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85-1/2 Escort Lynx EVTM Electrical and Vacuum Troubleshooting Manual by Ford & Mercury (855_Esc_EVTM)
$14.95 |
85 Bronco and F150-350 EVTM Electrical and Vacuum Troubleshooting manual by Ford (85_0335521)
$32.95 |
85 Medium & Heavy Duty Truck Body Chassis & Electrical Shop Service Repair Manual by Ford (85_36532685B)
$74.95 |
85 Electronic automatic temperature control service bulletin by Ford. For 85 T-bird & Cougar, 84-85 Continental & MK VII (85_ACSvcBul)
$15.95 |
85 Light Truck Body Chassis & Electrical Service Manual for F-series (85_A_BCE)
$44.95 |
85 BCE Lrg Shop Service Repair Manual volume #A Body Chassis & Electrical for Town Car Crown Victoria & Grand Marquis by Ford Lincoln, & Mercury passenger cars. (85_A_BCE_Lrg)
$49.95 |
85 Volume B part 1 of 2 body chassis electrical shop service repair manual by Ford for Ford, Lincoln, & Mercury covering Continental Mark VII Mustang Capri Thunderbird Cougar LTD Marquis (85_B1)
$29.95 |
85 Volume B part 2 of 2 BCE body chassis & electrical shop service repair manual for Continental MkVII Thunderbird Cougar LTD Marquis Mustang Capri by Ford (85_B2_BCE_Lrg)
$29.95 |
85 Body Chassis & Electrical shop service repair manual for Light Truck by Ford F150 F250 F350 Bronco Econoline (85_BCE_FrdTrk)
$99.95 |
85 engine powertrain Shop Service Repair Manual volume D for all rear wheel drive cars Mustang Mark Town Car Marquis SVO Crown Victoria Cougar Thunderbird Capri and more... by Ford Lincoln Mercury (85_D_Eng)
$34.95 |
85 Econoline EVTM Electrical and Vacuum Troubleshooting manual by Ford for Van (85_EconoEVTM)
$24.95 |
85 Escort Lynx EVTM Electrical and Vacuum Troubleshooting Manual by Ford & Mercury (85_Esc_EVTM)
$14.95 |
85 Ford Mercury All Models 11"x13" Multi Page Vacuum Diagram by Ford for full size models including Crown Victoria & Grand Marquis covering both 5.0 & 5.8 liter engines and both ATC & AOD tranmissions (85_Frd_Merc_Vac)
$19.95 |
85 Escort Lynx EXP EVTM Electrical and Vacuum Troubleshooting Guide by Ford & Mercury (85_F_EscLyxElc)
$14.95 |
85 Ford & Grand Marquis EVTM Electrical & Vacuum Troubleshooting Manual by Ford & Mercury (85_Grd_Mq_EVTM)
$24.95 |
85 Ford Light Truck Specifactions (85_Lt.Truck_Spe)
$19.95 |
85 LTD Marquis EVTM Electrical and Vacuum Troubleshooting Manual by Ford: 154 pages (85_LTDMrqElec)
$14.95 |
85 Mustang & Capri Electrical and Vacuum Troubleshooting manual by Ford & Mercury EVTM (85_MstCapriEVTM)
$36.95 |
85 Ranger Bronco II Diesel EVTM Electrical and Vacuum Troubleshooting Manual Diesel Supplement by Ford Truck (85_RangDslElc)
$14.95 |
85 Ranger Bronco 2 Electrical & Vacuum Trouble Shooting Manual, 125 pgs. (85_Rang_Elect)
$29.95 |
85 Ranger Bronco II 11"x17" Multi Page Electrical Wiring Diagram by Ford Truck (85_Ran_Elec_Wir)
$29.95 |
85 T-bird Thunderbird Cougar EVTM Electrical and Vacuum Troubleshooting manual by Ford Mercury (85_TbrdCougEVTM)
$14.95 |
85 Tempo and Topaz EVTM Electrical and Vacuum troubleshooting manual by Ford & Mercury includes Diesel (85_TmpoElec)
$19.95 |
85 Tempo Topaz, Escort Lynx and EXP Body, Chassis and Electrical Service manual by Ford & Mercury (85_TmpoEsBCE)
$29.95 |
85 Car Pre - Delivery Maintenance and Lubrication Shop Manual - Ford Factory Official for all 1985 Ford, Lincoln, & Mercury (85_Vol5)
$24.95 |
85 Vol.C Chassis Body Electrical shop service repair manual for Escort Lynx Tempo Topaz EXP/LN7 by Ford & Mercury (85_Vol_C)
$14.95 |
85 Engine Powertrain & Lubrication Shop Service Repair Manual for all Tempo Topaz Escort Lynx FWD by Ford & Mercury (85_Vol_E)
$34.95 |
85 XR4Ti electrical & vacuum troubleshooting manual by Merkur (85_XR4_EVTM)
$34.95 |
85 LTD Crown Victoria full size car Owners Manual by Ford (85_OM_Ford - Not a shop manual)
$27.95 |
85 Ford LTD Crown Victoria Sales Brochure (85_LTDCV_CC)
$18.95 |
84-85 Tech Service Bulletins collection by Ford, Lincoln, & Mercury: car & truck (84_TSB)
$29.95 |
84 Mustang Shop Service Repair Manual Supplement for all SVO unique features including TRW Steering Turbocharger Electrical Body Power Windows Supplement to base Mustang manuals by Ford (84_FPS365184_SM)
$19.95 |
84-86 Mazda Bongo & Traveler E-Series Ford Econovan Spectron Shop Service Repair Manual for Gas & Diesel (85_FPS365326_SM)
$99.95 |
84-88 Chilton's Fuel Injection & Electronic Engine Controls Manual for Domestic Cars & Trucks (86_ChiltFI_8488)
$36.95 |
C5 Automatic Transmission Operation & Diagnosis Manual by Ford (83_C5_AT)
$24.95 |
81-86 Tech Bulletin Index, #80-1 thru 86-8, for all Ford, Lincoln, & Mercury cars & trucks (83_TSB_index)
$14.95 |
81-86 Tech Bulletin Index, #80-1 thru 85-17, for all Ford, Lincoln, & Mercury cars & trucks (84_TSB_index)
$13.95 |
82-86 2.8 injection Service Manual supplement by Ford for Capri 280i (84_B_FO19WH)
$26.95 |
78-85 Fuel Injection manual by haynes (82_10215)
$34.95 |
80-87 fuel injection & electronic engine management manual for Ford, Lincoln, Mercury: cars & truck 322 pgs. by C.O.Probst (84_GFF8)
$49.95 |
75-85 Ford 550 Tractor Loader Backhoe Owner Manual (80_Ford550_OM - Not a shop manual)
$34.95 |
A Collectors Guide The Sporting Fords Volume 4: Sierras Including XR4i Merkur XR4Ti XR4x4 RS Cosworth RS500 & RS Cosworth 4x4 by Graham Robson HARDCOVER (75_116009AE)
$49.95 |
A Collectors Guide Sporting Fords Volume 5: Front-Drive Escorts from XR3 to RS Cosworth 4x4 by Jeremy Walton 128 pgs HARDCOVER (75_Escorts_FWD)
$129.95 |
75-87 Ford & Mercury Full Size Ford LTD Crown Victoria Country Squire Custom 500 & Mercury Marquis Grand Marquis Colony Park Shop Service Repair manual by haynes (81_36036)
$34.95 |
79-95 Mustang 5.0 projects: 186 pgs by M. Houlahan: performance & upgrade how to's (87_HP_1275)
$29.95 |
Car Mechanics & Practical Classics Ford Mercury Capri Restoration Manual 96 pages many color & B&W photos (28_32545)
$59.95 |
How to tune & modify Ford Fuel Injection176 pgs by Watson (90_124443AP)
$19.95 |
69-87 Ford's Feisty Capri European Sporting Coupes pictiorial history chronicles the full production run of the Capri Mark I II & III from the Ludvigsen Library Series with many rare rally and racing pictures 121 illustrations (78_10342)
$29.95 |
Technical service bulletins published by Ford on the subject of the Pantera by DeTomaso (80_TSB_Pantera)
$74.95 |
68-88 Ford Crown Victoria & Mercury Marquis shop service Repair Manual for full size cars Country Squire, Custom 500, Galaxie 500, Ranch Wagon, Montery, Colony Park, Park Lane and 1968-82 LTD Commuter Marquis by Chilton 344 pages (78_26360)
$29.95 |