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05-61 Sports Car Pocketbook by W Boddy 253 page hard cover history covering Abarth Jaguar Ford Alfa Romeo Saab & more (30_SportBoddy)
$19.95 |
Great Cars from Ford by Richard M Langworth and the editors of Consumers Guide 96 hardbound pages 1912-1973 many B&W photos (50_Langworth)
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The Road is Yours the Story of the Automobile and the Men Behind It by Reginald M Cleveland & S T Williams 300 pgs with b&w photos and illustrations pub 1951 by The Greystone Press (51_RoadIsYours)
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Ford HI-PO V8 Muscle Cars Ford's greatest High-Performance engines Cobra Jet Boss Hi-Po and more 1932-1993 128 pages with many photos (67_5_118999AP)
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11-72 Ford Classics by the Auto Editors of Consumer Guide 128 pgs many color & B&W photos illustrations pub 2008 by Publications International (B08_FordClassic)
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Trailers How to Design & Build Volume 1 Basics by M. Smith 180 page spiral bound hard cover detailing the process of designing and construction of trailers (95_0914483315)
$39.95 |
Birth of a Giant the Men & Incidents That Gave America the Motorcar by R Crabb 467 page hard cover history detailing ise of American auto industry incl: Dodge Leland Ford Oldsmobile Buick Nash Chevrolet Nash Chrysler & more (20_BOAG_Crabb)
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Ford Station Wagons 1929-1991 Photo History Includes a model details for each year with available options, production figures and more 130 illustrations includes Country Squire Ranch Wagon and Paul G McLaughlin (60_10194)
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Rodders Journal Number 34 Fall 2006 Magazine with articles on 1950 Chey Lowrider Ford Roadster Supercharged Chrysler Hemmi Willys & more (B06_RodderJourn)
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2012 Top Truck Challenge DVD (B12_VIDTTC12DVD)
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The Ford Book of Styling - A History and Interpritation of Automotive Design - Published 1963 (63_FordStyling)
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Antique Car Wrecks From Old Cars Weekly "Wreck of the Week" Photo Album edited by J Gunnell 222 pages (31_Wrecks)
$24.95 |
My Life on Wheels by Maurice Wiggin (63_LifeOnWheels)
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Mag Wheels and Racing Stripes by David J Abodaher - Traces the development of the Stock Bodied Drag cars drom their beginning in 1910 with the Austo Daimler and Vauxhall to the 1973 Mustangs an Jaguars (73_MagWheelsRac)
$14.95 |
I&T Shop Service Repair Manual for Ford New Holland Series 501, 600, 601, 700, 800, 801, 900, 901, 1801, 2000, 4000, published in 1964, 144 pages (64_FO_20)
$34.95 |
22-86 Service Bay Handbook for Mechanics Import & Domestic by Chilton 100th Anniversary Edition (86_SvcBay_Hbk)
$23.95 |
00-64 Autobiography by Red Book Blue Book published by National Market Reports buying guide (30_NationalRed)
$19.95 |
Never Complain Never Explain Story of Henry Ford II & Fird family by Victor Kasky (48_Bio)
$34.95 |
The Batsfourd Colour book of Classic Cars by J R Buckley (64_ClassicCarsB)
$19.95 |
What Did Jesus Drive Crisis PR in Cars Computers & Christianity by J. Vine (95_Jesus-drive)
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Me and the Model T by Roscoe Sheller (65_MeModelT)
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Ford Police Cars 1932-1997 Story of fast police cars by Ed Sanow (70_125099AP)
$21.95 |
Early American Car Advertisments by Q David Bowers (40_EarlyAdverti)
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Great Maques of America by Jonathan Wood (50_MarquAmerica)
$24.95 |
66 Ford OSI Obsoleted, Superseded, Interchangeable O.S.I. Catalog by Ford. (66_OSI)
$59.95 |
1903-1970 Illustrated history of Ford by George H Dammann 320 hardbound pages (35_FordHistory)
$69.95 |
Ford The Dust and The Glory A Racing History 1901 through 1968 by Leo Levine 629 detailed Hardbound Pages (53_forddust)
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Man and Motor - the 20th Century Love Affair - edited by Derek Jewell - A compilation of articles and pictures about how deep the passion runs between man and the machine that defined the 20th century - published 1967 (67_ManMotorLove)
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Station Wagons by Byron Olsen & Dan Lyons 128 pgs Color pictures of American wagons from 20-87 pub by MBI 2000 (B00_StationWago)
$49.95 |
Volume 05, Issue 4 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Lamborghini, Ford @ Lemans, Morgan, and more (B20_AQVol05Iss2)
$16.95 |
How to build High Performance Ignition Systems by Todd Ryden updated edition 144 pages (B08_SA79)
$34.95 |
The Cars that got Away - Ideas Experiments and Prototypes by Michael Frostick (68_CarsGotAway)
$39.95 |
Muscle Car Barn Finds by R Brutt Hardcover160 pages (Barn_Finds)
$34.95 |
Handbook of the Collection illustrating Motor Cars Part II by C F Caunter 187 pages Interesting descriptions of cars and accessories from 1807 to 1955 (28_29_1088_2)
$34.95 |
Ghia: Ford's Carrozzeria by D Burgess-Wise Hardcover 191 pgs A history of the Italian coachbuilding firm Carrozzeria Ghia (50_Ghia)
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Races that Shook the World by Rodney Walkerley (69_RacesShookWo)
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Audels Automobile Guide by F. Bricker hardcover 723 pages (36_AutoGuide)
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How to Build Cobra Kit Cars + Buying used with Step by Step Assembly Procedures & a complete guide to Cobra Kit Manufacturers & much more in 176 pages by B. Smith (B00_SA202_P)
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Monopoly on Wheels: Henry Ford and the Selden Automobile Patent - by William Greenleaf (20_MonopolyWhee)
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How to Maintain & Enjoy Your Collector Car by J Malks 160 pgs (25_CollectorCar)
$19.95 |
Farm Tractors - A Historical overview of these farming machines by April Halberstadt with photos by HAns Halberstadt (30_FarmTractors)
$9.95 |
The American Automobile; A Brief History; John Rae. Covers successful and defunct companies. 265 pg (30_RAE_30)
$14.95 |
Motor Memories - A Saga of Whirling Gears by Eugene W Lewis (47_MotorMemorie)
$12.95 |
The Antique Automobile by St John Nixon (50_AntiqueAutom)
$39.95 |
British Sports Cars - by Gregor Grant (50_BritishSport)
$19.95 |
The Age of Hot Rods Essays on Rods Custom Cars and Their Drivers from the 1950s to Today by A. Drake (50_Drake_HotRod)
$44.95 |
Edwardian Cars - A Reverie of Adventurous Motoring by Ernest F Carter (55_EdwardianCar)
$34.95 |
Great American Automobiles - A Dramatic Account of their Achievements in Competition by John Bentley (57_GreatAmAuto)
$9.95 |
Omnibus of Speed - An Introduction to the world of Motor Sport - compiled and edited by Charles Beaumont and William F Nolan - 1st Edition, published 1958 (58_OmnibusOfSpe)
$59.95 |
Targa Florio 20th Century Epic Race 500 page hardcover book by Pino Fondi (60_144831)
$499.95 |