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The 1933-1934 33-34 Car Ford Book by The Early Ford V8 Club of America Authenticity Restoration Guide over 300 pages with many color & B&W photos & illustrations (33_2010)
$129.95 |
30-34 British Cars of the Early Thirties by Olyslager Auto Library hard cover History covering Vauxhall Triumph Sunbeam BSA Ford & more (30_BritOly)
$29.95 |
American Road Racing: The Automobile Racing Club of America in the 1930s - by John C Rueter (35_AmRoadRacing)
$28.95 |
Cars od the 1930s by Michael Sedgwick (35_CarsOf30sSed)
$49.95 |
Ford in the Thirties, Petersens guide to the V8 30's Ford plus comparison to contemporary rivals. (35_082270644x)
$29.95 |
30-40 The Thoroughbred Motor Car by David Scott-Moncrieff (35_Thoroughbred)
$26.95 |
The V8 Affair, An Illustrated History of the Pre-War Ford V8 by Ray Miller (37_101663D)
$44.95 |
32-42 Early Ford V8s photo Album by James H Moloney (37_EarlyFordV8)
$89.95 |
28-39 Motor Car Index by Kenneth Ball publishd by Autopress 175 page hard cover history (34_MotorCarInde)
$89.95 |
30-42 Encyclopedia of American Cars by James H Moloney (36_AmericanCars)
$34.95 |
32-50 Ford Early V8 Cars & Trucks Construction Operation & Repair Book by Victor W Page 896 pages some (46_V8_Ford)
$49.95 |
Auto Focus Wood Details by Rob L. Wagner 96 pages hardcover Color photos History of wood detailing from the 1919 Pierce Arrow roadster to the 1936 Model A (27_Wood_Details)
$29.95 |
20-39 Amercian car spotters guide by Tad Burness full of illustrations to identify all the cars. (30_Spotter)
$39.95 |
19-39 The Second Motor Book - an Anthology by T R Nicholson (29_SecondMotorB)
$29.95 |
Vintage Motor Cars by Bill Boddy A history and picture book of vintage classic cars Shire Album (30_Vintage_Moto)
$29.95 |
Volume 38 Issue 1 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Tasca Ford Italia Los Angeles roadsters Leyland P76 Ace Motorcycles and more (B20_AQVol38Iss1)
$29.95 |
Edsel Ford and E.T. Gregorie The Remarkable Design Team and Their Classic Fords of the 1930s and 1940s by Henry Dominguez 333 very high quality pages many B&W photos and illustrations story's about Lincoln Mercury Ford styling (40_Edselford)
$99.95 |
Famous Ford Woodies America's Favorite Station Wagons 208 pages by L. Sorensen covering from 1929-1951 (40_1580085504)
$49.95 |
27-50 Auto Racing Memories Stories & Pictures of Racing in the 1930s & 1940s by U Stair 166 page hard cover racing history with numerous photographs detailing the racing scene in Los Angles in the 30s & 40s (38_RacingStair)
$99.95 |
view cover of Ford Trucks by Dinsmore & Halderman 192 pgs with over 400 images
Ford Trucks by Dinsmore & Halderman 192 pgs with over 400 images (44_CT661)
$39.95 |
25-50 Detroit Style Automotive Form by J Henshaw & A Miller 120 page history with numerous photographs (35_DetroitS)
$34.95 |
American car dealerships by Robert Genat. covering architecture advertising & dealership business practices (54_137362AP)
$39.95 |
FORD Decline and Rebirth 1933 to 1962 by Allan Nevins and Frank Ernest Hill (Ford_rebirth)
$29.95 |
Flivver King Story of Ford-America by Upton Sinclair 119 pgs 1984 edition of 1937 novel (25_882860542)
$15.95 |
Wall Smacker - Saga of the Speedway by Peter DePaolo (35_WallSmacker)
$79.95 |
The V-8 Album by The Early Ford V8 Club of America New color photos to cover all the years of the clubs vehicles 380 pages (45_2009)
$49.95 |
30-60 Special Interest American Cars by Petersens 192 page history covering Ford Buick Chevrolet Oldsmobile Pontiac & more (49_SpecInterAm)
$14.95 |
The Birth of Hot Rodding The Story of the Dry Lakes Era by R Genat 156 pgs many illustrations pub by MBI Motorbooks Classics 2003 (B03_BirthHotRod)
$59.95 |
08-40 Ford Hot Rods by D Gingerelli 94 page history featuring Model ts Roadsters Fat Fendereds Model As Highboys Sedans Flathead V8s and Deuces (24_FordHot)
$39.95 |
view cover of Small Ford Recognition & Restoration of English and Australian Models by W. Ballard covering Models from 1932 to 1962 including Fordson Y C Eight Ten E83W E03W A53W E94A Anglia Prefect Dulux Squire Escort Thames Popular Popular Delux and more.
Small Ford Recognition & Restoration of English and Australian Models by W. Ballard covering Models from 1932 to 1962 including Fordson Y C Eight Ten E83W E03W A53W E94A Anglia Prefect Dulux Squire Escort Thames Popular Popular Delux and more. (65_135960)
$49.95 |
Woodies - A National Treasure , by Bill Yenne (35_WoodiesNatio)
$49.95 |
Hemmings book of PreWar Fords: 120 pages from the pages of Special Interest Auto (25_133491AE)
$29.95 |
Veteran and Vintage Cars in Color a photographic history of the motorcar through the first forty years of the 1900s over sixty full color illustrations of the most classic of the Veteran and vintage cars with notes Michael Sedgwick (20_VeteranVintS)
$8.95 |
Walter Reuther and the Rise of the Auto Workers; John Barnard 236 pgs. (30_ReutherRise)
$24.95 |
Floyd Clymers Motor Scrapbook Number 1 (50_MotorScrap1)
$9.95 |
Floyd Clymers Motor Scrapbook Number 3 (50_MotorScrap3)
$9.95 |
Floyd Clymers Motor Scrapbook Number 5 (50_MotorScrap5)
$9.95 |
Floyd Clymers Motor Scrapbook Number 6 (50_MotorScrap6)
$9.95 |
Floyd Clymers Motor Scrapbook Number 2 (50_MotorScrap2)
$9.95 |
The Triumph of an Idea - The Story of Henry Ford by Ralph H Graves (15_TriumphOfIde)
$39.95 |
00-45 the History & Development of Light Cars by C Caunter 120 page history covering the Alfa Romeo Austin Bugatti Citroen Ford & more (22_LightCars)
$49.95 |
Floyd Clymers Motor Scrapbook Number 4 (50_MotorScrap4)
$9.95 |
34-79 American Grilles by Frattolillo history book with photographs of automobile grilles by Chrysler Ford Pontiac Buick Chevrolet Oldsmobile Packard Cadillac Plymouth Cord Dodge Mercury & more (57_AmerGrill)
$14.95 |
Rolling Sculpture - A Designer and his work by Gordon M Buehrig with William S Jackson (75_RollingSculp)
$69.95 |
Horseless Carriage Days by Hiram Percy Maxim published 1937 (10_HorselessCar)
$39.95 |
A Grosset All Color Guide Veteran & Vintage Cars by David Burgess Wise (24_VetVintageWi)
$16.95 |
03-53 Ford at Fifty: An American Story 108 pgs illustrated history of the company (28_BIO)
$29.95 |
1903-1953 A Pictoral History of the Automobile - As seen in Motor Magazine - by Philip Van Doren Stern (28_PictoralHist)
$29.95 |
Lost Hot Rods by P. Ganahl Remarkable Stories of How They Were Found (435_NASH_SVC)
$34.95 |
view cover of 21-71 Fifty Years of Lincoln Mercury by George H Dammann including some Ford models from the era
21-71 Fifty Years of Lincoln Mercury by George H Dammann including some Ford models from the era (46_LincMercury)
$49.95 |