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The Best of Old Cars Vol. 6 features the best articles that appeared in Old Cars newspaper during 1985-86 (855_BestOldCars)
$39.95 |
94/5 Automobile Year: 278 hardbound pages celebrating the industry and motorsports (94_1214441AE)
$49.95 |
Car Design Yearbook 3 By Stephen Newbury the definitive guide to new concept and production cars worldwide (B035_CarDesign)
$34.95 |
2007-08 Autocourse The World's Leading Grand Prix Annual by Alan Henry The annual installment of the definitive account of the Formula 1 season. Over 450 photos 336 pages Hardcover (B07_146214AE)
$69.95 |
2007-08 Motocourse The World's Leading MotoGP & Superbike Annual by Mike Scott Detailed Race reports In depth analysis from the MotoGP season 300 color photos 288 pages (B07_146215AE)
$54.95 |
Car Design Yearbook 7 By Stephen Newbury & Tony Lewin the definitive annual guide to new concept and production cars worldwide for 2007-2008 310 pages (Car_1858944198)
$44.95 |
Car Design Yearbook 8 By Stephen Newbury & Tony Lewin the definitive annual guide to new concept and production cars worldwide for 2007-2008 310 pages (Car_97818589447)
$44.95 |
Motor Year Book 1951 by Laurence Pomeroy an illustrated hard cover history compilation gathering model diagrams racing results and more (51_MotorYear)
$39.95 |
56-58 Vanwall 2.5 Litre F1, A Technical Appraisal. In depth look at the car that won World Championship with Moss and Brooks. (57_Vanwall_F1)
$49.95 |
Dream Cars, Peter Dron, Illustrated reviews of nearly 50 of the worlds fastest cars. (90_Dron)
$27.95 |
1904-06 Handbook of Gasoline Automobiles by the Association of Licensed Automobile Manufacturers (B05_HandbookOfA)
$29.95 |
Inside Monster Garage the Builds the Skills the Thrills 175 pages by K Vose with behind the scenes pictures and info from Monster Garage. Includes a 14x20 inch poster (B03_Monster)
$19.95 |
30-34 British Cars of the Early Thirties by Bart H Vanderveen (32_BritishCarsT)
$15.95 |
35-39 British Cars of the Late Thirties by Bart H Vanderveen (37_BritishCarsT)
$15.95 |
02-06 Side Glances: Vol. IV by Peter Egan Four years of Peter Egan's Side Glances colum which appears on Road & Track Magazine Hardcover 304 pages (B04_PE02RT)
$24.95 |
22-27 Dagmar & the Moller Motor Car Company an Automotive Enigma by A Homan 75 page History (25_DagmarHis)
$149.95 |
26 Kelley Blue Book Motor Car Values by Kelley (26_BlueBook)
$19.95 |
The Best of Old Cars Vol. 1 features the best articles that appeared in Old Cars newspaper during 1971-76 (755_BestOldCars)
$29.95 |
92 Gale's Auto Source Book A Guide to Information on 1987-92 Cars and Light Trucks (92_SourceBook)
$89.95 |
Modena Racing Memories: Italian Sports Car & Grand Prix Racing 1957-1963: 148 hardbound pages by Graham Gauld about Ferrari, Maserati, OSCA, and the others that made Modena Famous (60_128919AP)
$49.95 |
Sports Car in Competition by Hank Bowman guide to sports car racing in 1952 (52_Fawcett164)
$14.95 |
Speed and Sport the Sports Car Story by John Bentley 1953 guide from 'Auto' magazine (53_Trend104)
$19.95 |
Cars of the Early Twenties by Tad Burness (22_CarsEarly20s)
$29.95 |
American Cars of the 1930s Thirties Olyslager Auto Library by Warne (35_Olyslager30s)
$24.95 |
Modern Motorcars; Gregor Grant. Overview of postwar automotive technology. 115 pg illust, publ 1949. (44_Grant)
$24.95 |
Cars of the 40s - The great decade of innovation in American Automobile engineering and Styling. Here are all the details about the major and minor makes, plus a lit of sources and buying information, for everyone who loves cars. with 200 photographs! (45_CarsOfthe40s)
$29.95 |
American Cars of the 1940s Forties Olyslager Auto Library by Warne (45_Olyslager40s)
$24.95 |
Cars of the 50s published by Cars & Parts Magazine 1994 (55_50sCarsPar94)
$9.95 |
Cars of the 50s published by Cars & Parts Magazine 1992 (55_50sCarsParts)
$9.95 |
50-59 Fifties Flashback - A Nostalgia Trip by Albert Drake (55_978931128179)
$19.95 |
Grease Machines - A Complete Guide to Hot Rods and Customized Cars of the Fifties by the Editors of Consumer Guide (55_GreaseMachin)
$19.95 |
50-59 Catalog of American Car ID Numbers by Cars&parts Magazine over 500 Pages (55_ID_Numbers)
$79.95 |
American Cars of the 1950s - Olyslager Auto Library (55_Olyslager50s)
$24.95 |
Cars of the 60s published by Cars & Parts Magazine (65_60sCarsParts)
$9.95 |
60-69 Catalog of American Car ID Numbers by Cars&parts Magazine over 500 Pages (65_ID_Numbers)
$49.95 |
A-Z Cars of the 70's (75_AZ_70)
$22.95 |
Cars of The Sensational '70s: a Decade of Changing Tastes and New Directions by James Flemming. Full color and articles about Domestic and Imports, 416 pages. (75_cars70s)
$39.95 |
70-79 Catalog of American Car ID Numbers by Cars&parts Magazine over 500 Pages (75_ID_Numbers)
$89.95 |
81-90 Amercian car spotters guide by Tad Burness (85_CarSpotter)
$29.95 |
2009 Cars of the World Directory 500 pgs featuring 8000 models from 1400 makes from 60 countries with 3000 photos (B09_World)
$59.95 |
00-10 Motoring in American the Early Years by F Oppel 476 page hard cover history compiling articles written at the beginning of the 20th century about varying aspects of motor car culture (05_EarlyMotor)
$9.95 |
Cars of the Early Thirties by Tad Burness (32_CarsEarly30s)
$29.95 |
Crosley Farm O Road The Do Everything Vehicle by D Narus 60 pages (50_FarmORoad)
$19.95 |
Cars of Cuba; great american classic cars still in use in Cuba. 64 pg, color illus (53_Cuba)
$17.95 |
Dialed In - The Jan Opperman Story by John Sawyer The racing history from the drivers angle 144 pages (60_DIALED_IN)
$29.95 |
Cars of the 50's and 60's, Michael Sedgwick. Detailed lined drawings and color illustrations. 240 pg hardcover. (60_SedgwickCars)
$19.95 |
60-70 One Off: The Roads, The Races, The Automobiles of Toly Arutunoff By A Arutunoff. 264 pg (65_147808)
$49.95 |
Dune Buggies, by Gary Gladstone, 48 pgs, 1972 (70_DuneBuggies)
$5.95 |
76-86 Std Catalog of American Cars, by James Flammang, 2nd ed. (81_StCatUScar)
$12.95 |
Seventeen Sports Cars 1919-1930, Peter Hull and Nigel Arnold Forster; from Alfa to Vauxhall, 192 pg illustrated. (25_83760085)
$19.95 |