassis parts manual by Ford: 265 pages (325_LV_34)
$29.95 |
28-37 Chassis Parts for pass cars & trucks by Ford. (33_ChasParts)
$74.95 |
Ford in the Thirties, Petersens guide to the V8 30's Ford plus comparison to contemporary rivals. (35_082270644x)
$29.95 |
30-40 The Thoroughbred Motor Car by David Scott-Moncrieff (35_Thoroughbred)
$26.95 |
The V8 Affair, An Illustrated History of the Pre-War Ford V8 by Ray Miller (37_101663D)
$44.95 |
32-42 Early Ford V8s photo Album by James H Moloney (37_EarlyFordV8)
$89.95 |
28-38 Automotive hardware & trimming supplies parts manual by Ford (33_LPF_2)
$34.95 |
28-39 Motor Car Index by Kenneth Ball publishd by Autopress 175 page hard cover history (34_MotorCarInde)
$89.95 |
30-42 Encyclopedia of American Cars by James H Moloney (36_AmericanCars)
$34.95 |
33-47 Generating & Starting Shop Service Repair Manual by Ford (40_367247)
$21.95 |
32-50 Ford Early V8 Cars & Trucks Construction Operation & Repair Book by Victor W Page 896 pages some (46_V8_Ford)
$49.95 |
28-42 Body Parts Price List by Ford and Mercury 112 pages (28_42_Body_Part)
$59.95 |
32-48 Timing Fixture Instruction manual, by K.R. Wilson (40_LV_116)
$14.95 |
32-48 Rick's V8 Shop Manual for Ford: 432 pages (40_LV_60)
$49.95 |
32-48 Owners Maintenance Manual by Ford, 64 pgs; general maintenance information and specs (40_LV_9 - Not a shop manual)
$19.95 |
Auto Focus Wood Details by Rob L. Wagner 96 pages hardcover Color photos History of wood detailing from the 1919 Pierce Arrow roadster to the 1936 Model A (27_Wood_Details)
$29.95 |
20-39 Amercian car spotters guide by Tad Burness full of illustrations to identify all the cars. (30_Spotter)
$39.95 |
Early Ford V8 Service Manual by Clymer Covers all Ford V8 cars and trucks from 1932-1950 inclusive 1000 illustrations (41_V-8_Ford_Cly)
$39.95 |
19-39 The Second Motor Book - an Anthology by T R Nicholson (29_SecondMotorB)
$29.95 |
Vintage Motor Cars by Bill Boddy A history and picture book of vintage classic cars Shire Album (30_Vintage_Moto)
$29.95 |
Volume 38 Issue 1 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Tasca Ford Italia Los Angeles roadsters Leyland P76 Ace Motorcycles and more (B20_AQVol38Iss1)
$29.95 |
28-48 Chassis Parts and Accessories Manual for Car and Truck by Ford; 802 pages (38_28_FGB)
$59.95 |
28-48 Parts & Accessories Net Price List for Ford Dealers by Ford (38_Parts_Price)
$44.95 |