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How to Build Supercharged & Turbocharged Ford Small Block By Bob McClurg 128pg (80_SA95)
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How to Rebuild Ford 429 460 Engines by C Morris 144 pages covering 385 series & Lima engines with over 600 color photographs (83_SA162)
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How to Build Max Performance Ford 429 460 Engines by J Smart 160 pages covering 385 series & Lima engines with 355 color photographs (83_SA507)
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5.0L Ford Dyno Tests by Richard Holdener (90_SA61)
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Electrical and Electronic Systems Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes (99_4251_3049)
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46-77 Ford Pickup Red Book by P Sessler Covers F Series Econoline Ranchero Courier Sedan Delivery and Mini Pickup and Bronco 1946-77 (61_FordRedBook)
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88-96 compilation of articles from The best of Hot Rod Magazine, Ford Mustang Performance Vol #4; 112 pages about Nitrous Oxide, Performance Upgrades, GT40's & Saleens, 289 302 351 428 Tech analysis, brakes, steering, drive train (92_128830B)
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Ford Automatic Transmission Overhaul shop service repair Manual by Haynes for RWD C3 C4 C5 C6 AOD FWD ATX FlC AXOD (80_10355)
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How to Rebuild Ford C4 & C6 Automatic Transmissions by C. Ruggles 160 pages with 600 color photos (84_SA_227)
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Ford AOD Automatic Transmission Transmissions How to Rebuild & Modify shop service repair Manual by Reid 144 pages with 566 color photos (B05_SA279)
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Ford 351 Cleveland Engines - How to Build for Max Performance by G Reid covers 351C 351M & 400M (75_SA252)
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Sport Utility Vehicle SUV Customizing by Haynes Xtreme how to book (99_11150)
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The Best of HOT ROD Magazine High Performance Small Block Ford Engines 132 pages many B&W photos 351 Windsor 302 Cleveland (75_CT937)
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How to Rebuild Small Block Ford Engines By George Reid 144pg (80_HP_89)
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60-95 engine Overhaul Manual for Ford Lincoln & Mercury V8 Engine by Chiltons 255 CI to 460 CI (78_5_8793)
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Dyno Proven Small Block Ford Performance 144 pages by R. Holdener 302 351 331 5.0 (79_frd_chassis)
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How to Rebuild Your Small-Block Ford V8 by Tom Monroe published by HPBooks HP-89 (83_HTRSBF)
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Shelby American World Registry (70_126092A)
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How to Build Big Inch Ford Small Blocks: 128 pages by G. Reid (82_SA85_P)
$32.95 |
Motor Manual 34th Edition A Practical Handbook dealing with the working Principles Construction Maintenance of The Motorcar first published in 1952 (52_MotorManul34)
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Ford Windsor Small Block Performance by Isaac Martin 192 pages (80_1323)
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Ford Windsor Small Block Performance How to Modify & Build 302 & 351 Small blocks by Isaac Martin 192 pages (81_1558)
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Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual Collection 320 pages by I&T for Ford Fordson published in 1990 (90_FO_201)
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Automotive Carburetor Manual by Haynes covering Ford Pierburg Solex and Weber models (Haynes3288_Carb)
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48-95 F-Series Pickup truck owners Bible covering all Ford Pickups from the F1F100 F150 F250 thru 1995; 370 pages, by Moses Ludel includes tuneup maintenance repair tuning accessories hsitory & development F series buyers guide (70_GOWF_U)
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60-2007 Transmission Shop Service Repair Manual 264 pages for Ford Rear Wheel Drive Automatic and Manual Transmissions by Ellerys for AOD BW35/40, LE85/91/93/95/97 C4 C5 C6 C9 C10 FMX M51 3/4/5 spd SR Top Loader T5 & M57 (80_135899)
$76.95 |
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$229.95 |
48-95 F-Series Pickup truck owners Bible covering all Ford Pickups from the F1F100 F150 F250 thru 1995; 370 pages, by Moses Ludel includes tuneup maintenance repair tuning accessories hsitory & development F series buyers guide (70_GOWF)
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The Complete Guide to Bolt On Street Power by Jay Storer 127 pages (66_SA23)
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Ford Engine Overhaul shop Manual by Haynes (covers procedures from engine removal to the entire rebuild process) 255 260 289 302 351 360 390 400 428 429 460 V8 (70_10320)
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In Car Entertainment - Haynes Xtreme Customizing Manual with step by step instructions for adding sound systems or video entertainment centers to your vehicle (90_11110)
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Ford Small Block Engine Parts Interchange by George Reid (B15_SA339_P)
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How to Restore your Collector Car by Tom Brownell 288 pages (52_145823)
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Four Wheeler Chassis & suspension handbook 160 pages 200 color photos compliation of the best off road articles from Four Wheeler magazine covers lift kits aftermarket suspension additions articulation tricks & drivetrain modification Chevrolet Ford Jeep Dodge (95_HP_1406)
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Ford Rebuilding Technical Guide for 4.6 4.0 and 3.8 by Engine Builder (75_FordRebuildi)
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Vehicle Voltage Drop Testing by Joe Glassford (B08_VoltDropTes)
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Complete Ford Book by Petersen's Revival of The Fittest includes Restoring vs. Hot Rodding, Early Fords at Dearborn, Flathead V-8 Engine Rebuild, Pinto Pangra and more.. (54_Frd_Petersen)
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Garage: Life in the Offbeat Import Car Shop: The Art and Culture of California's Garages (65_Rem_Shelby)
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4x4 Suspension Handbook by T. McGee Easy to understand full explanation of suspension systems for Ford Chrvrolet Dodge Toyota & Jeep 4WD 263 color photos 144 pages (80_SA137_P)
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Trailers How to Design & Build Volume 1 Basics by M. Smith 180 page spiral bound hard cover detailing the process of designing and construction of trailers (95_0914483315)
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How to Swap Ford Modular Engines into Mustangs Torinos & More by D Stribling 144pgs with over 380 photos Coyote Voodoo Triton 4.6 5.0 5.2 5.4 5.8 6.8 (B17_SA381_P)
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22-86 Service Bay Handbook for Mechanics Import & Domestic by Chilton 100th Anniversary Edition (86_SvcBay_Hbk)
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How to build High Performance Ignition Systems by Todd Ryden updated edition 144 pages (B08_SA79)
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How to Build Cobra Kit Cars + Buying used with Step by Step Assembly Procedures & a complete guide to Cobra Kit Manufacturers & much more in 176 pages by B. Smith (B00_SA202_P)
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Ford Street Rods Fall 1975 by Rod Action Magazine restoration guide with essays on the history & restoration of Ford hot rods (40_FordStreet)
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Automotive Electronics by Rudolf Graf and George Whalen (50_AutoElectron)
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Automotive Tuneup by W Crouse & D Anglin - An introduction to Automotive mechanics (385_AutoTuneup)
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Automotive Engines Theory and Servicing by Herbert E Ellinger (74_AutoEngEllin)
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Mopar Performance 273 318 340 360 A Engine and 383 400 413 426 440 B Engines by Larry Schreib (50_MoparPerform)
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Automotive Gas Turbines by Bill Carrolls Performance Engineering Handbooks (70_GasTurbines)
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