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73 Car service specifications by Ford, Lincoln, & Mercury (73F_Serv_Spec)
$7.95 |
74 Car Body Shop Service repair Manual (Vol 4.) for Ford, Mercury, & Lincoln '74 models (74F4Car_Body)
$19.95 |
74 Chassis service features handbook for Ford, Lincoln, & Mercury cars. (74FChasisFeat)
$5.95 |
74 Car Service Specifications by Ford, Lincoln, & Mercury (74FFordSpecs)
$5.95 |
74 Heater/AC How-to, service booklet for HVAC systems in Ford, Lincoln, & Mercury cars (74FHVACfeatur)
$5.95 |
74 Owner Maintenance & Light Repair Manual for all Ford, Lincoln, & Mercury cars & Bronco Econoline trucks (74FOwnMaintBk)
$17.95 |
74 Seatbelt & Starter Service Features handbook, for Ford, Lincoln, & Mercury cars (74FSafeFeatur)
$5.95 |
74 Rack & pinion steering Service Features handbook, for Ford & Mercury cars w/power steering (74FStrgFeatur)
$5.95 |
75 Cougar & Elite 11"x17" Multi Page Wiring Diagram by Ford & Mercury (76_Cgr_Elit_Wir)
$29.95 |
75 Cougar Elite 11"x17" Multi Page Wiring Diagram by Ford (76_Cou_Elit_Wir)
$29.95 |
76 Torino Montego Elite Cougar Ranchero 11"x17" Multi Page Vacuum Diagram by Ford & Mercury (76_To_Mo_Cg_Vac)
$19.95 |
76 Torino Montego Elite Cougar Ranchero 11"x17" Multi Page Vacuum Diagram by Ford (76_To_Mo_Co_Vac)
$29.95 |
78 Car Chassis Shop Manual (Vol. 1) for Ford, Mercury, & Lincoln '78 models. (78F1_Chassi)
$29.95 |
78 Car Engine Factory Shop service repair Manual for all Ford, Mercury, & Lincoln '78 models (78F2_Engine)
$49.95 |
78 Car Electrical Shop Manual for all Ford, Mercury, & Lincoln '78 models (78F3_Electric)
$24.95 |
78 Car Body Shop Service repair Manual (Vol 4.) for Ford, Mercury, & Lincoln '78 models (78F4Car_Body)
$19.95 |
78 Car Pre-Delivery, Maintenance & Lubrication manual for all Ford, Mercury, & Lincoln '78 models (78F5_Car_PDI)
$6.95 |
78 Car Service Specifications manual by Ford for all 1978 Ford, Lincoln, and Mercury (78FServcSpecs)
$14.95 |
79 Ford & Mercury Car Performance & Service Specifications booklet 135 pages (79_Pf_Specs)
$3.95 |
79 Chassis Shop manual (vol. 1) for all Ford, Lincoln & Mercury cars (79_V1_Car_Chs)
$29.95 |
79 Car Engine Shop service repair manual (vol. 2) by Ford Lincoln Mercury (79_V2_Car_Eng)
$39.95 |
79 Electrical Shop service repair manual (vol. 3) by Ford Lincoln Mercury cars (79_V3_Car_Ele)
$24.95 |
79 Car Shop Manual Body volume #4 by Ford Lincoln Mercury cars 1979 (79_V4_CarBody)
$14.95 |
79 Pre-delivery maintenance and lubrication shop manual (vol. 5) for all Ford Lincoln Mercury cars (79_V5_carPdLM)
$19.95 |
80 Car Service Highlights, Body features, by Ford Lincoln & Mercury (80_CrHilitBdy)
$14.95 |
80 Car Service Highlights, Electrical features, by Ford Lincoln & Mercury (80_CrHliteElc)
$14.95 |
80 Car Service Highlights, Electronic Engine Controls (EEC-III) by Ford, Lincoln, & Mercury (80_CrHliteEng)
$14.95 |
80 Emission facts & codes book: 8-1/2x11 approx 250 pgs by Ford, Lincoln, & Mercury (80_Emisfacts)
$19.95 |
80 Engine Diagnosis & Emissions, all Ford, Lincoln, & Mercury models including Pinto Town Car Continental Cougar Country Squire Elite Galaxie LTD Marquis Maverick Mustang and more... (80_Eng_Diag_E)
$19.95 |
80 Car Performance & Service Specifications booklet by Ford & Mercury (80_Pf_Specs)
$4.95 |
81 Car Service Specifications manual by Ford for all 1981 Ford, Lincoln, and Mercury (81FServcSpecs)
$9.95 |
82 Car Service Specifications manual by Ford for all 1981 Ford, Lincoln, and Mercury (82_FServcSpecs)
$9.95 |
82 Car Performance & Service Specifications booklet by Ford & Mercury (82_Pf_Specs)
$4.95 |
84 Car Performance & Service Specifications booklet by Ford & Mercury (84_Pf_Specs)
$4.95 |
85 Car Performance & Service Specifications booklet by Ford & Mercury (85_Car_Specs)
$4.95 |
86 Car Performance & Service Specifications booklet by Ford & Mercury (86_Car_Specs)
$4.95 |
76 Elite Owner's Manual by Ford (76FEliteOwner - Not a shop manual)
$19.95 |
75-76 Rotunda Essential Service Tools Instruction Manual by Ford, Lincoln, & Mercury (755_Frd_Tool)
$14.95 |
75-76 Ford Car Electrical Shop Manual Vol #3 for all models including Pinto Maverick Torino Elite Mustand LTD 500 Thurnderbird Continental MkV Grand Marquis Motego Cougar Comet Bobcat and more (755_V3_Elect)
$19.95 |
75-76 Body Shop Service Repair Manual by Ford Vol4 for all 75&76 Ford Mercury & Lincoln cars incl Continental, Mustang, Torino, LTD, Cougar, Marquis, Pinto, Maverick, MkIV, Elite, Town Car, Country Squire, Galaxie, Grand Marquis, Montego, ... (755_V4_Body)
$13.95 |
82 Ford Mercury Car Care Guide by Popular Mechanics for the Cougar Custom Elite Fairlane Galaxie LTD LTD II 2 Marquis Montego T-bird Thunderbird torino X-R7 Wagons (82_0_87851_9580)
$29.95 |
73-77 How to Bypass Emission Controls for Better Mileage & Performance for Ford Motor Company cars & light trucks (75_Bypass)
$39.95 |
74-85 shop service repair Manual for mid size Ford & Mercury covers Elite & LTD 83-85, LTD 2 77-79, Ranchero Torino Thunderbird 77-82, Cougar 74-85, Marquis 83-85, Montego & XR7 80-85 by Chilton 776 pages (78_26580)
$39.95 |
75-86 Ford Lincoln Mercury Mid-Size Torino Ranchero Montego Elite LTDII, 75-82 Thunderbird & Cougar, 83-86 Marquis, 77-80 Versailles Shop Service Repair manual by Haynes (79_36044)
$323.95 |
62-75 Ford Fairlane & Torino Shop Service Repair Manual by Chilton's (also Elite & Ranchero) (68_6320)
$46.95 |