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82 Body Chassis Electrical Shop Service Repair Manual for all 82 Ford Passenger cars incl. Continental ThunderBird XR-7 Fairmont Futura Zephyr Granada Cougar Mustang Capri by Ford Lincoln Mercury (82_B_BCE_mid)
$14.95 |
82 Mustang Capri Fairmont Zephyr Granada Cougar Do-it-yourself Service Guide by Ford (82_DIYMustang)
$19.95 |
82 powertrain Engine & Transmission Shop Service Repair Manual for rear wheel drive Town Car Continental Mark VI Thunderbird XR7 Fairmont Zephyr Granada Cougar Mustang Capri Passenger cars (not Escort,Lynx,EXP,& LN7) by Ford Lincoln Mercury (82_D_Powrtran)
$49.95 |
82 emission facts & codes book: 8-1/2x11 approx 250 pgs by Ford, Lincoln, & Mercury (82_emisfact)
$19.95 |
82 Car Service Specifications manual by Ford for all 1981 Ford, Lincoln, and Mercury (82_FServcSpecs)
$9.95 |
82 Emissions Diagnosis Manual, for all Ford, Lincoln, & Mercury cars & trucks (82_GEmisDiag)
$14.95 |
82 Mustang & Capri Electrical & Vacuum Troubleshooting Manual by Ford/Mercury (82_Must_EVTM)
$16.95 |
82 Mustang Capri 11"x17" Multi Page Wiring Diagram by Ford & Mercury (82_Mus_CapWir)
$29.95 |
82 Ford Car Parts Catalog Volume 1 Text escort EXP Fairmont Granada Mustang Thunderbird (82_Parts-Ford)
$29.95 |
82 Car Performance & Service Specifications booklet by Ford & Mercury (82_Pf_Specs)
$4.95 |
82 Pre-delivery maintenance lubrication - all rear wheel drive models for 1982 Ford, Lincoln, & Mercury (82_Predel_xEs)
$7.95 |
1982 Mustang Owners Manual by Ford (82_Mustang_OM - Not a shop manual)
$27.95 |
82 Ford Mustang Sales Brochure (82_Mustang_CC)
$21.95 |
81-83 5.0L and 5.8L Function, operation and Identification engine manual, covers Ford, Lincoln, & Mercury passenger cars and light trucks (82F5_0_5_8Eng)
$17.95 |
82-84 Passenger car service labor time standards manual by Ford, Lincoln, & Mercury (83_LaborTime)
$24.95 |
80-83 Parts Manual by Ford for all 1980-1983 Passenger Cars; 2,000 pages (815_Frd_Parts)
$189.95 |
80-84 Tech Bulletin #80-1 thru 84-13, for all Ford, Lincoln, & Mercury cars & trucks (82_TSB_index)
$11.95 |
79-93 5.0 Mustang Technical Reference & Performance Handbook; 440 pages by Al Kirschenbaum with year by year overview of components, changes and tuner modifications (87_GFM5)
$54.95 |
C5 Automatic Transmission Operation & Diagnosis Manual by Ford (83_C5_AT)
$24.95 |
81-86 Tech Bulletin Index, #80-1 thru 86-8, for all Ford, Lincoln, & Mercury cars & trucks (83_TSB_index)
$14.95 |
81-86 Tech Bulletin Index, #80-1 thru 85-17, for all Ford, Lincoln, & Mercury cars & trucks (84_TSB_index)
$13.95 |
80-87 Ford Mercury Lincoln Shop Service Repair Manual for all models by Chilton. 860 pages. (84_7773)
$14.95 |
1986 Mustang SVO 1:18 model by Welly in white (86_W12524BK)
$33.95 |
79-87 Clymer Super Shop Manual For Mustang and Capri also includes Turbo 600 pages (79_T902)
$149.95 |
79-87 Ford Mustang Capri Shop Service Repair Manual By Clymer (84_Must_Clymer)
$39.95 |
79-88 Mustang XR4Ti & Capri repair manual by Chilton for Ford Mercury & Merkur (835_6963)
$29.95 |
79-88 Mustang & Capri Large Format Shop Service Repair Manual for Ford & Mercury by Chilton (83_26604)
$19.95 |
74-84 Mustang the Performance Years Vol 2 by M Schorr (79_Must_Perf)
$39.95 |
82-93 Mustang portfolio 5.0l road tests Saleen Kaufmann 300mx Cobra Mach 111 (87_A_MU5MP)
$23.95 |
79-93 Ford Mustang 79-86 Mercury Capri shop service repair manual covering all models; 4, 6, & 8 Cyl. incl. turbo by Haynes (82_36050)
$26.95 |
79-93 Fox Body Mustang Restoration by J Smart 176 pages (86_SA430)
$39.95 |
79-93 Mustang Fox Body Exploded View parts Illustration Manual by Ford (87_MP0024)
$49.95 |
79-93 Ford Mustang shop service repair Manual by Chilton (91FO_26606)
$39.95 |
79-93 Fox Body Mustang Recognition Guide Book 288 pages by Shreiner & Sessler limited eiditon numbered edition book (86_30698)
$499.95 |
79-93 Ford Mustang Parts Interchange Manual including Engine Drivetrain & Suspension including SVO Turbo 5.0 Cobra & more (96_31SW5610)
$29.95 |
80-95 Mustang parts & illustrations catalog Manual 321 pgs. (88_122320A)
$159.95 |
79-95 How to tune & modify your Ford Mustang 5.0 liter: by Steve Turner (86_128081AP)
$39.95 |
79-95 Mustang 5.0 projects: 186 pgs by M. Houlahan: performance & upgrade how to's (87_HP_1275)
$29.95 |
79-1995 Ford Mustang Performance Handbook by William Mathis 170 pages engine & drivetrain modifications for street dragstrip or road racing use Covers all models of Mustang 1979 to 1995 (92_1193)
$49.95 |
65-82 How to Buy a Used Mustang by Hot Rod Magazine 96 page buyers guide (74_MustangHotRo)
$14.95 |
Ford Mustang Encyclopedia by the Editors of Consumer Guide Contains the Mustang Story & step by step restoration guide and a price guide for parts & accessories (82_MustangEncyc)
$19.95 |
79-98 Mustang 5.0 & 4.6 history by M. Stone (885_126491AP)
$29.95 |
69-89 IMSA inside story by J. Bishop (80_IMSA)
$84.95 |
79-99 Modern Mustangs 20 yrs of Muscle hardbound 120 page history by Campisano (89_129024A)
$19.95 |
64-85 Mustang Performance & Handling 159 page restoration guide by P Sessler with sections on Ignition Induction Exhaust Camshaft & Valvetrain Year by Year Handling Recommendations Engines Rear Axle Codes Transmissions & more (76_MustSess)
$19.95 |
73-95 5.0L bolt on performance for Mustang & other cars that use the 5 liter engine: 128 pgs by J. Smith (884_SA54)
$29.95 |
1985 Ford Motorsports performance equipment Parts by Ford & Mercury high pro motorsports for Mustang Torino Cougar Cyclone F150 Galaxie & more (85_Motorsport)
$19.95 |
Illustrated High Performance Mustang Buyers Guide by P Sessler 147 pages (70_MustangBuyer)
$24.95 |
79-02 Mustang Performance Tuning by the Editors of Muscle Mustangs and Fast Fords Magazine 192 pages for 4.6 & 5.0 liter Engines (91_1371)
$34.95 |
79-04 Mustang Chassis Driveline & Suspension High Performance Tuning 2 by the Editors of Muscle Mustangs and Fast Fords Magazine 186 pages covers 4.5 5.0 (91_1387)
$29.95 |