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72 Car & Lt. Truck Power Steering Diagnosis manual by Ford, Lincoln, & Mercury (72FPwrStrDiag)
$7.95 |
72 AM/FM Radio Operating manual (72F_FordRadio)
$5.95 |
72 Ford Emissions warranty & Maintenace schedules for Ford, Lincoln, & Mercury (72F_Ford_Warr)
$3.95 |
72 Preliminary Service Manual all Ford Mercury Lincoln passenger cars (72F_SvcPrelim)
$9.95 |
72 Car Chassis factory Shop service repair Manual Vol 1 by Ford (72F_V1_Chssis)
$19.95 |
72 Car Electrical factory Shop Manual, Vol #3 (72F_V3_Elctrc)
$19.95 |
72 Car Body Factory Shop service repair Manual (Vol. 4) by Ford, Lincoln, & Mercury (72F_V4_CarBod)
$19.95 |
72 Car PDI, Maintenace & Lubrication, (Vol.5) by Ford, Lincoln, & Mercury (72F_V5CarPML)
$4.95 |
72 Torino Montego Ranchero Interior Assembly Manual by Ford & Mercury (72_AM0170)
$23.95 |
72 Owner Maintenance & Light Repair Manual for all Ford, Lincoln, & Mercury passenger cars (72_LtRepairMn)
$17.95 |
72 Service Highlights for chassis & engines on new model year Ford, Lincoln, & Mercury (72_ServHiLite)
$12.95 |
72 Service Specifications Book for passenger car by Ford (72_Svs_Spec)
$8.95 |
72 Parts Manual by Ford for all 1972 models all models including Mustang Gran Torino Galaxie 500 LTD Maverick Pinto and more.... (72_10342)
$84.95 |
72-76 Australian built Falcon & Fairlane Shop Service Repair Manual for 8 Cyl 302 & 351ci sedans wagons vans utility & hardtops by Gregory (72_156)
$42.95 |
66-72 Australian Ford Falcon & Fairlane Shop Service Repair Manual for 8Cyl 289, 302, & 351 ci sedans, wagons, vans, and utility vehicles by Gregorys (66_154)
$42.95 |
70-76 Falcon & Fairlane Service Manual for 6Cyl 200 & 251 ci sedans, wagons, vans, utility and hardtop vehicles (73_155)
$42.95 |
71-77 Glenn's Shop Service Repair Manual for Ford Lincoln & Mercury Comet Continental Cougar Fairlane Falcon Futura Galaxie LTD Marauder Marquis Maverick Meteor Mentego Monterey Mustang Thunderbird Torino XL & more...... (74_FordGlenns)
$39.95 |
Ford Muscle Parts a new Concepts Staged Performance Color Parts Drag Racing Mercury Autolite high pro motorsports for Mustang Torino Cougar Cyclone F150 Galaxie & more 78 pgs (68_Muscle_Parts)
$99.95 |
63-74 Interchange parts Manual for Ford Lincoln Mercury Car & Bronco; Mustang Cougar Galaxie Continental Fairlane Torino Comet Falcon Cyclone Monterey & all other car models (685_102194C)
$59.95 |
62-75 Ford Fairlane & Torino Shop Service Repair Manual by Chilton's (also Elite & Ranchero) (68_6320)
$46.95 |
1959-73 Fearsome Fords The High Performance Fords Fairlanes Falcons Torinos T-Birds Montegos Mustangs Comets Cougars & Shelbys by Phil Hall 182 pages (66_FearsomeFord)
$49.95 |
Ford Torino and Fairlane An Illustrated History 1962-1976 by P Mclaughlin 126pgs w/ 175+ photos (69781583883488)
$36.95 |
62-76 Ford Torino and Fairlane An Illustrated History by P McLaughlin 126 pages with over 150 illustrative photos (69_MacLaughlin)
$36.95 |
Muscle Car Interior Restoration 160 pgs by D. Strohl (68_SA167_P)
$39.95 |
Super 60's Ford 160 pages about hi performace Ford Cars - by John Smith covers models from 57-73 including Galaxie Mustang Fairlane Cobra & much more (60_SA25)
$29.95 |
58-76 Ford FE Engines: How to Rebuild by B 144 pages (67_SA352)
$39.95 |
Fast Fords of the Georgia Shaker by A Platt 192pgs with over 400 illustrations (B18_CT625)
$36.95 |
Ford Falcon Six Cylinder Performance Handbook 100 pgs of guidance about how to hop up the Ford 6 cyl 250 200 170 & 144 engine as used in Falcon Mustang Fairlane Comet Maverick Granada Fairmont and more by D. Schjeldahl (65_31340)
$129.95 |
Ford Muscle; Street Stock and Strip by Bill Holder and Phil Kunz A photographic history of Big Block fords of the 60s and early 70s 160 pages and 200 color photos (69_139128A)
$24.95 |
54-76 Complete Ford Book by Petersen's (65_Frd_CmplBk4)
$19.95 |
1985 Ford Motorsports performance equipment Parts by Ford & Mercury high pro motorsports for Mustang Torino Cougar Cyclone F150 Galaxie & more (85_Motorsport)
$19.95 |
55-79 History of Ford Midsize Muscle Fairlane Torino & Ranchero V8 Dynamite 176 pages hardcover by Cranswick (709781845849290)
$44.95 |
Muscle Cars Thunder & Greased Lightning by M Benson hard cover history with numerous color photographs (63_MuscleBen)
$19.95 |
1946-1972 Illustrated Buyer's Guide for All Ford models by Paul Woudenberg 127 pages (59_50_60Buyers)
$34.95 |
How to Rebuild Ford C4 & C6 Automatic Transmissions by C. Ruggles 160 pages with 600 color photos (84_SA_227)
$32.95 |
Holman Moody The Legendary Race Team History Book by Tom Cotter & Al Pearce prominent in Ford Racing (55_HolmanMoody)
$89.95 |
Ford Windsor Small Block Performance by Isaac Martin 192 pages (80_1323)
$59.95 |
Ford Windsor Small Block Performance How to Modify & Build 302 & 351 Small blocks by Isaac Martin 192 pages (81_1558)
$23.95 |
Ford Big-Block Parts Interchange covering all FE & 385 Series Engines by G. Reid 144pgs w/400+ color photos (78_SA397_P)
$29.95 |
Ford 100 years History of the company 192pg large oversize hardcover book by Mueller (55_135942AP)
$24.95 |
Parts locator guide listing hundreds of suppliers of parts & services for Ford, Lincoln & Mercury: cars from Model A's to Continental to Galaxie to Thunderbird. such as: Mustang Cougar Fairlane Falcon Torino V8 Comet & more... (60_FordPartLoca)
$28.95 |