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86 B1 CE Chassis & Electric Shop service repair Manual - LTD Marquis Mustang Capri Thunderbird Cougar Continental & Mark VII 8 by Ford Lincoln & Mercury (86_B1_BCE_Mid)
$39.95 |
86 Body Shop Manual (Vol B2) - LTD Marquis Mustang Capri T-bird, Cougar Continental & Mark VII by Ford Lincoln & Mercury (86_B2_Body)
$24.95 |
86 Car Performance & Service Specifications booklet by Ford & Mercury (86_Car_Specs)
$4.95 |
86 Powertrain Engine & Transmission Shop Service Repair Manual for all rear wheel drive models of Ford Lincoln and Mercury cars including Mustang Town Car Crown Victoria Mark TownCar Grand Marquis Thunderbird .... all models except Tempo & Escort (86_D_Eng_RWD)
$44.95 |
86 Mustang Capri 11"x17" Multi Page Wiring Diagram by Ford Mercury (86_Must_Cap_Wir)
$24.95 |
86 Mustang & Capri Do it Yourself Service Manual by Ford & Mercury (86_Must_Doit)
$34.95 |
86 Mustang Capri EVTM Electrical & Vacuum Troubleshooting Manual by Ford & Mercury (86_Must_EVTM)
$34.95 |
86 Mustang Capri 11"x13" Multi Page Vacuum Diagram by Ford & Mercury (86_Mus_Cap_Vac)
$19.95 |
84 Mustang Shop Service Repair Manual Supplement for all SVO unique features including TRW Steering Turbocharger Electrical Body Power Windows Supplement to base Mustang manuals by Ford (84_FPS365184_SM)
$19.95 |
C5 Automatic Transmission Operation & Diagnosis Manual by Ford (83_C5_AT)
$24.95 |
81-86 Tech Bulletin Index, #80-1 thru 86-8, for all Ford, Lincoln, & Mercury cars & trucks (83_TSB_index)
$14.95 |
81-86 Tech Bulletin Index, #80-1 thru 85-17, for all Ford, Lincoln, & Mercury cars & trucks (84_TSB_index)
$13.95 |
80-87 Ford Mercury Lincoln Shop Service Repair Manual for all models by Chilton. 860 pages. (84_7773)
$14.95 |
79-87 Clymer Super Shop Manual For Mustang and Capri also includes Turbo 600 pages (79_T902)
$149.95 |
79-87 Ford Mustang Capri Shop Service Repair Manual By Clymer (84_Must_Clymer)
$39.95 |
79-88 Mustang XR4Ti & Capri repair manual by Chilton for Ford Mercury & Merkur (835_6963)
$29.95 |
79-88 Mustang & Capri Large Format Shop Service Repair Manual for Ford & Mercury by Chilton (83_26604)
$19.95 |
79-93 Ford Mustang 79-86 Mercury Capri shop service repair manual covering all models; 4, 6, & 8 Cyl. incl. turbo by Haynes (82_36050)
$26.95 |
79-93 Fox Body Mustang Restoration by J Smart 176 pages (86_SA430)
$39.95 |
79-93 Mustang Fox Body Exploded View parts Illustration Manual by Ford (87_MP0024)
$49.95 |
79-93 Ford Mustang shop service repair Manual by Chilton (91FO_26606)
$39.95 |
79-95 How to tune & modify your Ford Mustang 5.0 liter: by Steve Turner (86_128081AP)
$39.95 |
79-95 Mustang 5.0 projects: 186 pgs by M. Houlahan: performance & upgrade how to's (87_HP_1275)
$29.95 |
79-1995 Ford Mustang Performance Handbook by William Mathis 170 pages engine & drivetrain modifications for street dragstrip or road racing use Covers all models of Mustang 1979 to 1995 (92_1193)
$49.95 |
73-95 5.0L bolt on performance for Mustang & other cars that use the 5 liter engine: 128 pgs by J. Smith (884_SA54)
$29.95 |
79-02 Mustang Performance Tuning by the Editors of Muscle Mustangs and Fast Fords Magazine 192 pages for 4.6 & 5.0 liter Engines (91_1371)
$34.95 |
79-04 Mustang Chassis Driveline & Suspension High Performance Tuning 2 by the Editors of Muscle Mustangs and Fast Fords Magazine 186 pages covers 4.5 5.0 (91_1387)
$29.95 |
How to Rebuild Ford 8.8 & 9 in Differential by J. Polazzolo (72_PSB)
$29.95 |
88-96 compilation of articles from The best of Hot Rod Magazine, Ford Mustang Performance Vol #4; 112 pages about Nitrous Oxide, Performance Upgrades, GT40's & Saleens, 289 302 351 428 Tech analysis, brakes, steering, drive train (92_128830B)
$44.95 |
How to Rebuild Ford C4 & C6 Automatic Transmissions by C. Ruggles 160 pages with 600 color photos (84_SA_227)
$32.95 |
Ford AOD Automatic Transmission Transmissions How to Rebuild & Modify shop service repair Manual by Reid 144 pages with 566 color photos (B05_SA279)
$32.95 |
The Best of HOT ROD Magazine High Performance Small Block Ford Engines 132 pages many B&W photos 351 Windsor 302 Cleveland (75_CT937)
$29.95 |
Dyno Proven Small Block Ford Performance 144 pages by R. Holdener 302 351 331 5.0 (79_frd_chassis)
$89.95 |
Ford Windsor Small Block Performance by Isaac Martin 192 pages (80_1323)
$59.95 |
Ford Windsor Small Block Performance How to Modify & Build 302 & 351 Small blocks by Isaac Martin 192 pages (81_1558)
$23.95 |
Garage: Life in the Offbeat Import Car Shop: The Art and Culture of California's Garages (65_Rem_Shelby)
$29.95 |
How to Swap Ford Modular Engines into Mustangs Torinos & More by D Stribling 144pgs with over 380 photos Coyote Voodoo Triton 4.6 5.0 5.2 5.4 5.8 6.8 (B17_SA381_P)
$29.95 |
How to build High Performance Ignition Systems by Todd Ryden updated edition 144 pages (B08_SA79)
$34.95 |
License for Online Haynes Manual (GenericLicenseL)
$29.95 |
Building the Mustang Ministock by Steve Smith (90_BuildMustMin)
$44.95 |
Chassis engineering by Herb Adams a Step by Step guide to enhancing road handling ability (85_1055)
$23.95 |
Vacuum diagram in large fold out format for each and every model of Ford, Mercury, Lincoln, & Ford Truck - Please specify year and model (80_FrdVacuum)
$19.95 |