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Ghia: Ford's Carrozzeria by D Burgess-Wise Hardcover 191 pgs A history of the Italian coachbuilding firm Carrozzeria Ghia (50_Ghia)
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Races that Shook the World by Rodney Walkerley (69_RacesShookWo)
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Audels Automobile Guide by F. Bricker hardcover 723 pages (36_AutoGuide)
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How to Build Cobra Kit Cars + Buying used with Step by Step Assembly Procedures & a complete guide to Cobra Kit Manufacturers & much more in 176 pages by B. Smith (B00_SA202_P)
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Monopoly on Wheels: Henry Ford and the Selden Automobile Patent - by William Greenleaf (20_MonopolyWhee)
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How to Maintain & Enjoy Your Collector Car by J Malks 160 pgs (25_CollectorCar)
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Farm Tractors - A Historical overview of these farming machines by April Halberstadt with photos by HAns Halberstadt (30_FarmTractors)
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The American Automobile; A Brief History; John Rae. Covers successful and defunct companies. 265 pg (30_RAE_30)
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Motor Memories - A Saga of Whirling Gears by Eugene W Lewis (47_MotorMemorie)
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The Antique Automobile by St John Nixon (50_AntiqueAutom)
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The Age of Hot Rods Essays on Rods Custom Cars and Their Drivers from the 1950s to Today by A. Drake (50_Drake_HotRod)
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Edwardian Cars - A Reverie of Adventurous Motoring by Ernest F Carter (55_EdwardianCar)
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Great American Automobiles - A Dramatic Account of their Achievements in Competition by John Bentley (57_GreatAmAuto)
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Omnibus of Speed - An Introduction to the world of Motor Sport - compiled and edited by Charles Beaumont and William F Nolan - 1st Edition, published 1958 (58_OmnibusOfSpe)
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Targa Florio 20th Century Epic Race 500 page hardcover book by Pino Fondi (60_144831)
$499.95 |
Stories of Road & Track edited by James T Crow (70_RoadTrackSto)
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DeTomaso Automobiles history by Wallace Wyss; 225 pages includes Pantera (75_WyssDeTomaso)
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Any Color so Long as it's Black - the first fifty years of automobile advertising - by Peter Roberts - 144 pages full of illustrations (76_AnyColorBlac)
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The Death of the Automobile by John Jerome - Illustrated by Robert Osborne (80_DeathAuto)
$8.95 |
Ford Design in the UK 70 Years of Success by N Hull Hardcover 224 pages (82_FordDesign)
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Karl Ludvigsen Fast Friends 208 pgs (88_92736_NewEd)
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Modern Classics - The Great Cars of the Postwar Era - by Rich Taylor (88_ModernClassi)
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X Cars Detroits One of a Kind Autos by H Lent 127 page hard cover History (40_XCars)
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World of the Automobile by R Stein 250 page hard cover history (40_WorldAuto)
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11-83 American Supercar Development of the Detroit High Performance Car by R. Huntington 176 pages (47_AmSupercar)
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20-92 Ford Spotters Guide by Tad Burness 192 pages over 1500 illustrations (56_FordSpotters)
$39.95 |
Runabouts and Roadsters - Collecting and Restoring Antique Classic and Special Interest Sports Cars by Bob Stubenrauch (30_RunaboutRoad)
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The World of Automobiles vol 6 An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Motor Car covering models EN through FR including Fairthorpe Ferrari Fiat Ford Excalibur Fergus FN Franklin Frazer Nash, French Grand Prix and more (40_WOA_V06)
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Wonderful World of the Automobile by Ken W Purdy (63_WonderfulWor)
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Goodwood Festival of Speed: A Celebration of Motorsport Hardcover 319 pgs including highlights & records of every car & driver since the festivals inception (69_Goodwood)
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Color Treasury of Formula 1 Cars with Introduction by Michael Gibson (70_ColorTreaF1)
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Series 2000 (3 cyl), 3000 (3 cyl), 4000 (3 cyl), Tractor Shop Service Repair manual, 148 pages by I&T for Ford New Holland, covers models prior to 1975, published in 1974 (74_FO_31)
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Cars In Profile Collection 1 includes Facel Vega, McLaren M8, 4.5 litre Bentley, Formula 1 Matra MS80, Jaguar D-type and Rolls Royce Phantom II. editor: Anthony Harding (37_CarsInProfil)
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The Motorists Miscellany - by Anthony Harding (64_MotoristMisc)
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Ken Purdys Book of Automobiles (72_KenPurdyBA)
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Motoring - A Pictoral History of the first 150 Years by L T C Rolt (74_MotoringRolt)
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Ford Street Rods Fall 1975 by Rod Action Magazine restoration guide with essays on the history & restoration of Ford hot rods (40_FordStreet)
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1895-1970 Car of the Year - A 75 year Parade of American Automobiles that made news - by Henry B Lent (35_CarofYear)
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Complete Book of Four Wheel Drive by Petersens 144 page History covering Chevrolet Chrysler Ford GMC Jeep & more (40_4X4Peter)
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The Ford Road 75th Anniversary of Ford Motor Company by Lorin Sorensen191 pages illustrated history (40_75thAnniv)
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Classic Sports Cars - From the Gullwing Mercedes to the Ferrari Testarossa by Brian Laban (50_ClassicSport)
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18-93 Classic Farm Tractors History of the Farm Tractor by R. Leffingwell hardcover 192 pages. Includes Allis-Chalmers, Case, Caterpillar, Deere, Ford, International Harvester, Massey, White and others (55_FarmTractor)
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Motor Car Lovers Companion edited by Richard Hough - with articles written by Aldous Huxley, Jacques Ickx, Henry Miller, Lord Montagu, Laurence Pomeroy, Osbert Sitwell and more (65_MotorCarLove)
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Automotive Electronics by Rudolf Graf and George Whalen (50_AutoElectron)
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Alan Mann Racing F3L P68 Ford GT F3L/P68 Hardcopver 158 pages (69783927458970)
$119.95 |
The Bosch Book of the Motor Car - Its Evolution and Engineering Development by John Day (75_MotorCarBosc)
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The American Custom Car Photographic & Cultural History Book by Pat Ganahl. This book examines the evolution of American custom cars from the 1930's to present. 168 hardcover pages. (80_133362AP)
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The Big Book of Barris Colorful coffee table book which highlights his most innovative & original works. 156 Hardbound pages with many B&W & color photos (80_135113AP)
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Automotive Tuneup by W Crouse & D Anglin - An introduction to Automotive mechanics (385_AutoTuneup)
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Automotive Engines Theory and Servicing by Herbert E Ellinger (74_AutoEngEllin)
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