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68-76 Escort RS Twin Cam RS 1600 1800 2000 Mexico Osprey Auto History Robson 135 pgs (72_85045_Hist)
$39.95 |
65-73 Mustang Interchange Parts Manual by Hollander; 250 pages (69_HSTANG)
$42.95 |
How to Restore Your Ford Mustang by the editors of Mustang Monthly Magazine Larry Dobbs & Donald Farr (66_094159601)
$59.95 |
63-72 Glenn Auto Repair Manual (Chilton) (67_Glen_6372)
$34.95 |
64-73 Ford Mustang Restoration Guide by Tom Corcoran & Earl Davis 448 pages deciphering VINs Data plates & option codes drivetrain components & engine options bodywork panels emblems & paint codes suspension wheels & exhaust (68_126531AP)
$39.95 |
64-73 Mustang & Cougar: Large Format shop service repair Manual for Ford & Mercury by Chilton Also Mach I, G.T. 350, G.T. 500. 512 pages (68_26600)
$29.95 |
64-73 Chilton's Domestic Auto Repair Manual (68_Chilt_6473)
$39.95 |
64-73 Classic Mustang Restoration Repairs & Upgrades 218 pgs by Editors of Mustang Monthly (68_HP_1556)
$29.95 |
64-73 101 Mustang Projects by E & D Davis: 224 pages of projects you can do (69_136336AP)
$29.95 |
64-73 Mustang V8 complete repair manual by Haynes (69_36048)
$34.95 |
64-73 Mustang Shop Service Repair Manual by Clymers (70_A167)
$69.95 |
64-70 Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual by Ford for 2000 3000 4000 & 5000 (70_fordtractor)
$49.95 |
66-75 Flat Rate Manual for Domestic cars by Glenns (70_Glen_Lab6675)
$24.95 |
64-73 How to restore your Ford Mustang by F Bohanan 525 color photos (70_SA165_P)
$39.95 |
64-73 How to Build & Modify Ford Mustang 313 color photos 160 pages by F. Bohanan (70_SA212_P)
$29.95 |
Petersens Basic Engine Hot Rodding first edition Low -cost hop up tricks blueprinting shortcuts cams turbos injectors for street, mods cranks rods exhaust tuning headers for Pinto Vega & Mustang with over 200 detailed photos 192 pages (72_Pete_Eng)
$19.95 |
Pinto Tune-Up and Repair Book by Petersen's covering Tune-ups, Maintenance, Carburetor, Clutches, Transmissions, Brakes and Cooling (published 1979) 160 pages (75_TuneUp_Pinto)
$12.95 |
A Collectors Guide: The Mustangs 1964-1973 by Richard Langworth, 144 pages (67_Mustangs)
$29.95 |
Mustang Does It! by Ray Miller classic Ford reference guide 1100 illustrations color and B&W hardcover 320 pages (685_101805AE)
$46.95 |
GT40 Production & Racing History with individual chassis records parts manual chassis number histories racing records and more in 240 pages hardcover by Legate (68_134288AE)
$129.95 |
64-73 Mustang Color History 128 pages by D. Newhardt including Shelby, Mach 1 Boss, and other standard and special models (68_135801AP)
$29.95 |
Hoofbeats; the pulse of the Mustang world; 135 page book - from the pages of Mustang Monthly Magazine (68_hoofbeats)
$29.95 |
64-73 Mustang by J McCarthy Modern Sports Car Series 92 page history with multiple photographs (68_MustangHisto)
$9.95 |
The Ford Mustang 64-73 by J Heasley describes all options & accessories (68_Must_guide)
$19.95 |
64-73 Mustang the first generation History 96 pages by C. Branson including Shelby, Mach 1 Boss, and other standard and special models (69781445687889)
$24.95 |
64-73 Ford Mustang - The Essential Buyers Guide by Matt Cook (69_200613AE)
$26.95 |
64-73 Ford Mustang color history by Mike Mueller 168 pages (70_978078582972)
$18.95 |
Mark Donohue Technical Excellence at Speed by M. Argetsinger Foreword by R. Penske hardcover 344 pages (70_Donohue)
$39.95 |
Capris sporting ford collectors guide by Jeremy Walton (74_Capri_Collec)
$69.95 |
70-79 Escort Performance portfolio covers the Mexico RS 1600 RS 1800 RS 2000 Mk I Mk II 136 pgs 200 photos Sftbd. (74_FORSPP_HI)
$29.95 |
Le Mans 1970-79 The Official History of the World's Greatest Motor Race 340 pages hardcover by Spurring (75_192419)
$69.95 |
Hot Cars of the 70's by Cheetham 256 pgs (75_Hot_Car)
$29.95 |
Ford Muscle Parts a new Concepts Staged Performance Color Parts Drag Racing Mercury Autolite high pro motorsports for Mustang Torino Cougar Cyclone F150 Galaxie & more 78 pgs (68_Muscle_Parts)
$99.95 |
64-73 Mustang Parts Interchange Parts Manual & Used Parts Guide 338 pages all models by Paul Herd (69_Must_Int)
$39.95 |
Muscle Car Brake Upgrades How to Design Select & Install by B Kimbrough 144 pages with over 300 color photographs (60_SA371)
$32.95 |
65-75 2000 3000 4000 5000 all purpose & LCG Owners Manual by Ford Tractor 139 pages (65_FTOM)
$16.95 |
65-75 2000 7000 Shop Manual for Ford Tractor (65_FTSM)
$19.95 |
61-71 Domestic Truck Shop Service Repair Manual by Chiltons (66_Chilt_6171)
$34.95 |
65-72 Motor's Auto Repair Manual (68_MotorsRepair)
$29.95 |
65-75 Ford Tractor Parts Manual 2000-7000 3000 4000 5000 6000 in 800 pages (70_Frd_Trac_Prt)
$124.95 |
Petersen's Complete Book of Engines Vol.#5 printed 1969 (70_PetersenEng5)
$14.95 |
65-75 Petersens Ford Restoration manual 3rd edition (70_PetersenFrd3)
$11.95 |
65-75 Petersen's Pinto Repar manual (70_PetersenPint)
$11.95 |
Petersen's Complete Book of Engine Swapping #4 192 pages (75_EnginSwappin)
$19.95 |
Petersen's Complete Book of Engines Vol.#6 printed 1970 (75_PAtersenEng6)
$14.95 |
70-80 Ford Pinto & Mercury Bobcat shop Service repair Manuals Various available: by Haynes Chilton Clymer Various year coverages in stock. Call 206 721 3077 for the best match for your needs or specify which you prefer (75_Pinto)
$12.95 |
Petersen's Complete Book of Engines Vol.#10 printed 1974 (75_PtrsnEngin10)
$14.95 |
Petersen's Complete Book of Engine Swapping, Hot Rod shop series 1981 (81_EnginSwappin)
$19.95 |
65-75 Ford Tractor Owners Manual for 3400 3500 4400 4500 models (70_3400Trac - Not a shop manual)
$34.95 |
Ford 8000 Row Crop & All Purpose Tractor Operator's Owners Manual by Ford Tractor circa 1977 88 pages (70_SE3096_16811 - Not a shop manual)
$29.95 |