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Cars of Cuba; great american classic cars still in use in Cuba. 64 pg, color illus (53_Cuba)
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Dialed In - The Jan Opperman Story by John Sawyer The racing history from the drivers angle 144 pages (60_DIALED_IN)
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Cars of the 50's and 60's, Michael Sedgwick. Detailed lined drawings and color illustrations. 240 pg hardcover. (60_SedgwickCars)
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Dune Buggies, by Gary Gladstone, 48 pgs, 1972 (70_DuneBuggies)
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76-86 Std Catalog of American Cars, by James Flammang, 2nd ed. (81_StCatUScar)
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Seventeen Sports Cars 1919-1930, Peter Hull and Nigel Arnold Forster; from Alfa to Vauxhall, 192 pg illustrated. (25_83760085)
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Sports Cars by Jim Potter & editors of Motor Trend 1956 guide to cars and driving (56_Trend130)
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Sports Cars Annual, by Jeff Cooper, 1957 (57_Trend152)
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Supercars, The World's FInest Performance Automobiles, Jeremy Sinek, History and road test of top modern sportscars including Ferrari Porsche and Aston. Large format color illustrations (74_0891960414)
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66-80 American Car Spotters Guide 66-80 By Tad Burne (American_Spotte)
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America Adopts the Automobile 1895-1910 by J Flink 343 page hardcover history covering Acceptance Developing a Mass Market Motives for Adoption Institutional Response Automobile Clubs Regulaltion Roads Services Mechanical Expertise & more (05_AutoFlink)
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66-81 Building & Racing Radio Control Cars & Motorcycles by G Siposs with sections covering gas versus electric bodywork assembly repairs & more (73_RadioRacing)
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Jump Start - Japan Comes to the Heartland, by David Gelsanliter, 262 pg. look at transplants (92_374138273)
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The Unfair Advantage by M. Donohue about his career from his first corvette race all the way to his famous Can-Am Killer, the unbeatable Porsche. (70_UNFAIR)
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The Fate of the Edsel & Other Business Adventures by John Brooks 1959 business history (58_EdselFateAdv)
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Cars of the 30's and 40's, Michael Sedgwick. Detailed lined drawings and color illustrations. 240 pg hardcover. (40_SedgwickCars)
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Wildest Show Rods of the 1960s & 1970s Analysis & Opinions from George Barris Darryl Starbird Candy Joe Bailon & Others by S Gosson 159 page hot rod History (70_CT510)
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Car Design Yearbook 2 By Stephen Newbury the definitive guide to new concept and production cars worldwide (Car_01858941954)
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The Modern World Book of Motors Cars by Laurence H Cade 159 hardbound pages publ. 1950s (50_BookOfMotors)
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More Great American Dream Machines, Classic Cars of the 50's and 60's, Jay Hirsch. 145 pgs (60_GrtAmDrm5060)
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Grand Delusions , the Cosmic Career of John Z. DeLorean - Hillel Levin (80_GranDelusion)
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Buyers Guide To Van Conversions How To Buy... What To Look For (85_VansConversi)
$7.95 |
79 Driver License Booklet for United States and Canada (97_DrvrsLicns)
$12.95 |
Great American Dream Machines Classic Cars of the 50s and 60s by Jay Hirsch 240 pgs (Great_Am_5060)
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1893-1914 the Complete Motorist by Elwood Haynes hard cover history compiling articles written by the inventor & builder of Americas first automobile (06_ComplMotor)
$29.95 |
1898 1919 The Veteran Years of New Zealand Motoring byMacLean & Gustin 230 page illustrated hard cover pages detailing the beginnings of automotive manufacturing & culture in New Zealand (09_NewZealand)
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27-50 Auto Racing Memories Stories & Pictures of Racing in the 1930s & 1940s by U Stair 166 page hard cover racing history with numerous photographs detailing the racing scene in Los Angles in the 30s & 40s (38_RacingStair)
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A Better Idea, by Donald Petersen & John Hillkirk, 270 pg. business primer (82_395581915)
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Racing Stutz Ballentine Illustrated History of the Car Mark Howell 160 pg ill. (18_Stutz)
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The Future of the Automobile, The Report of MIT's International Automobile Program, by Daniel Ross & Alan Altshuler (84_MITfuture)
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El Camino by Chevrolet pictorial history of Chevy's combination truck & car covers 1959-87 with many close-up color details including under-hood & interior images 120 pages with 153 illustrations by M. Montgomery (73_10138)
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El Camino by Chevrolet pictorial history of Chevy's ElCamino combination truck & car covers 1959-87 with many close-up color details including under-hood & interior images 105 illustrations by Mike Mueller (73_10306)
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Flivver King Story of Ford-America by Upton Sinclair 119 pgs 1984 edition of 1937 novel (25_882860542)
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46-75 Standard catalog of American Cars 1946-75 (50_135386B)
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Sports Cars 1945 to 1975 Encyclopedia of Classic Cars by Rob De La Rive Box 287 pg (60_EncycloSport)
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Speedy Wheels by William Bumble, excellent condition (65_059041996X)
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The Front Wheel Driving High Performance Advantage by Jack Doo, Foreward by Caroll Shelby the differences and the similarities of FWD vs RWD race cars in the following aspects: driving style or line, differential selection, front/rear weight balance and downforce distribution, brake balance, suspension geometry, torsional stiffness, tire heat transients. with photographs and illustrations 128 pages (65_FRNTWHEEL)
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Reinventing the Wheel Ford's Spectacular Comeback by Alton Doody & Ron Bingman (75_ReinventWhee)
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The Machine that Changed the World, the story of lean production. by: James Womack, Daniel Jones, & Daniel Roos. (75_TMTCTW)
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Saloon Cars 1945 to 1975 Encyclopedia of Classic Cars; De La Rive Box; 296 pg, 750 illustrations (99_Encyclopedia)
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British Armored Cars 1914-45, by B. T. White (30_BritArmorCar)
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Alpine Toute Lhistoire by D Pascal 66 page history text in French (65_AplinePascal)
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Motor City Muscle; Mueller, History of the American Muscle Car. 192 pages color illustrations. (69_124704)
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1860-1920 Malvernia the Origins & History of the First Motor Car Built by Charles & Walter Santler by R Sutton 56 page history (11_Malvern)
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Automobile Quarterly's Great Cars & Grand Marques, edited by Beverly Rae Kimes, 1976 (30_GreatCarsAQ)
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A History of Coach Building by George A Oliver 175 pages (37_CoachHistory)
$52.95 |
On A Clear Day You Can See GM DeLorean's look inside the Automotive Giant by J. Patrick Wright (60_OCDYCSGD)
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Edmund's Import Car Collector's Guide (78_031206702X)
$19.95 |
Tentacles of Power, The Story of Jimmy Hoffa, by Clark R. Mollenhoff, 1st edition (65_HoffaBio)
$26.95 |
Great American Autos from 1890 - 1930 by Lester Brooks (20_ArtAm90230)
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