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65 Ford Engine Equipment Assembly Manual by Ford for all models including Mustang, Galaxie, Thunderbird, Fairlane, Falcon, Galaxy, and more (65_AM0155)
$29.95 |
65 Full size car Shop service repair manual on CD-Rom DVD for all models Galaxie, Colony Park, Marquis, Galaxy, Monterey, Custom, Park Lane sedan convertible station wagon by Ford & Mercury (65_FMC)
$29.95 |
65 Full size car Shop service repair manual 729 pgs for all models Galaxie, Colony Park Marquis Galaxy Monterey Custom Park Lane sedan convertible station wagon by Ford & Mercury (65_FSM)
$59.95 |
65 facts & features manual by Ford for '65 full size passenger cars (65_MP0324)
$12.95 |
65 Owner manual full sized cars Galaxie by Ford (65_FOM - Not a shop manual)
$19.95 |
65 Mustang Illustrated Facts book by Mustang Monthly (65_Must_Facts)
$14.95 |
65 Sales Brochure by Ford Truck for F100 F150 F250 pickup stake platform full color 8 pages (65_FSBT)
$14.95 |
65 Lincoln Mercury Parts manual by Lincoln & Mercury for all models including Continental Park Lane Comet Montego Cyclone and more.... (65_8855)
$79.95 |
65 Standard & Utility Parts [Hardware] by Ford for all 1965 models including Mustang, Galaxie, Fairlane, Thunderbird, Falcon, and more... (65_AM0202)
$23.95 |
65 Body & Collision parts manual by Ford for all 1965 models (65_Coll_Parts)
$36.95 |
65 Parts Manual by Ford for all Passenger Cars including Galaxie, Falcon, Fairlane, Galaxy, Ranchero, and more.... (all except T-Bird) (65_Parts)
$89.95 |
64-65 Ford Mustang exploded View parts illustrations manual (645_MP0309)
$29.95 |
64-66 In search of Ford Mustang production guide by Smart & Haskell (66_mustprodguid)
$399.95 |
Carroll Hall Shelby a Pictorial Odyssey 296 pages by A. Evans (709781583883181)
$22.95 |
65-68 Parts manual by Lincoln & Mercury for all models including Continental Park Lane Comet Cougar Montego Cyclone and more (66_LM_Parts)
$349.95 |
64-68 Mustang Color History by T Corcoran 128 pages all color illustrations (66_Must_Color)
$39.95 |
65-70 Ford Mustang Restoration Handbook by Don Taylor & Tom Wilson Covers convertible notchback fastback and Shelby models 176 pages many B&W photos & illustrations this is a how to do it book. (67_HP_029)
$34.95 |
Essential AC Cobra The Cars and Their Story 1962-67 80 pages many B&W & color photos by R. Mills (65_accobra)
$24.95 |
Shelby Mustang GT350 224 hardcover pages 71 color& many B&W photos by Chuck Cantwell with Greg Kolasa (669781935007296)
$699.95 |
Ford GT40 Super Profile, Allen. Color Illustrated guide to Ford GT. (66_5_0854293329)
$29.95 |
63-68 An Exceptional Car Sunbeam Tiger by William Carroll (68_TIGEREXCEPT)
$179.95 |
1964 1/2 - 1970 Ford Mustang Restoration Manual Guide by Haynes with step by step instructions and over 950 illustrations (67_11500)
$54.95 |
64-70 Ford Falcon Shop Manual by Autobooks for all 6 cyl models (67_Falc_Autobk)
$42.95 |
64-70 Mustang Interior Restoration guide by A Trantafello 80 pages 195 B/W illustrations stitch by stitch details covers seats headliners door panels carpets and more (68_110120AP)
$34.95 |
Industry & People Cars by G Turner 125 page history covering the planning making & selling of the Mini Cortina Viva & Triumph sports car (62_CarTurner)
$49.95 |
58-65 Motors shop service repair manual for all Domestic cars Ford GM and Chrysler (62_Motor_dom)
$39.95 |
59-66 Auto Repair Manual Shop Service by Motors 29th Edition covering all American cars from 1959-1966 (63_Mtr_5966)
$39.95 |
The American Challenge. Ford's LeMans Program (64_LeMansBest)
$49.95 |
63-70 Lotus Cortina Brooklands Road Test Portfolio of articles about Cortina Mk1 Mk2 Westune IWR Works Competition Models , compiled by Brooklands 278 illustrations 157 pages (66_A_LTECOGP)
$39.95 |
65-72 Parts manual by Lincoln & Mercury for all models including Continental Park Lane Comet Cougar Montego Cyclone Capri and more in 5,100 pages (685_6876)
$349.95 |
68 Body & Collision Parts Catalog Manual by Ford Lincoln Mercury for 1961-68 cars & trucks Fairlane Falcon Mustang Thunderbird Bronco pickup Comet Montego Cougar & others (68_Frd_Colis)
$39.95 |
58-66 Thunderbird Restoration Guide by William Wonder 240 pgs on Ford T-bird (62_124436AP)
$129.95 |
58-66 T-bird Restoration Guide by William Wonder 240 pgs on Ford Thunderbird (62_124436AP_2)
$44.95 |
65-73 Mustang & Cougar Shop Service Repair Manual by Chiltons covers all models (69_6542)
$24.95 |
65-73 Mustang Illustration Manual by Ford (69_Mustang)
$29.95 |
Ford Cobra Guide by Bill Carroll History, Racing, Performance, Modifications Sports Car Press 138 pgs (64_CobraGuide)
$39.95 |
62-70 Shelby American Guide - by R Kopec - A developmental & Technical history of all Shelby American Cars including Cobra Shelby Tiger Ford GT & more 128 pages (66_36818)
$39.95 |
Shelby Cobras & Mustangs: A Source Book by R Ackerson 143 illustrated pages (66_ShelbySource)
$59.95 |
GT40, The Legend Lives on, by J. Allen 128 pg, all color; historical and contemporary photos of racing Ford. (67_122107AP)
$49.95 |
63-71 Ford Muscle Cars by M Mueller 96 pages (67_MuscleCars)
$19.95 |
65-73 Mustang Recognition Guide; by Dobbs Farr Heasley & Kopec all models 226 pages many color illustrations (69_Must_Recog)
$49.95 |
65-73 Mustang Interchange Parts Manual by Hollander; 250 pages (69_HSTANG)
$42.95 |
Anglia Service Bulletins Manual by Ford (1959 & onwards) (64_Angl_Bul)
$29.95 |
Fords of the Sixties 180 pages pictorial history by Parris including Sunliner Fairlane Thunderbird Mustang Galaxie 500 Torino XL Falcon Ranchero and all other models from the Sixties (65_Sixties)
$36.95 |
Cars of the SIZZLING 60s A Decade of Great Rides & Good Vibrations, Full color and articles about Domestic and Imports by Auto Editors of Consumer Guide 416 hardbound pages (65_Sizzling60s)
$39.95 |
A Collectors Guide: The Mustangs 1964-1973 by Richard Langworth, 144 pages (67_Mustangs)
$29.95 |
Mustang Does It! by Ray Miller classic Ford reference guide 1100 illustrations color and B&W hardcover 320 pages (685_101805AE)
$46.95 |
The Ford Mustang 64-73 by J Heasley describes all options & accessories (68_Must_guide)
$19.95 |
64-73 Ford Mustang color history by Mike Mueller 168 pages (70_978078582972)
$18.95 |
64-73 Mustang Parts Interchange Parts Manual & Used Parts Guide 338 pages all models by Paul Herd (69_Must_Int)
$39.95 |