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76 Mustang II 11"x17" Multi Page Wiring Diagram by Ford (76_Must_II_Wir)
$29.95 |
76 Pinto Bobcat Mustang 11"x17" Multi Page Vacuum Diagram by Ford (76_Pi_Bo_Mu_Vac)
$29.95 |
76 Pinto Bobcat Mustang 11"x17" Multi Page Vacuum Diagram by Ford & Mercury (76_Pn_Bo_Mu_Vac)
$19.95 |
76 Car Service Specifications Manual by Ford (76_Specs)
$6.95 |
76 Mustang II Owners Manual by Ford (76_Must_OM - Not a shop manual)
$29.95 |
75-76 Engine Shop Manual for Ford cars, Vol #2. (755F_V2Engin)
$29.95 |
75-76 5-Book Set of Factory Shop service repair Manuals for all passenger cars incl Mustang Continental LTD Cougar Torino Maverick Marquis Thunderbird Pinto Comet Mark IV and all other 75 & 76 cars by Ford Lincoln Mercury (755_5bk_set)
$69.95 |
75-76 Rotunda Essential Service Tools Instruction Manual by Ford, Lincoln, & Mercury (755_Frd_Tool)
$14.95 |
75-76 Ford Car Electrical Shop Manual Vol #3 for all models including Pinto Maverick Torino Elite Mustand LTD 500 Thurnderbird Continental MkV Grand Marquis Motego Cougar Comet Bobcat and more (755_V3_Elect)
$19.95 |
75-76 Body Shop Service Repair Manual by Ford Vol4 for all 75&76 Ford Mercury & Lincoln cars incl Continental, Mustang, Torino, LTD, Cougar, Marquis, Pinto, Maverick, MkIV, Elite, Town Car, Country Squire, Galaxie, Grand Marquis, Montego, ... (755_V4_Body)
$13.95 |
75-76 Ford Car Shop Manual Vol. 5 Pre-Delivery, Maintenance and Lubrication (755_V5_PDI)
$3.95 |
74-76 Glenns Ford Mustang II Shop Service Repair manual by Glenn's (74_Mustan_Glen)
$39.95 |
73-77 How to Bypass Emission Controls for Better Mileage & Performance for Ford Motor Company cars & light trucks (75_Bypass)
$39.95 |
74-78 Ford Mustang II shop service repair manual for all models; 4,6,&8 cyl. by Haynes (76_36049)
$34.95 |
74-78 Mustang II Chilton's Shop Service Repair Manual (76_6812_)
$29.95 |
74-78 Ford Mustang II Shop Service Repair Manual by Clymer (76_MustangIICly)
$24.95 |
74-78 Ford Mustang II High Performance, portfolio of road test articles incl Cobra II 100 pgs compiled by Brooklands (76_A_MUHP74)
$32.95 |
75-80 Auto Repair manual by Motors for all Domestic American passenger car models 43rd Edition (755_43rdedition)
$39.95 |
71-77 Glenn's Shop Service Repair Manual for Ford Lincoln & Mercury Comet Continental Cougar Fairlane Falcon Futura Galaxie LTD Marauder Marquis Maverick Meteor Mentego Monterey Mustang Thunderbird Torino XL & more...... (74_FordGlenns)
$39.95 |
73-79 Parts Manual by Ford for all 1973-1979 models - 2 volume set for all models including Mustang Gran Torino Galaxie 500 LTD Maverick Granada Pinto and more.... (76_3959)
$299.95 |
Petersens Basic Engine Hot Rodding first edition Low -cost hop up tricks blueprinting shortcuts cams turbos injectors for street, mods cranks rods exhaust tuning headers for Pinto Vega & Mustang with over 200 detailed photos 192 pages (72_Pete_Eng)
$19.95 |
70-80 Mustang II & Pinto History by Cranswick 128 pages hardcover (75_maintenanc)
$35.95 |
74-84 Mustang the Performance Years Vol 2 by M Schorr (79_Must_Perf)
$39.95 |
64-78 Mustang Buyer's Guide detailing the difference between the models and what to look for 192 pages by B. Bowling (71_135777AP)
$24.95 |
66-80 Amercian car spotters guide by Tad Burness: 792 pages of illustrations to identify all the cars. (73_Spotter)
$29.95 |
Carroll Shelby Mustangs Buyers Guide by Richard J Kopec published 1981 (81_ShelbyBuyer)
$129.95 |
Mustang Genesis - The Creation of the Pony Car by R Fria 190 pages hardcover (66_786458400)
$229.95 |
Ford Mustang History book 118 Hardbound beautifully illustrated pages by Richard Carlyon (60_MustangHisto)
$29.95 |
58-76 Ford FE Engines: How to Rebuild by B 144 pages (67_SA352)
$39.95 |
Style Auto #04 featuring; Corvette Sting Ray, Corvair Monza GT, Chrysler Turbine, Alfa Canguro, Triumph Spitfire, Mercedes 230SL, Ford Mustang, Iso Grifo, Ferrari 330GT, (69_Z_04)
$59.95 |
65-82 How to Buy a Used Mustang by Hot Rod Magazine 96 page buyers guide (74_MustangHotRo)
$14.95 |
Ford Mustang Encyclopedia by the Editors of Consumer Guide Contains the Mustang Story & step by step restoration guide and a price guide for parts & accessories (82_MustangEncyc)
$19.95 |
Fast Fords of the Georgia Shaker by A Platt 192pgs with over 400 illustrations (B18_CT625)
$36.95 |
Ford Falcon Six Cylinder Performance Handbook 100 pgs of guidance about how to hop up the Ford 6 cyl 250 200 170 & 144 engine as used in Falcon Mustang Fairlane Comet Maverick Granada Fairmont and more by D. Schjeldahl (65_31340)
$129.95 |
Ford Muscle; Street Stock and Strip by Bill Holder and Phil Kunz A photographic history of Big Block fords of the 60s and early 70s 160 pages and 200 color photos (69_139128A)
$24.95 |
69-89 IMSA inside story by J. Bishop (80_IMSA)
$84.95 |
Ford V8 Performance Guide Stockers Bible by Bill Carroll (65_Hemi_Genat)
$39.95 |
64-85 Mustang Performance & Handling 159 page restoration guide by P Sessler with sections on Ignition Induction Exhaust Camshaft & Valvetrain Year by Year Handling Recommendations Engines Rear Axle Codes Transmissions & more (76_MustSess)
$19.95 |
73-95 5.0L bolt on performance for Mustang & other cars that use the 5 liter engine: 128 pgs by J. Smith (884_SA54)
$29.95 |
54-76 Complete Ford Book by Petersen's (65_Frd_CmplBk4)
$19.95 |
1985 Ford Motorsports performance equipment Parts by Ford & Mercury high pro motorsports for Mustang Torino Cougar Cyclone F150 Galaxie & more (85_Motorsport)
$19.95 |
Illustrated High Performance Mustang Buyers Guide by P Sessler 147 pages (70_MustangBuyer)
$24.95 |
64-89 Mustang; The Classic American Sportscar by B Reynolds, lg format, 170 color illustrations, 112 pages (76_Must_Classic)
$29.95 |
Complete Book of Mustang by Auto Editors of Consumers Guide Hardcover 320pgs (77_CompleteMust)
$19.95 |
The Complete Book of Mustang, by the editors of Consumer Guide; 320 pg, color (77_Must)
$19.95 |
64-89 25 Years of Mustang Advertising, by J Heasley 136 pages, collection of original advertising (78_Must_Adverts)
$49.95 |
Fast Mustangs by Alex Gabbard, Color Illustrated of racing and high performance Ford Mustangs from 1965 thru 1990. (82_MustangHist)
$19.95 |
65-90 Mustang, illustrated history by Ian Penberthy, lg format, all color Classic Marque series (78_Must_Illust)
$29.95 |
New Pony Power Engine Sales Brochure by Ford detailing the 2.3 Liter I-4 Engine for Mustang and Pinto models (65_Pony)
$19.95 |
How to Rebuild Ford 8.8 & 9 in Differential by J. Polazzolo (72_PSB)
$29.95 |