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Phil Hill Yankee Champion by W.F.Nolan 280 pages from his childhood through his world championship drives for Ferrar Shelby Chaparral and more... (60_30412)
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A-Z of Works Rally Cars from 40's thru 90's 175 hardcover pages by G. Robson (60_AZWorksRally)
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30-90 Encyclopedia of American Cars by Auto Editors of Consumer Guide hardcover 816 pgs (60_EncyclAmCars)
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Henry, a Life of Henry Ford II - by Walter Hayes, 286 pg., insider's bio of HFII (65_802112854)
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The official book of the Antique Automobile Club of America by Robert C Litchy - A 60 year history of dedication the automobile (65_AntiqueAuto)
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Concept Cars An A-Z Guide to the World's Most Fabulous Futuristic Cars by C. Rees hardcover 96 pages (69_ConceptCars)
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Jeep Prototypes & Concept Vehicles Photo Archive shows many photographs illustrations & designers' sketches cutaway drawings clay models concept vehicles early Brooks Stevens designs and more by P. Sessler 125 illustrations (79_10123)
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Boreham Ford Motorsport Dream Factory 40 year history Hardcover by G. Robson (99_31_SY8620)
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Diesel Power magazine competition DVD 17 trucks & drivers in drag race sled pull chassis dyno shootout & 100-mile trailer-towing test. Only 6 truck survive. (B10_VIDTTC10DVD)
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Ford HI-PO V8 Muscle Cars Ford's greatest High-Performance engines Cobra Jet Boss Hi-Po and more 1932-1993 128 pages with many photos (67_5_118999AP)
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Ford Station Wagons 1929-1991 Photo History Includes a model details for each year with available options, production figures and more 130 illustrations includes Country Squire Ranch Wagon and Paul G McLaughlin (60_10194)
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2012 Top Truck Challenge DVD (B12_VIDTTC12DVD)
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Bullitt The Cars and People Behind Steve McQueen M Stone Hardback 192 COLOR pgs Thorough examination of Bullitt film and the cars used in it (68_CT663)
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What Did Jesus Drive Crisis PR in Cars Computers & Christianity by J. Vine (95_Jesus-drive)
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Ford Police Cars 1932-1997 Story of fast police cars by Ed Sanow (70_125099AP)
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1001 Muscle Car Facts by Steve Magnante (75_1001_Muscle)
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Great Maques of America by Jonathan Wood (50_MarquAmerica)
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Station Wagons by Byron Olsen & Dan Lyons 128 pgs Color pictures of American wagons from 20-87 pub by MBI 2000 (B00_StationWago)
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Muscle Car Barn Finds by R Brutt Hardcover160 pages (Barn_Finds)
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Ghia: Ford's Carrozzeria by D Burgess-Wise Hardcover 191 pgs A history of the Italian coachbuilding firm Carrozzeria Ghia (50_Ghia)
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DeTomaso Automobiles history by Wallace Wyss; 225 pages includes Pantera (75_WyssDeTomaso)
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Ford Design in the UK 70 Years of Success by N Hull Hardcover 224 pages (82_FordDesign)
$54.95 |
Karl Ludvigsen Fast Friends 208 pgs (88_92736_NewEd)
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Modern Classics - The Great Cars of the Postwar Era - by Rich Taylor (88_ModernClassi)
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11-83 American Supercar Development of the Detroit High Performance Car by R. Huntington 176 pages (47_AmSupercar)
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20-92 Ford Spotters Guide by Tad Burness 192 pages over 1500 illustrations (56_FordSpotters)
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Goodwood Festival of Speed: A Celebration of Motorsport Hardcover 319 pgs including highlights & records of every car & driver since the festivals inception (69_Goodwood)
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Classic Sports Cars - From the Gullwing Mercedes to the Ferrari Testarossa by Brian Laban (50_ClassicSport)
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18-93 Classic Farm Tractors History of the Farm Tractor by R. Leffingwell hardcover 192 pages. Includes Allis-Chalmers, Case, Caterpillar, Deere, Ford, International Harvester, Massey, White and others (55_FarmTractor)
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Alan Mann Racing F3L P68 Ford GT F3L/P68 Hardcopver 158 pages (69783927458970)
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The American Custom Car Photographic & Cultural History Book by Pat Ganahl. This book examines the evolution of American custom cars from the 1930's to present. 168 hardcover pages. (80_133362AP)
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The Big Book of Barris Colorful coffee table book which highlights his most innovative & original works. 156 Hardbound pages with many B&W & color photos (80_135113AP)
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50 Years of Hot Rod magazine History of Hot Rodding as covered by Hot Rod magazine 192 hardbound pages (50_hotrod)
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Volume 40 Issue 4 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Cord L29 McLaren AMC Hurst SC/Rambler Horch Ford Lincoln Zephyr Morris Minor McLaren and more (B20_AQVol40Iss4)
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Ford 1903 to 1984 by the Auto Editors of Consumer Guide David Lewis Mike McCarville Lorin Sorensen 384 large hardbound pages many color & B&W photos illustrations History of Ford Cars (50_1903_84)
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17-98 Ford Medium-Duty Trucks Photo History covers these models from early Canopied Express through modern F Series Super-Duty includes coverage of all models sales figures engines styling and technical developments & more 140 illustrationsby P McLaughlin (57_10254)
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Ford, The Men and the Machine, Robert Lacey, 778 page biographical and corporate history. (45_FordMenMachi)
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Automotive Air Conditioning by Boyce H Dwiggins (75_AutoAirCondi)
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Great Cars by B Boddy hard cover history covering Mercedes Lancia Ford Rolls Royce & more (40_GreatBoddy)
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01-85 Great American Cars by J Wood 96 Color pgs of photos & descriptions. (43_3983)
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Ultimate Auto Album 504 pages by Tad Burness starting in 1900 thru 1985 (40_139576)
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The Fords an American Epic by P Collier & D Horowitz (42_671540939)
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Classic Convertibles History Book on Exotic Convertibles 127 hardbound pages (42_ClassConvert)
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The American Automobile Industry by John B Rae (85_AmAutoIndust)
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Volume 44 Issue 4 of Automotive Quarterly featuring Waterhouse Ford Shelby MG National and more (B20_AQVol44Iss4)
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Fast Fords, Alex Gabbard, Color Illustrated of racing and high performance fords from 1901 thru 1987. (43_Gabbard)
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The World's Greatest Tow Trucks All Color Photo Book by Earl Johnson & Grace Hawkins 116 pages (64_GreatTowTruc)
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Ultimate American Cars by C Cheetham 320 page hard cover history (75_UltimateAmer)
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Ultimate Performance Cars by C Cheetham 320 page hard cover history (75_UltimatePer)
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The Complete Book of Shelby Automobiles Cobras Mustangs & Super Snakes by Colin Comer 264 pages hardcover (909780760346549)
$199.95 |