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74 4-speed Transmission Service Features handbook for RAD-B & RAD-C man. trans. (74F4spdFeatur)
$5.95 |
74 Electric Defroster Service Features handbook for Ford passenger cars (74FDfrostFeat)
$5.95 |
74 Electrical Features, service handbook for various accessories (74FElecFeatur)
$5.95 |
74 Emissions Service Features handbook, for all Ford car emission control systems (74FEmissFeatr)
$5.95 |
74 Car Body factory shop manual (Volume 4); used (74F_Car_Body4)
$19.95 |
74 Car Chassis factory shop manual (volume 1) (74F_Car_Chassi1)
$19.95 |
74 Car Electrical factory shop manual (Volume 3); used (74F_Car_Electr3)
$19.95 |
74 Car Engine Factory shop manual (vol. 2), used (74F_Car_Engin2)
$19.95 |
74 Car Pre-delivery, maintenance & lubrication factory manual (Volume 5) (74F_Car_Predel5)
$14.95 |
74 Service Features - Engine Fuel Systems (Carter Thermo-Quad Carburetor, RBS IV Carburetor, Mechanical and Electrical Fuel Pumps, Accelerator Linkage, and Air Cleaners) by Ford (74_FuelSys)
$12.95 |
74 Electrical Shop manual for all Ford cars, vol. 3 (74_V3)
$19.95 |
74 Truck Body & electrical Shop manual (vol. 3&4) by Ford for all models including F150 F250 F350 Bronco F450 F550 F650 (74_V3_4_Trk)
$24.95 |
74 Car Maintenance, Lubrication, and Pre Delivery, Ford Factory Manual for all Ford, Lincoln, & Mercury (74_V5)
$12.95 |
74 Parts Manual by Ford for all 1974 models - 2 volume set for all models including Mustang Gran Torino Galaxie 500 LTD Maverick Pinto and more.... (74_Parts)
$129.95 |
74-75 Engine & Emission diagnosis manual by Ford. Vol. #6 (75_F_V6_Emissn)
$24.95 |
73-79 Parts Manual by Ford for all 1973-1979 models - 2 volume set for all models including Mustang Gran Torino Galaxie 500 LTD Maverick Granada Pinto and more.... (76_3959)
$299.95 |
Auto Radio Service Manual for Pontiac Radios, Cartape CT3900, Hammond HD-525, Hitachi CSK-1300IC, Panasonic CX-880EU, Pioneer TP-8000E, Ranger RR-36PB & Volkswagen Sedan RR-36PB by Sams Photofact (76_AR_148)
$19.95 |
1973-1980 American Cars Every Model Year by Year - by J Flory Jr - Details every model from every major American Manufacturer from model years 1973-1980 with over 1300 photos (75_AmCarsYrYr)
$74.95 |
1968-1975 Domestic American car and light duty truck parts interchange manual transmission axle electrical clutch cooling bearings fuel sheet metla glass by Mitchell (75_Mitchell)
$169.95 |
64-70 Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual by Ford for 2000 3000 4000 & 5000 (70_fordtractor)
$49.95 |
Petersens Basic Engine Hot Rodding first edition Low -cost hop up tricks blueprinting shortcuts cams turbos injectors for street, mods cranks rods exhaust tuning headers for Pinto Vega & Mustang with over 200 detailed photos 192 pages (72_Pete_Eng)
$19.95 |
Capris sporting ford collectors guide by Jeremy Walton (74_Capri_Collec)
$69.95 |
Muscle Car Brake Upgrades How to Design Select & Install by B Kimbrough 144 pages with over 300 color photographs (60_SA371)
$32.95 |
65-75 2000 3000 4000 5000 all purpose & LCG Owners Manual by Ford Tractor 139 pages (65_FTOM)
$16.95 |
65-75 2000 7000 Shop Manual for Ford Tractor (65_FTSM)
$19.95 |
65-75 Ford Tractor Parts Manual 2000-7000 3000 4000 5000 6000 in 800 pages (70_Frd_Trac_Prt)
$124.95 |
65-75 Ford Tractor Owners Manual for 3400 3500 4400 4500 models (70_3400Trac - Not a shop manual)
$34.95 |
Ford 8000 Row Crop & All Purpose Tractor Operator's Owners Manual by Ford Tractor circa 1977 88 pages (70_SE3096_16811 - Not a shop manual)
$29.95 |
77 Ford 2000 3000 4000 5000 All Purpose Tractor & 2110 and 4110 LCG Operator's Owners Manual by Ford Tractor 88 pages (77_SE322586850 - Not a shop manual)
$29.95 |
66-78 FIX YOUR FORD By Bill Toboldt owner's and mechanic's handbook of repair and maintenance (73_FixYourFord)
$24.95 |
69-83 Ford Shop Service Repair Manual by Clymer includes Diesel (75_fORDcLYMER)
$29.95 |
71-81 FIX YOUR FORD By Bill Toboldt owner's and mechanic's handbook of repair and maintenance (76_FixYourFord)
$24.95 |
64-78 Ford GT40 Brooklands. Collected articles on Ford GT. 68 pg (71_GT40Brooklan)
$19.95 |
American Muscle Cars, by Randy Leffingwell, 192 pg look at Otis Chandler collection (67_115189AP)
$29.95 |
Cortina; sporting fords collectors guide hardcover by Graham Robson (73_114954AE)
$99.95 |
Car Mechanics & Practical Classics Ford Mercury Capri Restoration Manual 96 pages many color & B&W photos (28_32545)
$59.95 |
Escort sporting fords collectors guide by Robson for Classic Rear Wheel Drive 128 pgs (72_Escort_Colle)
$49.95 |
69-87 Ford's Feisty Capri European Sporting Coupes pictiorial history chronicles the full production run of the Capri Mark I II & III from the Ludvigsen Library Series with many rare rally and racing pictures 121 illustrations (78_10342)
$29.95 |
Technical service bulletins published by Ford on the subject of the Pantera by DeTomaso (80_TSB_Pantera)
$74.95 |
68-88 Ford Crown Victoria & Mercury Marquis shop service Repair Manual for full size cars Country Squire, Custom 500, Galaxie 500, Ranch Wagon, Montery, Colony Park, Park Lane and 1968-82 LTD Commuter Marquis by Chilton 344 pages (78_26360)
$29.95 |
68-88 Ford Mercury Full Size car RWD shop service Repair manual by Chilton Country Sedan Squire Crown Victoria Custom 500 Galaxie Ranch Wagon XL Colony Park Commuter Gran Marquis Monterey Park Lane (78_6842)
$14.95 |
64-85 Mustang Performance & Handling 159 page restoration guide by P Sessler with sections on Ignition Induction Exhaust Camshaft & Valvetrain Year by Year Handling Recommendations Engines Rear Axle Codes Transmissions & more (76_MustSess)
$19.95 |
1960-1981 Chilton tractor repair manual 8 HP through 30 PTO HP (Chilton_tractor)
$49.95 |
57-79 Ford Ranchero Photo History includes price and options lists production numbers sales & export figures even Canada-only Meteor Rancheros & Australian versions. 127 illustrations by J. Mays (69_10218)
$24.95 |
74-97 Timing Belts Manual for Domestic & Imported Cars & Trucks. Covers Inspection Replacement & Tensioning (74_Adata_belt)
$36.95 |
80-94 Engine Parts Interchange Manual includes Engine Accessories Electronic Modules for Foreign & Domestic Cars & light duty Trucks by Hollander 62nd edition (88_Engine)
$59.95 |
ZF Synchroma Gearbox 5DS-25/2 Transmission shop service repair Manual by ZF Detomaso Pantera 40 pages Assembly Maintenance Operating instructions (75_zfgearbox)
$44.95 |
60-85 Australian Falcon The Authentic Collection Book celebrating the First 25 Years (72_FalconAuthen)
$39.95 |
64-89 25 Years of Mustang Advertising, by J Heasley 136 pages, collection of original advertising (78_Must_Adverts)
$49.95 |
Practical Engine Swapping edited by John Thawley Covers how to mount the engine and trans solving electrical problems which swaps are practical how to fit linkages solving cooling problems and much more (76_PracticalEng)
$19.95 |