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78 CL9000 Series Truck Shop Service Repair Manual Vol.2 covers: Wheels & Tires, Brake, Steering, Suspension, Axles & Drive Shaft, Clutch & Manual Transmission, N.V.H. Diagnosis, & Diesel Engines by Ford Truck (78_CL9000_Srvc)
$79.95 |
79 CL9000 Series Truck Shop Service Repair Manual Vol.2 covers: Wheels & Tires, Brake, Steering, Suspension, Axles & Drive Shaft, Clutch & Manual Transmission, N.V.H. Diagnosis, & Diesel Engines by Ford Truck (79_CL9000_Srvc)
$79.95 |
80 Engine & Transmission Manual for all car Models, Engine, Transmission, Driveshaft, Axle, Fuel, Cooling, Starting, & Exhaust Powertrain, Thunderbird, Mustang, and all other models by Ford Lincoln Mercury (80_Powertrain)
$19.95 |
91F FT B 600 700 & 800 Truck medium heavy Shop Service Repair Manual by Ford (91_FPS1210991)
$89.95 |
91 F/B-600 F/B-700 F-800 FT-900 medium heavy Electrical & Vacuum Troubleshooting Manual By Ford Truck (91_FPS_12201_91)
$49.95 |
92 Heavy medium Duty Truck Electrical & Vacuum Troubleshooting EVTM Manual by Ford F/B-600, F/B-700, F-800, FT-900 F600 F700 F800 (92_FPS1220192)
$79.95 |
94 Medium Duty Truck Electrical & Vacuum Troubleshooting Manual by Ford for F/B 600 700 800 FT 900 F700 (94_HvyDutyEVTM)
$36.95 |
94 L Series 9000 Powertrain Drivechain Shop Service Manual by Ford covering all 9000 & 8000 as well as CF7000 CF CFT F600G F700G F600 F700 F800 FT900 B600 LN7000 LN LNT LS LT LTS L LS LT LTS LA LTA LLA LTLA LL LTL LLS LTLS (94_L_Power)
$89.95 |
95 F700 F800 B800 Ft900 Cowl truck wiring diagrams by Ford (95_FordF700)
$29.95 |
1951 CUSTOM CARS TREND BOOK 101 by the Editors of Motor Trend Magazine (51_CCTRNDBK_101)
$24.95 |
88 Ford Heavy duty truck owners manual 800 900 8000 9000 C F L FT CT LL LN LNT LS LT LTL LTS (88_FPS1215688A - Not a shop manual)
$49.95 |
96 F800 FT900 B800 diesel Owners manual by Ford Truck Medium duty 266 pages (96_F6HT19A321EA - Not a shop manual)
$39.95 |
96 Medium & Heavy EVTM electrical & vacuum troubleshooting manual by Ford truck F700 800 FT900 F & B (96_FCS1220196)
$39.95 |
1958-1959 - Soft Trim Catalog/Master Price List for Ford and Mercury (585_MD_4230)
$89.95 |
63-65 The Cobra Ferrari Wars by M Shoen 289 & 427 Cobra Ferrari GTO LM GTB Based on over 50 interviews 530+ photos techincal drawings & doucuments 368 pgs Hardcover (64_146273)
$99.95 |
53-55 Soft Trim Parts Manual for Passenger Car Thunderbird & Truck by Ford (54_SoftTrimFord)
$39.95 |
Torqshift Transmission Reference Shop Service Repair Manual by Ford (B05_PTB502)
$99.95 |
Boss & Cobra Jet Mustangs 302 351 428 429 Muscle Car Color History 128 pgs. by Dr. John Craft (69_122799AP)
$79.95 |
Kar Kraft Race Cars Prototypes and Muscle Cars of Ford's Specialty Vehicle Activity Program by C. Henry 192pgs with over 330 mostly color photos (67_CT569)
$199.95 |
Fords of the 50's by Parris pictorial history including Sunliner Fairlane Thunderbird and all other models from the Fifties 180 pages (55_132827AE)
$34.95 |
50's Ford's Golden Fifties All the best from Henry II 208 pages by L Sorensen (55_1580085482)
$49.95 |
Automobiles of the Fifties by W P Jennings (55_AutoFifties)
$18.95 |
50-59 Cars of the Fabulous Fifties: A decade of High Style and Good Times by James M. Flammang and Consumer Guide illustrated (55_FabulousFift)
$29.95 |
Fabulous Fins of the Fifties by Rob Leicester Wagner (55_FabulousFins)
$9.95 |
Great Cars of the Fifties by the Auto Editors of Consumer Guide color photographs 80 pages (55_GreatCars50s)
$19.95 |
70-79 Escort Performance portfolio covers the Mexico RS 1600 RS 1800 RS 2000 Mk I Mk II 136 pgs 200 photos Sftbd. (74_FORSPP_HI)
$29.95 |
Auto Radio Service Data for Audiovox ID-500E/80-FO-DLXI-GM-DLX, Automatic RCD-3349, Ford 1980 series, Panasonic CR-7567EU, Roadstar RS2141 & Sanyo FT489 (85_AR_305)
$19.95 |
Fifties Fins Book looks back at the greates auto styling craze, features dozens of modern color photos depicting tail fins and the cars the adorn. 96 pages by Dennis David (55_133264AP)
$14.95 |
320 page hardcover book Nifty Fifties an illustrated history of 1946-1959 Ford Cars by Ray Miller (55_0913056057)
$49.95 |
50-63 Custom Car Yearbook #1 by the Editors of Hot Rod, Rod & Custom & Car Craft Magazines (57_CCYearbook1)
$99.95 |
11-27 Fifteen Million Tin Lizzies Fact & Data by C Bishop history with articles on the Ford Model T (19_TinLizzies)
$34.95 |
Ragtops: Classic American Convertibles of the fifties and sixties by Thierry Emptas & Francois Lemeunier (65_Ragtops)
$39.95 |
53-73 GT- The Worlds Best GT Cars by S Dawson Telling the stories of the most glamorous and alluring vehicles of the fifties sixties and seventies - The Grand Tourers with over 50 models with over 200 color photos in 144 pages (63_145122)
$49.95 |
64-85 Mustang Performance & Handling 159 page restoration guide by P Sessler with sections on Ignition Induction Exhaust Camshaft & Valvetrain Year by Year Handling Recommendations Engines Rear Axle Codes Transmissions & more (76_MustSess)
$19.95 |
62-83 Cobra portfolio book of 25 road test articles on the original Shelby AC Cobra & Replicas 100 pgs by Brooklands (76_cobraport)
$24.95 |
Buriki Japanese Tin Toys From the Golden Age of the American Automobile the Yoku Tanaka Collection by J. Earle 96pgs with color photos of Classic 61 62 Windsor Roadmaster Champion Chieftain Bel Air Capri Thunderbird Belvedere Continental Medalist Citation and many other models (B99780300151572)
$19.95 |
46-72 Fifties & Sixties Illustrated Buyers Guide for Ford. (49_FordBuyGuide)
$39.95 |
62-89 Cobra Gold Portfolio book of 47 road test articles on the original Shelby Cobra & Replicas incl Autokraft Mk. IV ERA BRA Rich Ram Dax Python and Robnall 172 pgs 300+ illustrations by Brookalnds (76_A_COB62GP)
$39.95 |
79-2006 Ford Mustang Buyers Guide Covers all V-8 Mustangs (plus the SVO), comparing their standard performance features & discussing what it takes to make them go faster using aftermarket performance parts or factory upgrades. (90_SA111)
$49.95 |
Cole Foster and Salinas Boys Customs by Kirk Hammett 159 pages about Cole Foster craftmenship of building Hot Rods and Choppers Models include Ford Model A F100 Mercury Monterey Dodge Coronet Chevrolet Vega Bel Air Advanced Design trucks Pontiac GTO Star Chief Harley Davidson WLA series BMW 2002 and more (Salinas_Boys)
$29.95 |
From the first of Shelby's A.C. derived Cobras up through today's Ford Shelby Mustangs and all of the replicas and clones in between, this book shows them all. by W. Wyss 230 illustrations (83_10289)
$34.95 |
The Whiz Kids - The Founding Fathers of American Business and the Legacy they left us by John A Byrne 581 hardbound pages history of Ford Lincoln Mercury Edsel (40_WhizKids)
$14.95 |
03-53 Ford at Fifty: An American Story 108 pgs illustrated history of the company (28_BIO)
$29.95 |
21-71 Fifty Years of Lincoln Mercury model history by George H Dammann including some Ford models from the era (46_LincMercury)
$49.95 |
Cars Detroit Never Built Fifty Years of American Experimental Cars by Edward Janicki 224 hardbound pages (63_DetroitNever)
$9.95 |
Thunderbird Fifty Years History by Tast & Newhardt covering the 50 years of models and development of the Classic Ford T-Bird 192 oversized pages in hardcover (80_137421AP)
$39.95 |
Thunderbird Fifty Years History by Tast & Newhardt covering the 50 years of models and development of the Classic Ford T-Bird 192 oversized pages in hardcover (81_TBird_Long)
$129.95 |
Four Wheeler Chassis & suspension handbook 160 pages 200 color photos compliation of the best off road articles from Four Wheeler magazine covers lift kits aftermarket suspension additions articulation tricks & drivetrain modification Chevrolet Ford Jeep Dodge (95_HP_1406)
$39.95 |
Fill er Up the Story of Fifty Years of Motoring by B Partridge 235 page hard cover history (52_FillErUp)
$19.95 |
Any Color so Long as it's Black - the first fifty years of automobile advertising - by Peter Roberts - 144 pages full of illustrations (76_AnyColorBlac)
$29.95 |