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33 Service Bulletins for car & V8 engine, 88 pgs (33_LV_4)
$19.95 |
33 Wall Poster Sales Brochure by Ford (33_FSB)
$14.95 |
33 Sales brochure by Ford, fold-out, full color 18'x28' when unfolded (33_LV_100)
$14.95 |
33-34 Rear Axle Installation manual by Columbia, 11 pgs (33_LV90)
$14.95 |
The 1933-1934 33-34 Car Ford Book by The Early Ford V8 Club of America Authenticity Restoration Guide over 300 pages with many color & B&W photos & illustrations (33_2010)
$199.95 |
32-37 V8 Service Bulletins by Ford, 544 pgs hardbound (345_LVB)
$39.95 |
30-34 British Cars of the Early Thirties by Olyslager Auto Library hard cover History covering Vauxhall Triumph Sunbeam BSA Ford & more (30_BritOly)
$29.95 |
26-33 Tri Motor All Metal Monoplane Owners Manual by Ford (29_LincTriMoto - Not a shop manual)
$199.95 |
38-40 V8 Service Bulletins by Ford, Lincoln and Mercury, 576 pages covers all car & truck models, includes 1932-37 revisions, Lincoln 1932-40 wiring diagram manual (39_LVC)
$39.95 |
The V8 Affair, An Illustrated History of the Pre-War Ford V8 by Ray Miller (37_101663D)
$44.95 |
28-39 Motor Car Index by Kenneth Ball publishd by Autopress 175 page hard cover history (34_MotorCarInde)
$89.95 |
1915-33 Ford - Expansion and Challenge by Allan Nevins and Frank Ernest Hill - A History of the dramatic growth of the Automotive industry and Ford's push to a global market (24_FordExpansio)
$119.95 |
20-39 Amercian car spotters guide by Tad Burness full of illustrations to identify all the cars. (30_Spotter)
$39.95 |
Early Ford V8 Service Manual by Clymer Covers all Ford V8 cars and trucks from 1932-1950 inclusive 1000 illustrations (41_V-8_Ford_Cly)
$39.95 |
Vintage Motor Cars by Bill Boddy A history and picture book of vintage classic cars Shire Album (30_Vintage_Moto)
$29.95 |
Rebuilding The Famous Ford Flathead Manual covers all models from 1932 thru 1953 by Ron Bishop (42_RbldngFlathe)
$29.95 |
How to Build a Flathead Ford V8 by George McNicholl 192 pages step by step procedures building high performance street engine many color photos (44_135772AP)
$89.95 |
Edsel Ford and E.T. Gregorie The Remarkable Design Team and Their Classic Fords of the 1930s and 1940s by Henry Dominguez 333 very high quality pages many B&W photos and illustrations story's about Lincoln Mercury Ford styling (40_Edselford)
$99.95 |
The Ford Owner's Complete Handbook of Repair and Maintenance by Clymer covering all models 1932 through 1955 including V8 60 & Ford Six 144 pgs (40_FordRepair)
$19.95 |
32-55 Fix Your Ford Shop Manual by Bill Toboldt covering all full size models (45_FixYourFord)
$24.95 |
25-50 Detroit Style Automotive Form by J Henshaw & A Miller 120 page history with numerous photographs (35_DetroitS)
$34.95 |
American car dealerships by Robert Genat. covering architecture advertising & dealership business practices (54_137362AP)
$39.95 |
FORD Decline and Rebirth 1933 to 1962 by Allan Nevins and Frank Ernest Hill (Ford_rebirth)
$29.95 |
The Ford V-8 Handbook a fully illustrated Maint. & Overhaul Manual by Staton Abbey (35_FordV8Hdbk)
$29.95 |
1932-1958 Carter Carburetor Shop & Parts Manual for All domestic cars & trucks by Carter (45_Carter_Carb)
$159.95 |
Wall Smacker - Saga of the Speedway by Peter DePaolo (35_WallSmacker)
$79.95 |
The V-8 Album by The Early Ford V8 Club of America New color photos to cover all the years of the clubs vehicles 380 pages (45_2009)
$49.95 |
The Birth of Hot Rodding The Story of the Dry Lakes Era by R Genat 156 pgs many illustrations pub by MBI Motorbooks Classics 2003 (B03_BirthHotRod)
$59.95 |
08-40 Ford Hot Rods by D Gingerelli 94 page history featuring Model ts Roadsters Fat Fendereds Model As Highboys Sedans Flathead V8s and Deuces (24_FordHot)
$39.95 |
Small Ford Recognition & Restoration of English and Australian Models by W. Ballard covering Models from 1932 to 1962 including Fordson Y C Eight Ten E83W E03W A53W E94A Anglia Prefect Dulux Squire Escort Thames Popular Popular Delux and more. (65_135960)
$49.95 |
Woodies - A National Treasure , by Bill Yenne (35_WoodiesNatio)
$49.95 |
Ford Popular & the small sidevalves by D. Turner 192 pages including Anglia 100E 103E Prefect Y type Anglia Taunus E83W Eifel C & CX (45_Popular_Turn)
$44.95 |
How to Build a Tradtional Ford Hot Rod by Mike Bishop & Vern Tardel 160 pages 250 B/W illustrations 1929 Ford Model A is the project car (50_130550AP)
$25.95 |
Veteran and Vintage Cars in Color a photographic history of the motorcar through the first forty years of the 1900s over sixty full color illustrations of the most classic of the Veteran and vintage cars with notes Michael Sedgwick (20_VeteranVintS)
$8.95 |
Rolling Sculpture - A Designer and his work by Gordon M Buehrig with William S Jackson (75_RollingSculp)
$69.95 |
A Grosset All Color Guide Veteran & Vintage Cars by David Burgess Wise (24_VetVintageWi)
$16.95 |
03-53 Ford at Fifty: An American Story 108 pgs illustrated history of the company (28_BIO)
$29.95 |
30-80 Complete Book of Collectible Cars by R Langworth 383 page hard cover History (60_CollCarsLang)
$24.95 |
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang - The Magical Car by Ian Fleming - Illustrated by John Burningham - First Edition Random House Publishing - Hardcover (64_Chitty)
$149.95 |
California Bill's Ford Speed Manual 1952 Edition by Fred W Bill Fisher (52_931128063)
$29.95 |
Cars to Remember 37 Great Automobiles in Retrospect by B Neely & J Lamm includes photos and text about Austin-Healey Packard Cord Porsche Bugatti Jaguar Duesenberg Rolls-Rouyce Ferrari and others (35_Cars_to_Rem)
$29.95 |
How to Restore your Collector Car by Tom Brownell 288 pages (52_145823)
$29.95 |
Automotive Mechanics by William H Crouse - An introduction to Automotive mechanics (46_AutoMechanic)
$34.95 |
Audels Truck and Tractor Guide for Mechanics and Drivers of Gas & Diesel Motors by Frank D Graham 1300 small format pages published 1951 (51_AudelTruckTr)
$34.95 |
The Cars that Henry Ford Built by B R Kimes - A Commemorative Tribute to Americas most Remembered Automobiles in 136 pages with over 100 full color photos (40_CarsFordBuil)
$24.95 |
Fill er Up the Story of Fifty Years of Motoring by B Partridge 235 page hard cover history (52_FillErUp)
$19.95 |
Todays Sports and Competition Cars by Tom McCahill (59_TodaysSportC)
$34.95 |
The Road is Yours the Story of the Automobile and the Men Behind It by Reginald M Cleveland & S T Williams 300 pgs with b&w photos and illustrations pub 1951 by The Greystone Press (51_RoadIsYours)
$19.95 |
11-72 Ford Classics by the Auto Editors of Consumer Guide 128 pgs many color & B&W photos illustrations pub 2008 by Publications International (B08_FordClassic)
$24.95 |
Ford Station Wagons 1929-1991 Photo History Includes a model details for each year with available options, production figures and more 130 illustrations includes Country Squire Ranch Wagon and Paul G McLaughlin (60_10194)
$24.95 |