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58-76 Big Block Ford Engines: How to Rebuild: 160 pgs by Steve Christ (67_708)
$29.95 |
58-76 Ford FE Engines: How to Rebuild by B 144 pages (67_SA352)
$39.95 |
1959-77 Automatic Transmission Manual for all domestic cars & trucks by Motor (68_Mtr_AutoTran)
$59.95 |
How to build and power tune Ford Smallblock V8 engines 351 302 289 260 255 & 221 cu. in. 128 pages by D. Hammill (69_136212AE)
$39.95 |
69-87 Clymer Super Shop service repair Manual 2-wheel drive for Ford F150 F250 F350 Econoline Gas & Diesel 600 pages (69_T880)
$44.95 |
Rebuilding & Tuning Kent Ford's Crossflow engine 192 hardcover pages by Peter & Valerie Wallage (72_122047AE)
$99.95 |
64-82 Automatic Transmission manual by Motor, 1248 pages (75_Motor)
$39.95 |
69-87 SuperCarry & Rascal Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes for Suzuki & Bedford (77_3015)
$34.95 |
69-87 Ford F100 F150 F250 F350 Pickup Truck & Bronco based on the F-150 Service Repair Manual by Clymer (78_A248)
$29.95 |
69-87 Ford Econoline Van E Series Service Repair Manual for Gas and Diesel Vans by Clymer (78_A249)
$29.95 |
Capri Improve and Modify 240 pages, hardcover 868 b&w illust. by Lindsay Porter & Dave Pollard (78_F832)
$59.95 |
Musclecar & Hi-Po engines Hot Rod reports on the Ford small block V-8s of the 1960's and 1970's 289 302 Boss 302 351 Windsor hop up bolt on horsepower high performance modifications 100 pages over 200 illustrations (69781855201040)
$19.95 |
Shelby Source Book Volume 2 Paul North 143 pg 1965-1984 (75_ShlbSrcV2)
$29.95 |
Technical service bulletins published by Ford on the subject of the Pantera by DeTomaso (80_TSB_Pantera)
$74.95 |
Ford Falcon Six Cylinder Performance Handbook 100 pgs of guidance about how to hop up the Ford 6 cyl 250 200 170 & 144 engine as used in Falcon Mustang Fairlane Comet Maverick Granada Fairmont and more by D. Schjeldahl (65_31340)
$129.95 |
Ford Performance Book by Pat Ganahl - includes all modern Ford performance engines (70_FordPerf)
$19.95 |
How To Build Ford Restomod Street Machines By Tony Huntimer 144 pages 300 B & W Photos (70_SA101)
$39.95 |
Off Road Handbook with back country travel tips by Bob Waar (71_OffRoadHdbk)
$29.95 |
66-86 Bronco Shop Service Repair Manual by Chilton for Ford Truck (73_7140)
$49.95 |
The Ford SOHC 'Pinto' and Sierra Cosworth DOHC Engines High Performance Manual: 144 pages by D. Hammill (75_1903706106)
$54.95 |
Do-It-Yourselfers Guide to Van Conversion by Van World 1977 1st Ed. 166 pages (77_CustomizeVan)
$19.95 |
68-88 Ford Crown Victoria & Mercury Marquis shop service Repair Manual for full size cars Country Squire, Custom 500, Galaxie 500, Ranch Wagon, Montery, Colony Park, Park Lane and 1968-82 LTD Commuter Marquis by Chilton 344 pages (78_26360)
$29.95 |
68-88 Ford Mercury Full Size car RWD shop service Repair manual by Chilton Country Sedan Squire Crown Victoria Custom 500 Galaxie Ranch Wagon XL Colony Park Commuter Gran Marquis Monterey Park Lane (78_6842)
$14.95 |
Van Owners How To Do It Guide by Vans & Trucks 1978 Edition 98 pages Photos of installations with dimensions and cutaways HTDI (78_CustomizeVan)
$19.95 |
Ford AXOD-E AX4S Shop Service Repair Manual by ATSG for Taurus, Sable & Lincoln vehicles (80_AXODE_ATSG)
$24.95 |
Customizing Your Van 2nd Ed. Manual by Allan Girdler (80_CustomizeVan)
$19.95 |
71-74 DeTomaso Pantera shop Service Technical Information Repair Manual by De Tomaso & Ford (82_DETOMASOS)
$99.95 |
Ford V8 Performance Guide Stockers Bible by Bill Carroll (65_Hemi_Genat)
$39.95 |
65-86 Shop Service Repair Manual for Ford Trucks by Chilton F100 F150 F250 F350 F-100 F-150 F-250 F-350 gas & diesel engines 408 pages (75_C6913)
$34.95 |
64-85 Mustang Performance & Handling 159 page restoration guide by P Sessler with sections on Ignition Induction Exhaust Camshaft & Valvetrain Year by Year Handling Recommendations Engines Rear Axle Codes Transmissions & more (76_MustSess)
$19.95 |
Performance Modifying Ford Trucks for Street Strip and Off Road by R. Johnson 128 pages (85_SA47)
$12.95 |
1960-1981 Chilton tractor repair manual 8 HP through 30 PTO HP (Chilton_tractor)
$49.95 |
69-91 Van Econoline Ford Full Size Van repair manual by Haynes for all models E-100 thru E-350; 6 & 8 cyl. (does not cover diesel engine) (80_36090)
$34.95 |
73-95 5.0L bolt on performance for Mustang & other cars that use the 5 liter engine: 128 pgs by J. Smith (884_SA54)
$29.95 |
74-97 Timing Belts Manual for Domestic & Imported Cars & Trucks. Covers Inspection Replacement & Tensioning (74_Adata_belt)
$36.95 |
68-92 Ford full size car shop service repair manual by Chilton (80_6842)
$24.95 |
ZF Synchroma Gearbox 5DS-25/2 Transmission shop service repair Manual by ZF Detomaso Pantera 40 pages Assembly Maintenance Operating instructions (75_zfgearbox)
$44.95 |
Practical Engine Swapping edited by John Thawley Covers how to mount the engine and trans solving electrical problems which swaps are practical how to fit linkages solving cooling problems and much more (76_PracticalEng)
$19.95 |
61-88 Vans Service Manual by Chilton for Ford Vans Inc. Econoline E100 E150 E200 E250 E300 E350 E 100 150 200 250 300 350 (71_26400)
$19.95 |
61-88 Ford Econoline Van Shop Service Repair Manual by Chilton Also Club Wagon E100 E150 E200 E250 E300 E350 and more 688 pages (74FO_26400)
$29.95 |
61-88 Ford Econoline Van Shop Service Repairsmall format Manual by Chilton Club Wagon E100 E150 E200 E250 E300 E350 (74_6849)
$14.95 |
Wiring diagram in large format foldout by Ford available for Ford Truck model (thru 93). Please specify year & model in comments area. (79_Wir_Ford_Trk)
$39.95 |
How to Rebuild Ford 8.8 & 9 in Differential by J. Polazzolo (72_PSB)
$29.95 |
How to Build Supercharged & Turbocharged Ford Small Block By Bob McClurg 128pg (80_SA95)
$19.95 |
How to Rebuild Ford 429 460 Engines by C Morris 144 pages covering 385 series & Lima engines with over 600 color photographs (83_SA162)
$34.95 |
How to Build Max Performance Ford 429 460 Engines by J Smart 160 pages covering 385 series & Lima engines with 355 color photographs (83_SA507)
$36.95 |
5.0L Ford Dyno Tests by Richard Holdener (90_SA61)
$24.95 |
Electrical and Electronic Systems Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes (99_4251_3049)
$34.95 |
46-77 Ford Pickup Red Book by P Sessler Covers F Series Econoline Ranchero Courier Sedan Delivery and Mini Pickup and Bronco 1946-77 (61_FordRedBook)
$19.95 |
88-96 compilation of articles from The best of Hot Rod Magazine, Ford Mustang Performance Vol #4; 112 pages about Nitrous Oxide, Performance Upgrades, GT40's & Saleens, 289 302 351 428 Tech analysis, brakes, steering, drive train (92_128830B)
$44.95 |