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88-2010 Ford Crown Victoria Mercury Grand Marquis shop service repair manual by Haynes (92_36012)
$34.95 |
89-2011 Ford Crown Victoria & Mercury Grand Marquis Large Format shop service repair Manual by Chilton (93_26180)
$39.95 |
57-79 Ford Ranchero Photo History includes price and options lists production numbers sales & export figures even Canada-only Meteor Rancheros & Australian versions. 127 illustrations by J. Mays (69_10218)
$24.95 |
Buriki Japanese Tin Toys From the Golden Age of the American Automobile the Yoku Tanaka Collection by J. Earle 96pgs with color photos of Classic 61 62 Windsor Roadmaster Champion Chieftain Bel Air Capri Thunderbird Belvedere Continental Medalist Citation and many other models (B99780300151572)
$19.95 |
39-62 How to Restore Ford Tractors by Tharran E Gaines - The ultimate guide to restoring and Rebuilding N Series and Later Tractors 1939-1962 (50_143340)
$29.95 |
74-97 Timing Belts Manual for Domestic & Imported Cars & Trucks. Covers Inspection Replacement & Tensioning (74_Adata_belt)
$36.95 |
Building 4.6 5.4 Ford Horsepower on the Dyno 208 pages by R. Holdener V8 Engines as used in Mustang F150 F250 Crown Victoria Town Car Grand Marquis and other Ford Mercury Lincoln cars & trucks (95_SA115_P)
$39.95 |
27-50 Auto Racing Memories Stories & Pictures of Racing in the 1930s & 1940s by U Stair 166 page hard cover racing history with numerous photographs detailing the racing scene in Los Angles in the 30s & 40s (38_RacingStair)
$99.95 |
The Man Who Saved the V-8: The Untold Stories of Some of the Most Important Product Decisions in the History of Ford Motor Company (50_Save_V8)
$19.95 |
46-70 Ford And Mercury Pictoral History in Japanese by Car Graphic (58_FordMercJapa)
$39.95 |
80-94 Engine Parts Interchange Manual includes Engine Accessories Electronic Modules for Foreign & Domestic Cars & light duty Trucks by Hollander 62nd edition (88_Engine)
$59.95 |
Ford Service by the Ford Motor Company - Published 1925 with detailed instructions for Shop Service Repair of Ford Cars (25_FordService)
$39.95 |
35-60 British Ford Owners Handbook of Repair & Maintenance covering Angelia Prefect Consul Zephyr Thames Zodiac & other models published by Clymer (53_BritFordCly)
$29.95 |
ZF Synchroma Gearbox 5DS-25/2 Transmission shop service repair Manual by ZF Detomaso Pantera 40 pages Assembly Maintenance Operating instructions (75_zfgearbox)
$44.95 |
60-85 Australian Falcon The Authentic Collection Book celebrating the First 25 Years (72_FalconAuthen)
$39.95 |
64-89 25 Years of Mustang Advertising, by J Heasley 136 pages, collection of original advertising (78_Must_Adverts)
$49.95 |
45-70 My Dad Had One of Those Classic American Cars by Nicky Wright general history with 200 pictures 150 pgs pub by Crescent Books 1992 (92_DadHadOne)
$24.95 |
Practical Engine Swapping edited by John Thawley Covers how to mount the engine and trans solving electrical problems which swaps are practical how to fit linkages solving cooling problems and much more (76_PracticalEng)
$19.95 |
FORD Anglia & Prefect 1932-59 Parts (45_FORDANG3259P)
$49.95 |
17-45 Fordson Tractor Parts List (17_FTMPC)
$19.95 |
The Falcon: An Illustrated History Book covering 1960-1988 Australian Falcons manufactured in Australia by Geoff Easdown 144 pages (74_FalconIllStr)
$59.95 |
79-2006 Ford Mustang Buyers Guide Covers all V-8 Mustangs (plus the SVO), comparing their standard performance features & discussing what it takes to make them go faster using aftermarket performance parts or factory upgrades. (90_SA111)
$49.95 |
American car dealerships by Robert Genat. covering architecture advertising & dealership business practices (54_137362AP)
$39.95 |
Electrical and Electronic Systems Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes (99_4251_3049)
$34.95 |
64-94 Mustang; The affordable Sportscar by J Gunnell; covers all production models plus prototypes, Shelby and collecting (79_Must_Compl)
$24.95 |
Stock Car Race Shop book about the Design & Construction of a NASCAR Stock Car. From Chassis Design to Decal Application. by William Burt 128 pages (85_131566AP)
$19.95 |
Ford AOD Automatic Transmission Transmissions How to Rebuild & Modify shop service repair Manual by Reid 144 pages with 566 color photos (B05_SA279)
$32.95 |
Small Ford Recognition & Restoration of English and Australian Models by W. Ballard covering Models from 1932 to 1962 including Fordson Y C Eight Ten E83W E03W A53W E94A Anglia Prefect Dulux Squire Escort Thames Popular Popular Delux and more. (65_135960)
$49.95 |
Standard Guide to American Muscle Cars A Supercar Source Book 1960-1995 2nd Ed. 1996 edited by Ron Kowalke 248 pgs Compilation of promotional pictures, model summaries, 1996 values (60_musclecars)
$24.95 |
Ford Popular & the small sidevalves by D. Turner 192 pages including Anglia 100E 103E Prefect Y type Anglia Taunus E83W Eifel C & CX (45_Popular_Turn)
$44.95 |
Book of Articles from Hot Rod Magazine covering the 400 hp 302 Windsor the 600hp Cleveland a factory cylinder head guide 397 & 416 CID Windsors and street performance combos 250 photos 108 pages (75_FSB)
$19.95 |
Motor Manual 34th Edition A Practical Handbook dealing with the working Principles Construction Maintenance of The Motorcar first published in 1952 (52_MotorManul34)
$29.95 |
Mustang: Americas Favorite Pony Car by John Gunnell and Brad Bowling. All about the development of this historical car, with over 300 photoes and 336 pages, with a 16 page color section. Also includes helpful buying tips for the prospective owner. (83_131050A)
$19.95 |
64-2003 Mustang Collector's Library Pictorial History by Sessler: 224 page update of the illustrated buyers guide (84_135137AP)
$19.95 |
How to Build a Tradtional Ford Hot Rod by Mike Bishop & Vern Tardel 160 pages 250 B/W illustrations 1929 Ford Model A is the project car (50_130550AP)
$25.95 |
Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual Collection 320 pages by I&T for Ford Fordson published in 1990 (90_FO_201)
$34.95 |
Mustang Red Book 4th edition 1964 1/2 to 2004 by Peter Sessler models, options, facts and codes. (77_137428)
$49.95 |
Collectors Cars - A Generation of Post War Classics - by Julian Brown (85_CollectorCar)
$9.95 |
Thunderbird Milestones by M Mueller covering the history of Ford's Thunderbird from the first models of 1955 to the final production year of 1997, design changes, technical decisions, and marketing stategies. 96 pages (55_7603_18374_4)
$24.95 |
64-05 Mustang Collectibles By Bill Coulter mustang memorabilia abounds in this all color look at collectible treasures used over the years to promote americas favorite pony car ford (80_135130AP)
$24.95 |
Sub-Compact Wagons by Don Narus (57_SubComWgn)
$29.95 |
1903-1953 A Pictoral History of the Automobile - As seen in Motor Magazine - by Philip Van Doren Stern (28_PictoralHist)
$29.95 |
30-80 Complete Book of Collectible Cars by R Langworth 383 page hard cover History (60_CollCarsLang)
$24.95 |
In Car Entertainment - Haynes Xtreme Customizing Manual with step by step instructions for adding sound systems or video entertainment centers to your vehicle (90_11110)
$34.95 |
Cars to Remember 37 Great Automobiles in Retrospect by B Neely & J Lamm includes photos and text about Austin-Healey Packard Cord Porsche Bugatti Jaguar Duesenberg Rolls-Rouyce Ferrari and others (35_Cars_to_Rem)
$29.95 |
Steve Magnante's 1001 Mustang Facts Covers all mustangs 1964.5 to Present 336 pgs with over 120 photos (80_CT563)
$79.95 |
How to Restore your Collector Car by Tom Brownell 288 pages (52_145823)
$29.95 |
46-2000 Complete US Automobile Sales Literature Checklist for the collector By Kenneth Eisbrener 160 pages (74_10247)
$24.95 |
NASCAR Confidential collection of stories from people intimately involved in stock car racing. by Peter Golenbock 416 Hardbound pages (52_137239AP)
$24.95 |
Automotive Mechanics by William H Crouse - An introduction to Automotive mechanics (46_AutoMechanic)
$34.95 |